加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民renew枫叶卡收到信request for information,请高人解读
renew枫叶卡已经开始处理了,收到移民局的信,请高人帮忙解读是什么情况呀?以下是信的内容: Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I am pleased to follow up on your request: This refers to the application for a permanent resident card that you filed with this office. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that following a review of your application, it has been necessary to refer your application to the local Citizenship and Immigration office. We regret to advise you that this referral will result in additional delay. You will be contacted by the local office if additional information or documents are required to complete your file.
回复: renew枫叶卡收到信request for information,请高人解读原先提交的资料不全
回复: renew枫叶卡收到信request for information,请高人解读翻译:本信是关于您申请枫叶卡事宜。我们特别不好意思的告诉您,您的申请得转给地方的CIO来处理,这一转就得耽误时间,您做好心理准备。要是地方CIO需要额外的啥信息,他们自己会跟您联系的。renew枫叶卡已经开始处理了,收到移民局的信,请高人帮忙解读是什么情况呀?以下是信的内容: Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I am pleased to follow up on your request: This refers to the application for a permanent resident card that you filed with this office. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that following a review of your application, it has been necessary to refer your application to the local Citizenship and Immigration office. We regret to advise you that this referral will result in additional delay. You will be contacted by the local office if additional information or documents are required to complete your file.点击展开...
回复: renew枫叶卡收到信request for information,请高人解读信的意思我知道,有没有谁有同样的经历,说说后续的情况.
回复: renew枫叶卡收到信request for information,请高人解读证明你在递交申请前5年内,你在加拿大住够了730天的所有文件都准备好,人家要啥就给啥可也。中文的要翻译成英文。
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