加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细


I'd like to collect many helpful informations from this thread into this post.I hope it will help you guys, but please correct me if it's off-topic or I have misunderstanding(s).If you are NOT present in CanadaSee The first post, Reply #676 by Cocknbull and Reply #677 by Peterpan12.Also, CAIPS codes can be viewed here : http://immigrationguides.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=203If you are present in Canada1. READ THE GUIDEIf you would like to order CAIPS / GCMS notes, see the CIC webpage;http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/index.asp - Access to information and privacy at CIChttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-personal.asp - How to make a request under the Privacy Act2. GATHER DOCUMENTS2-1. APPLICATION FORMIMM 5563 (01-2013) E - CIC's Access to Information and Personal Information Request Form (IMM 5563.pdf)Please check the footer of the pdf file. If you can't find "IMM 5563 (01-2013) E" on the left side, the procedure of ordering GCMS notes threatens to be changed.2-2. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO ATTACH* Proof that you are living in Canada ; A Copy of Work Permit, Drivers License, or Utility bill that has your address on it.* IMM 5744 (11-2012) E (If applicable) - Consent for an Access to Information and Personal Information Request (IMM 5744.pdf); If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, you must include consent to release their information. It is recommended that you include consent for each individual listed in your file over the age of 18.3. FILL THE IMM 5563SECTION A - DETAILS OF REQUEST(1) Privacy Act(2) English/French/As is - Your choice(3) E-mail - It's the fastest(4) Yes/No - If you request the file including information of someone else (your spouse etc), select "No" and tick "Consent included" (you need to submit IMM 5744)SECTION B - REQUESTER'S INFORMATION(1) Yes - You also need to tick "Proof included"(2) Public(3) Your Family name(4) Your Given name(s)(5) Your Mailing Address(6) Your Thelephone number include area code(7) Your E-mail addressSECTION C - INFORMATION REQUESTED(1) Your Family name - If your family name is NOT same as SECTION B(2) Your Given name(s) - If your family name is NOT same as SECTION B(3) Your Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)(4) Select one of below, then, put your file number and/or your local Visa Office in the "File number and/or location:" field; * "4A) Status of application" - Focuses on your pending application status. * "4B) Reason for refusal" - Focuses on refusal reason. * "4C) Electronic files" and "Immigration file : permanent residence" - Whole of the file. * "4D) Physical files" and "Immigration file : permanent residence" - Many seniors adviced that select Electronic files instead of this. Please note you CAN'T select "4A)" and "Immigration file : permanent residence" at the same time.SECTION D - SIGNATURE AND DATEPrint all pages of your application form.Read all of the statements in all sections carefully, sign and date in the spaces provided.4. FILL THE IMM 5744 (If applicable) Write your name, date of birth, your dependents' names and your declaration.Print all pages of your application form(s).Read all of the statements in all sections carefully, sign and date in the spaces provided.e.g., Principal applicant and spouse are requesting their GCMS notes. They have 3 dependent children ages 17, 18 and 19 years old. In this case, they have to submit 3 copies of the IMM 5744. One signed by the Applicant and Spouse, and one each for the 18 and 19 year old children.5. SEND THE DOCUMENTS5-1. E-MAILYou can send your scanned request form and supporting documents (in JPG, TIFF or PDF format) to ATIP-AIPRP @ cic.gc.ca.5-2. REGULAR MAILYou can send your request by regular mail to the following address ;Access to Information and Privacy DivisionCitizenship and Immigration CanadaOttawa, OntarioK1A 1L16. AFTER APPLYINGBasically, you will get GCMS notes in around 30 calendar days. There are some exceptions. See the http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/time.asp.It has to be 'RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT' and NOT 'PRIVACY ACT' that needs to be ticked.Please check http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息看看这个全球申请信息系统里都有你的什么详细信息?绝对不是你的myCIC里的那么简单的,人人都类似的那几句话。GUIDES TO GCMS (Global Case Management System)1. What is GCMS?Answer: GCMS - a new case processing system by CIC that replaces CAIPS which will be fullyimplemented by April 2011. Missions will process new cases in GCMS and completeprocessing of existing cases in CAIPS. .2. When is the best time to order CAIPS/GCMS?Answer: from Caipsretriever.coma. Before receiving your Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR). If you have not received your AORthen your CAIPS file will probably not have been created yet. But, requesting your CAIPS notes canconfirm whether the visa office has started processing the application or not, especially when therearedelays in sending out AORs.b. After receiving your AOR. The preliminary points assessment will indicate whether yourapplicationis evaluated accordingly to your expectations. For any problems, you have the opportunity to send anadditional documentation before a formal assessment. The BFD will indicate when to expect a formalassessment of your application.c. After receiving an invitation to an interview. The visa officers' notes will indicate why an interview isrequired. During the interview it is crucial to address the visa officers' concerns, as outlined in thenotes.d. After passing medicals and paying the Right of Permanent Residence fee (RPRF)The normal reasons for delays after medical/RPRF are Canadian Security and Intelligence Service(CSIS) security checks or processing errors. The CAIPS file will indicate if security checks havebeen completed, and what other steps are outstanding if any.e. Detecting and resolving processing errors. Obtaining your CAIPS notes allows you to checkyour application for such errors or omissions and to resolve them early.f. ADDITIONAL... when you already exceed the 6-9months processing time.FORMAT OF GCMS NOTES:APPLICATION: <immigration file#>Created Date: <date local embassy received files from CIC>Created by: <vo codename>Updated Date: <time/date when the apps is last updated>Updated by: <vo codename>Primary Office: <local embassy>Secondary Office:App#: <immigration file number>App Status: <open, or close>App Status Reason: <In- progress, close,open>Rec'd Date: <date when the local embassy received the application>Rec'd Via: <Mail>Lock-In Date: <date when CIC received/open the apps>Category: <FC1,FC3,FC4, FC6, FCC,FCE,FCH, etc> Family class category< Latest VO assessment goes here>Special ProgramsCorrspond Lang: <english, other language>Interview Lang: <english, other language>Cost Recovery: <complete, deferred, etc>RPRF: <complete, deferred, etc>Overpayment: <no, yes,...>Restricted Notes: <no, yes..>Prospective App Delete Date: < if withdrawn>Name: <Name of sponsored applicant>DOB: <date of birth># of Client: <no. of applicants># of Potential Visas: <depend on # of client>Province of Destination: <destination declared in apps>City of Destination:CSQ File#:FOSS Doc#:Associated App:FAMILY CLASS SPONSORSHIPSPR Correspond Lang:CSC Date:If eligible:Misrepresentation:Family Size:SA's Met for:Status:REFUGEEProcessing PriorityFinancial SupportAccess Via:Referral #:ECONOMICHRSDC File#:Available Funds (CAD):Net Worth (CAD):Sub Eval:Facilitator:Ministerial Instruction Criteria:Ministerial Instruction:PNC INFORMATIONPNC#:Issuance Date:Valid To:Stream:Other Stream Description:ASSESSMENTS → this is the summary of the application. You can see the overall status here ifcompleted or not.Eligibility: <not started, started, complete>Security: <not started, started, complete>HIRV: <not started, started, complete>Criminality: <not started, started, complete>Org Crime: <not started, started, complete>Medical: <passed, failed, complete>Misrepresentation: <not started, started, complete>Other Reqs:Final:PAPER FILEOffice:Paper File #:Location: <visa office>APPLICATION ASSIGNMENTAssigned To: <VO code name>Assigned By: <VO code name>Due Date:SECONDARY OFFICE(S)SECONDARY OFFICE(S): 0SPECIAL PROGRAMSPECIAL PROGRAM: 0MINISTERIAL INSTRUCTION CRITERIAMINISTERIAL INSTRUCTION CRITERIA: 0CLIENT DETAILSCLIENT DETAILS:1 ( for sponsored person)Created Date: <date when apps was received by CIC>Create By: <Vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <Vo code name>Client/Party: <PA>UCI/Party ID:Relationship:Other Relationship Desc:Acc:Name: <name of sponsored person>Gender: <male, female>DOB: <date of birth>DEP Type:Dep Type Other Desc:Effective Date: <date when CIC received apps>Expiry Date:Disassoc Reason:Other Disassoc Desc:Counterfoil Required: <yes, no>Security: <started, not started, complete >HIRV:Criminality: <started, not started, complete >Medical : <passed, failed>Misrepresentation:Min Relief - Security:Min Relief - HIRV:Min Relief - Org Crime:Citizenship: <country of citizenship>CoR: <country of origin>Place of Birth (City/Town):Country of Birth:Marital Status: <spouse, common-law, conjugal>Country of Refuge:Sponsor Lenght (months):Searched By: <vo code name>Searched Date:Travel Doc #: <passport number>Travel Doc Expiry Date: <passport expiry date>Travel Doc Country of Issue : <country where passport was issued>Official Language: <english, or other language>Can Communicate English:Can Communicate French:# of Years of Education:Level of Education:NOC:Occupation:Telephone #:Fax #:E-mail:CSQ INFORMATIONIndividual Ref#:Issuance Date:Valid To:ADDRESSType: <mailing>Country:Apt/Unit#:Street #:Street Address:Streer Address2:PO Box:City/Town:Province/State:District:Postal Code:CLIENT DETAILS: 2 (for sponsor)Created Date: <date when apps was received by CIC>Create By: <VO code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <Vo code name>Client/Party: <PA>UCI/Party ID:Relationship:Other Relationship Desc:Acc:Name: <name of sponsor>Gender: <male, female>DOB: <date of birth>DEP Type:Dep Type Other Desc:Effective Date: <date when CIC received apps>Expiry Date:Disassoc Reason:Other Disassoc Desc:Counterfoil Required: <yes, no>Security: <started, not started, complete >HIRV:Criminality: <started, not started, complete >Medical : <passed, failed>Misrepresentation:Min Relief - Security:Min Relief - HIRV:Min Relief - Org Crime:Citizenship: <country of citizenship>CoR: <country of origin>Place of Birth (City/Town):Country of Birth:Marital Status: <spouse, common-law, conjugal>Country of Refuge:Sponsor Lenght (months):Searched By: <vo code name>Searched Date:Travel Doc #: <sponsor’s passport number>Travel Doc Expiry Date: <passport expiry date>Travel Doc Country of Issue : <country where passport was issued>Official Language: <english, or other language>Can Communicate English:Can Communicate French:# of Years of Education:Level of Education:NOC:Occupation:Telephone #:Fax #:E-mail:CSQ INFORMATIONIndividual Ref#:Issuance Date:Valid To:ADDRESS → Address of sponsorType: <mailing>Country:Apt/Unit#:Street #:Street Address:Streer Address2:PO Box:City/Town:Province/State:District:Postal Code:PARTY DETAILSPARTY DETAILS: 0Details of ASSESSMENT goes here.ELIGIBILITYELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENTELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT: 1Created Date:Created By: <Vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <Vo code name>UCI:Family Name: <surname of sponsored person>Given Name: <name of sponsored person>Type: EligibilityStatus: <started, not started, complete>Status Updated by: <vo code name>Status Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Due Date: < 1 year from when the application was filed> ⇐deadlineAssigned To: <vo code name>Assigned Date:Assigned By: <vo code name>Activity # :Total Points:WORK EXPERIENCEWORK EXPERIENCE: 0ARRANGED EMPLOYMENTARRANGED EMPLOYMENT: 0ADMISSIBILITIESSECURITYSECURITY:1Created Date:Created By:Updated Date:Updated By:UCI #:Family Name: <surname of sponsored person>Given Name: <name of sponsored person>Type: SecurityStatus: <started, not started, complete>Validity Date:Status Updated by: <vo code name>Status Updated Date:Assigned By: <vo code name>Assigned To: <vo code name>Due Date: < 1 year from when the application was filed> ⇐deadlineActivity # :ATTACHMENTSATTACHMENTS: 0SUB ACTIVITESSUB ACTIVITIES: 0HIRVHIRV: 0CRIMINALITYCRIMINALITYCRIMINALITY:1Created Date:Created By:Updated Date:Updated By:UCI #:Family Name: <surname of sponsored person>Given Name: <name of sponsored person>Type: SecurityStatus: <started, not started, complete>Validity Date:Status Updated by: <vo code name>Status Updated Date:Assigned By: <vo code name>Assigned To: <vo code name>Due Date: < 1 year from when the application was filed> ⇐deadlineActivity # :ATTACHMENTSATTACHMENTS: 0CRIMINALITY HISTORYCRIMINALITY HISTORY: 0POLICE CERTIFICATESPOLICE CERTIFICATES: 0SUB ACTIVITIESSUB ACTIVITIES: 0ORGANIZED CRIMEORGINAZED CRIME: 0MEDICALMEDICAL: 1Created Date:Created By:Updated Date:Updated By:UCI #:Family Name: <surname of sponsored person>Given Name: <name of sponsored person>Type: MedicalApp Status: PASSEDValidity Date:Status Updated by: <vo code name>Status Updated Date:Assigned By: <vo code name>Assigned To: <vo code name>Due Date: < 1 year from when the application was filed>Activity #:IME #:UMI:Assessed For: PRReason For Closure:RMO:M Profile:Description: <EDE, ED, IMA, IME, EFE,EFC> → Medical decision by VOS Profile:Description:MOF Rationale Exist: <yes, no>MOF Review:Valid Until: <1yr from date of medical exam>MISREPRESENTATIONMISREPRESENTATION: 0MINISTERIAL RELIEFMINISTERIAL RELIEF: 0FINALIZE APPLICATIONDOCUMENT ISSUANCEDOCUMENT ISSUANCE: 0REFUSAL GROUNDREFUSAL GROUND: 0CORRESPONDENCEOUTGOING → Document request come from CIC to applicantOUTGOING: 1Created Date:Created By:Updated Date:Updated By:Create Office: <local embassy>UCI #:Request to Issue: <Letter>Document Type: <AOR>Status: <sent>Assigned To: <vo code name>Assigned By: <vo code name>Due Date:All Rec'd: <yes, no>Via:Via Details:Name: <name of sponsored person>Status Updated by: <vo code name>Status Updated Date:Sent By: <vo code name>Sent Date:Printed By:Printed Date:ITEM(S) REQUESTEDITEM(S) REQUESTED: 0ATTACHMENTSATTACHMENTS: 0INCOMING → Documents received by CIC/visa office from applicantINCOMING: 1Created Date:Created By:Updated Date:Updated By:Create Office: <local embassy>Item: <Passport/Travel Documents>Item For: <PA>Comments:Due Date:Status: <started, not started>Via:Via Details:Received By:Received Date:Replied By:Replied Date:Status Updated By: <vo code name>Status Updated Date:Letter ID:OTHER REQSH & CH & C: 0A39-A41A39-A41:0VERIFICATIONVERIFICATION: 0MATCHING CENTREMATCHING CENTRE: 0EVENTSEVENTS: 0PAYMENTSPAYMENTS: 0FEESFEES: 1 ( for processing fee FPC)FEES: 2 ( for RPRF)ASSOCIATIONSAPPLICATIONS & CASESAPPLICATION & CASES : 0ORGANIZATIONS & ENTITIESORGANIZATION & ENTITIES: 0GROUPSHISTORYAPPLICATION STATUS Remarks: application sequence is arrange from very recent Apps1 tooldest - Apps N.APPLICATION STATUS: 1App Status: <open, close>App Status Reason: <In progress, completed>Other Reason Desc:Leave Decision:Leave Decision Date:Decision:Decision Date:Office:Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>APPLICATION STATUS: 2App Status: <open, close>App Status Reason:Other Reason Desc:Leave Decision:Leave Decision Date:Decision:Decision Date:Office:Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>APPLICATION:APPLICATION:1Field Name: <medical>Action: <Updated>Old Value: In ProgressNew Value: PASSEDUpdated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>APPLICATION:2Field Name:Action:Old Value:New Value:Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>APPLICATION:3Field Name:Action:Old Value:New Value:Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>APPLICATION: 4..... TO ..APPLICATION : N(Remarks: Activities is in order from very recent Activity1 to oldest - Activity N )ACTIVITYACTIVITY: 1UCI:Name: <name of sponsored person>Sub Activity/Activity Type: <Medical>Status: <Passed>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>ACTIVITY: 2UCI:Name: <name of sponsored person>Sub Activity/Activity Type: <Medical>Status: <In-Progress>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>ACTIVITY: 3 to.... ACTIVITY: NUCI:Name: <name of sponsored person>Sub Activity/Activity Type: <Medical>Status: <In-Progress>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>PAPER FILEPAPER FILE: 1Created Date:Create By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Primary: <yes, no>Office: <visa office>Paper File#:Location:App Status: <open, close>Archive Date:FOSS: <yes, no>(Remarks: Paper File History is arrange from very recent- History 1 to oldest- History N)PAPER FILE HISTORYPAPER FILE HISTORY: 1Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <visa office>Paper File#:File Status:Location: <registry>Archive Date:Transfer ID:Transfer Outcome: <received>PAPER FILE HISTORY: 2Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Office: <cpp ottawa>Paper File#:File Status:Location: <In transit>Archive Date:Transfer ID:Transfer Outcome: <transferred>Remarks :- Arrange from very recent - Notes1 to the oldest - Notes N- The “TEXT” in the last line of NOTES are information/assessment written by VO- Every inquiry or follow-ups on the application are log as notes in the application file.NOTESNOTES: 1Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: < xxx & xxx where here for follow-up on application and to submit additional docs. Advised thatapps is currently queued for review by an officer.> - Follow-up by applicant noted in appsNOTES: 2Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: < any information coming from vo related to application>NOTES: 3Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: <emailed recvd date CIC confirming receipt of RPRF payment. Updated in GCMS.Post Original Message---- From: xxxx Sent: xxxNOTES: 4Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: Docs received <date> . Informing payment of RPRFNOTES: 5Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: Doc received <date> - passport, appendix A, police clearance, advisory of marriageNOTES: 6Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: INITIAL REVIEW ***** APPLICATIONS: FC1 x1, <nationality>, overseas, with 2x dependent,include lock-in date: 2011/xx/xx <<RPRF : deferred>>SPONSOR: Previous sponsorships/relationship/children declared: NONE, Sponsor landed onXXXX/XX/XX as XXX. Now CC.( Assessment of VO written here based from the application submitted)NOTES: 7Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: Electronic Record Check Results: No FOSS Hit, No Previous Record in CAIPS that is notreflected in FOSS. No prior GCMS record.NOTES: 8Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: File received in XXXX from CPP-O by XXX in XXX/xx/xx. AOR/DOC rerequesting followingdocumetation: Appendix A, Orig. passport, police clearance & advisory of marriage.Medicals in GCMS. Filed refer to PA review team for initial Screening review.NOTES: 9Created Date:Created By: <vo code name>Updated Date:Updated By: <vo code name>Restricted: <no, yes>Label: <general>Office: <visa office>Text: <Application received date by CIC goes here>

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息我不知道怎么Highlight,看起来有点晃眼。但真正需要知道自己案子详细进展的朋友,还是耐心看吧。这个“全球申请信息系统”里的信息能让你知道自己到底在什么状态了。而且也就是简单填表和几个证件而已,最后付5加元。对了,其实也可以在线提交的。貌似一楼转来的帖子里没有列出。

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息CAIPS,5刀是别人帮查,自己查不要钱。我记得是只能在境内的人申请的,so……那时候还有专门做这个的中介

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息我还真不知道这两个系统有什么区别,但这个全球信息系统的邮寄地址没有caips那么多,也可以在线直接扫描自己的文档上传,,在线缴费,在线提交。有了解的同志们来回答吧。

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息我也很好奇,两个系统得到的信息一样么?我在二楼贴转出了这个全球信息系统里能得到的清单以及简单解释

回复: 如何花5加元DIY得到自己的申请进展-非常详细详细信息目前查询已经改为网上直接申请了,任何查询都收5刀,只有在加拿大境内的人可以查询。申请地址:https://atip-aiprp.apps.gc.ca/atip/welcome.do?lang=enGCMS系统是CAIPS系统的升级版,自2010年6月后开始启用。

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