加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一帖打尽,DIY各类证件(书)译文样本!(ZT )
本贴最初由 nanshan 发表于 2005-1-11,谢谢其分享[1] 身份证IDENTITY CARDTHE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAName: Sex: Date of Birth: Nationality: ChineseAddress: Issuing Date: Validity: ID Number:
[2] CET-6 大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that _______, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6) in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher EducationState Education Commission (国家教委)或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.:
[3] TEM 专业英语考试证书Test for English MajorsThis is to certify that , a student of from , participated in the TEM- exam (Test for English Majors) organized by the English Group of the National Higher Education Foreign Language Major Teaching Supervisory Committee of the State Education Ministry and passed the exam. Hereby he/she is awarded the TEM-__Certificate.Issuing Date: ___________Certificate No.: English Group National Higher Education Foreign Language Major Teaching Supervisory Committee (seal)
[4] Graduation certificate 本科毕业证书Graduation Certificate Certificate No. _____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoring in the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from September ________ to July _________. Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation. (signature)President University (seal)XX July XXXX
[5] Bachelor certificate 学士学位证书Certificate of Bachelor’s DegreeCertificate No.: This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, born on __________, has been majoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ to July _______. Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation. In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________. (signature)Chairman Committee of Degree AccreditationUniversity (seal)XX July XXXX
[6] Master graduation certificate 硕士研究生毕业证书Graduation Certificate for Postgraduate StudentsCertificate No. _____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoring in the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from September ________ to July _________. Having completed all the courses specified by the three-year postgraduate teaching programme with qualified score and passed the graduation thesis, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation. (signature)President University (seal)XX July XXXX
[7] Master degree certificate 硕士学位证书Certificate of Master’s DegreeCertificate No.: This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, born on __________, has completed all the courses specified by the three-year postgraduate teaching programme with qualified score and passed the thesis defense. In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, he/she has been conferred to the degree of Maser of ___________. (signature)Chairman Committee of Degree AccreditationUniversity (seal)XX July XXXX
[8] CICPA Certificate of Completion 中注协全科合格证Chinese Institute of Certified Public AccountantsCertificate of CompletionThis is to certify that __________ has completed the full scheme of examinations of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) and is hereby awarded the Certificate of Completion. Issuing Authority: Examination Council of CPAs Ministry of Finance (seal)Issuing Date: ____________________No.: ____________________ID No.: ____________________Valid until: ____________________Remarks1. This is to certify that the holder of this certificate has been awarded the CICPA qualification. In accordance with the Law of CPAs of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant regulations, the certificate holder is eligible to apply for practicing.2. The certificate does not entitle its holder to do public practice.3. Please keep this certificate carefully. No duplicate copy will be issued if lost.
[9] CICPA Examination results notification 中注协考试成绩通知单 National Examination for Certified Public AccountantsNotification of Examination ResultsDear ,Hereby we confirm that your exam results in the year of _______ National Examination of Certified Public Accountants are as follows:Accounting __________Auditing __________Financial and Cost Management __________Economic Law __________Taxation Law __________Notification number: Exam docket number: Exam entry number: Issued by: General OfficeExamination Council of CPAsMinistry of Finance Seal by: _________ Institute of CPAsDate: __________
[10] CICPA membership certificate 中注协会员证Chinese Institute of Certified Public AccountantsMembership CertificateName: _______________________Sex: _______________________Date of Birth: _______________________Membership Category: Practicing membershipor Non-practicing membership Certificate N _______________________Issuing Body: Beijing Institute of Certified Public Accountants (按实际情况填写)Issuing Date: _______________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[11] 。自考本科毕业证Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught LearnersCERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONName : XXXXID No.: XXXXCertificate No.: XXXXAttended the Self-taught higher education examinations and specialized in XXXX, and passed the examinations in the Undergraduate course prescribed by the Teaching Program with qualified marks leading to graduation.Conferred by:Office of the Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations of the Ministry of Education (Conferred and sealed by Guandong Provincial Commission of Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught Learners)Date of issue: December 30,2003andHigher Education Institution(Conferred and sealed by XXXX University)Date of issue: December 30,2003
[12] 自考学士学位CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREE(Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught Learners)This is to certify that XXXX, born in XXX 1971, specializing in XXX from XXX 2001 to XXX 2003 in XXXX University, has successfully completed the 4 - year study program through Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations for graduation, and in conformity the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Regarding Academic Degrees, has been awarded the Bachelor of XXXXXXXChairman of the Degree Appraising CommitteeDate: XXX, XXCertificate N XXXX
[13] 。自考大专毕业证CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONCertificate Registration No.: XXXXCertificate No.: XXXXXXX, Female, born in XXX 197X, with ID No.: XXXX, attended the Self-taught higher education examinations and specialized in English Language, and passed all the examinations in the Junior College course prescribed by the Teaching Program with qualified marks leading to graduation in XXX 200X.Conferred by:Guandong Provincial Commission of Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught Learners(Conferred and sealed by Guandong Provincial Commission of Higher Education Examinations for Self-Taught Learners)and Higher Education Institution(Conferred and sealed by XXXX University X)Date of issue: June 2001
[14]。户口翻译Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CHousehold:Non-agricultural Household Householder Name : Household Number: Address : The Bureau of Public Security of Guangdong Province Household Seal Household Register Office Household Seal XXXStation of the Bureau of Public Security of Shenzhen Household Seal Household Register Office Household Seal August 25 , XXXXResident Population Register Card Name : Relation with Householder : Other Used Names : Sex : MalePlace of Birth : Nationality : ChineseOrigin Native Place : Date of Birth : Other Addresses if have: Religion:Identity Card Number : Height : Blood Group : Education : University GraduationMarital Status :Military Service Status :Work Place : Occupation: Household alteration record :Address alteration record:
[15]。结婚证(感谢JAMESWOODS提供)People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateMinistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(The Special Seal of Management of Marriage Certificate)Holder: XXXXXXXYXXZi No.: XXXXXXXXXName: XXXXXXXXGender: FemaleBirthdate: XXXXXXXXX Nationality: ChineseID. Card No.: XXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXXXXXXXGender: MaleBirthdate: XXXXXXXXXXNationality: ChineseID. Card No.: XXXXXXXXXXOn application for marriage, According to the rules concerning marriage in Matrimony Law of People’s Republic of China, they are permitted to register and conferred the Marriage Certificate.Authorized by: The People’s Government of XXX District Seal and embossed seal (The Special Seal of Marriage Registration, The People’s Government of XXXDistrict) Date of Issue: April 3rd, XXXX
[16].小孩医学出生证明(感谢XIAOHUI_J提供)BIRTH CERTIFICATE Made by Ministry of health of the people”s Republic of China Full name of baby: Gender : Date of birth: Place of birth: Gestation(week): Health status: Weight: Hight: Full name of mother: Age: Nationality: PR China Nationality: Han ID. card N Full name of father: Age: Nationality: PR China Nationality: Han ID. card N Type of place: Name of facility: Birth certificate N Date of issue : Issuing organization(seal):Special seal for birth certificate in ***province of **hospital Seal: MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA “The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The law of the people’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care” .It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China .It is taken care of by the Newborn baby ‘s father and mother or guardian .Can not be sold ,lent or altered to upon civil registration.
好,up 一下
[size=+2]春有百花, 秋望月;夏有凉风, 冬听雪。心中若无烦恼事 ,便是人生好时节 。[/size] 赏 2005-06-09#18 H 357 $0.00 谢谢,如果能再详尽些,将感恩不尽
helei199 说:谢谢,如果能再详尽些,将感恩不尽点击展开...这里有三份劳动合同(是笨笨的原创和公证版本):http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/195下面帖子转自"涩女郎"的原创:1. 大专毕业证书Public College of ChinaGraduation CertificateIssued by the National Education Committee of People's Republic of ChinaNo.This is to certify that_____, Male, ___ years' old, has been majoring in the specialty of _____________at our university/institute from September ______ to July ______ Upon completion of all the courses specified by the three-year college diploma programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.President:University (seal):Date:Certificate No.2. 户口本翻译Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CHousehold:Non-agricultural HouseholdHouseholder Name :Household Number:Address :Householder Identity Card Number:The Bureau of Public Security of Guangdong Province Household SealStation of the Bureau of Public Security of Guangzhou Household SealResident Population Register CardName :Relation with Householder :Other Used Names :Sex :Place of Birth :Nationality : ChineseOrigin Native Place :Date of Birth :Other Addresses if have:Religion:Identity Card Number :Height :Blood Group :Education :Marital Status :Military Service Status :Work Place :Occupation:Household alteration record :Address alteration record:3. 身份证翻译IDENTITY CARDTHE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAName:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality: ChineseAddress:Issuing Date:Validity:ID Number:Station of the Bureau of Public Security of Guangzhou, Haizhu Branch4. 结婚证书翻译Holder:Certificate Number:Name:Gender:Birthdate:Nationality: ChineseID. Card No.:Name:Gender:Birthdate:Nationality: ChineseID. Card No.:On application for marriage, According to the rules concerning marriage in Matrimony Law of People’s Republic of China, they are permitted to register and conferred the Marriage Certificate.Seal and embossed sealDate of Issue:另外论坛还有一些其它的翻译件,你可以搜索一下,不知道你需要什么..
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