加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 有关通过Case Specific Enquiry修改
[FONT=宋体]第一次发帖,有知道的同学请帮忙解答一下吧,谢谢![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]我想通过CIC网站上的Case Specific Enquiry修改email address, 但在网上填写信息的时候看到 Enquirer Identification 一栏下需要填写email address. 我不清楚这里应该填我以前给CIC提供的邮箱地址呢,还是填我要更改后的新的邮箱地址呢? [/FONT] 查询界面如下:Case Specific Enquiry Hong KongPlease do not send the same enquiry more than once. NOTE: The fields indicated by an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Your case specific enquiry will be directed to the visa office in Hong Kong Applicant's Information *Family Name: *Given Name: *Date of Birth: *Client ID # or File #: Enquirer Identification *Relationship to Applicant: *Family Name: *Given Name: *Email Address: Consultant CSIC No: Enquiry *Type of Application: *Your Enquiry (Please limit the text to 250 words)
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