加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 关于曼省提名居住期限要求的


引用:The MPNP has the right to withdraw a Certificate of Nomination if the applicant has provided false or misleading information, or no longer meets the criteria under which he or she was nominated. Applicants falsely declaring their intent to live an work in Manitoba, or who provide false or misleading information or documents in their application, may also be subject to enforcement action by the Government of Canada, before and after a permanent resident visa is issued.翻译:如果申请人提供虚假或误导信息,或不再符合提名标准,MPNP有权吊销提名证书。申请人虚假地宣称在曼尼托巴居住和工作的意愿,或在申请中提供虚假或误导信息或文件,也可能会导致加拿大政府在永久居留签证签发之前之后的执法行为。解读:曼省要求被提名人永久居住在曼省。在申请时就决定不会在曼尼托巴永久居住属于提供虚假信息,无论何时发现,曼省或联邦都可以吊销提名或枫叶卡。但实际上有不少人这样做,目前没听说任何实际的执法行动。如果有一天曼省受够了,不想再做其他大省的跳板,认真起来也说不定。但也比较难界定是在申请时隐瞒真实想法还是登陆后改变主意。话又说回来,即使你到达后觉得曼省不好,曼省要求你回到你的原居住国也是合理的。唯一100%安全离开曼省的情形是:入籍做加拿大人。现在能看到的负面影响是:你和你的曼省担保人(如果有)都不能在曼省再担保任何人移民了,即使你们都入了籍。注意:这只是一个移民信用的概念,不会影响你们的经济信用(如申请信用卡和贷款)。何去何从,自己定夺。

曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 回复: 关于曼省提名居住期限要求的官方说明支持!


曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 谢老大!您都准备好了吗?是不是在最后的疯狂啊?我的离提名还遥遥无期呢。只能心平气和等待中。点击展开...


曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 正纠结呢!不知何时登陆好,3月底还是4月初?点击展开...据说三月雪才化,而且今年雪很大,最近一直下啊下,太不讲理了


曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 据说三月雪才化,而且今年雪很大,最近一直下啊下,太不讲理了点击展开...


曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 回复: 关于曼省提名居住期限要求的官方说明明白了!谢谢!

曼省移民交流群:178104146回复: 关于曼省提名居住期限要求的官方说明这是载之加拿大移民局CIC的原文是关于持有加拿大永久居留权人士的说明。包括你享有那些权力不享有哪些权利和如何保留你的pr卡。其中明确指出你拿到pr后可以在加拿大任何地方学习 工作和居住没有限制。<H2>What permanent residents can doAs a permanent resident, you and your dependants have the right: To receive most social benefits that Canadian citizens receive, including health care coverage.To live, work or study anywhere in Canada.To apply for Canadian citizenship.To protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.You must pay taxes, and respect all Canadian laws at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.What permanent residents cannot doAs a permanent resident, you and your dependants cannot: Vote or run for political office.Hold certain jobs that have a high-level security clearance requirement.Remain in Canada if you are convicted of a serious criminal offence and have been told to leave the country.Keeping your permanent resident statusYour permanent resident status allows you to live in Canada, but there is also a time limit on how long you can live outside the country. To keep your status as a permanent resident, you must live in Canada for at least two years within a five-year period.For further information on residency obligations, please see Appendix A of Applying for a Permanent Resident Card.原文地址在此http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/about-pr.asp请对此有兴趣的朋友链接观看。</H2>以下另外附上加拿大法律条文Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms的网址http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/charter/page-1.htmlMobility Rights(迁移权)Mobility of citizens6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.Rights to move and gain livelihood(2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right(a) to move to and take up residence in any province; and(b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.Limitation(3) The rights specified in subsection (2) are subject to(a) any laws or practices of general application in force in a province other than those that discriminate among persons primarily on the basis of province of present or previous residence; and(b) any laws providing for reasonable residency requirements as a qualification for the receipt of publicly provided social services.Affirmative action programs(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration in a province of conditions of individuals in that province who are socially or economically disadvantaged if the rate of employment in that province is below the rate of employment in Canada.

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