加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文


如下:Subject: CCT-010 SAP Business Documents File: XXXXXXXApplicant: XXXXXXX Dear Applicant, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. We are now prepared to begin assessment of your application. As your application was submitted under the Simplified Application Process, you must submit updated application forms and all the supporting documentation required to demonstrate that you meet the eligibility and admissibility requirements for immigration to Canada at this time. The enclosed instructions provide a detailed checklist describing all the items that you are required to submit. Please ensure that you review this thoroughly, as failure to submit the required documentation could result in the refusal of your application. Business immigrants please note that you must submit supporting documentation demonstrating that you meet the requirements for business experience for two years out of the period beginning five years prior to the date you submitted your application until today. Please submit supporting business documentation for two years only during which you meet these requirements. You must submit the required documentation within 120 days from the date of this letter and all the documents must be submitted at one time. Please be advised that failure to submit the required documentation within this timeframe will result in the refusal of your application. If you are unable to obtain any required document within this time period, you must submit all available documentation within the allotted time period and clearly indicate which document(s) you have been unable to obtain, the reason why and the anticipated date of submission. Should you fail to submit any of the required documentation or should the documentation not demonstrate that you meet the requirements under the category in which you applied, your application will be assessed based on the documentation you have submitted and may be refused without any further warning. Thank you for the interest you have expressed in Canada. Should you require any further information please visit our website www.hongkong.gc.ca. YOU MUST SUBMIT THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION BY: August 28, 2008 Thank you. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong KongFax: (852) 2847-7493 Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.caemail: [email protected] CCT-010

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708赞反馈:LISALLA 和 真心常在 2008-05-24#2 mary1029 223 $0.00 回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文关注... ...

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文请问有没有S2阶段,需要提供哪些文件的清单样文,多谢!!

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文请问有没有S2阶段,需要提供哪些文件的清单样文,多谢!!点击展开...补充材料的清单就是以前程序下提交全套材料的清单。

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708补充材料的清单就是以前程序下提交全套材料的清单。点击展开...问题是现在投资移民,需要提供的文件清单,官方网站上查不到。但是发给申请人的,提供第二阶段文件的信函中,应该会详细列明。请问这个清单可以发到网站上来吗??

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文附件是移民局所附的补充材料的清单,希望对各位有用。

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文是不是因为我是新人所以看不到啊

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文那是因为你没装adobe acrobat reader软件。

被拒-悲剧-“被拘”。回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文响铃当当你好!我是新手,请问一下你们所说的那些ME,PL,FN,S2等等是代表什么意思?谢谢指教!

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文响铃当当你好!我是新手,请问一下你们所说的那些ME,PL,FN,S2等等是代表什么意思?谢谢指教!点击展开...FN是指的档案号码,你递交申请后,移民局收到后会给你发一个号码,以便今后的识别; S2是指联邦投资移民申请过程中的一个重要程序,也就是提交全套材料的补件通知。因联邦投资移民在申请之时只提交一个表格与申请费排队,等到移民局要审理你的时候他先给你发一个补件通知,要求你将所有支持材料递交上去后开始正式审理。 ME是指的体检,在审理过程中,如果初步审理通过,移民局会发放体检表,要求你及家人进行体检,这个阶段如果体检没有问题以及背景调查没有问题,那就是能获得签证了; PL是指签发移民纸,这个时候你的移民就成功了

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708赞反馈:youmei1040 和 天使的翅膀 2009-08-12#11 C 21 $0.00 回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文谢谢当当

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文学习了哈哈

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文共同学习,共同进步

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708FN是指的档案号码,你递交申请后,移民局收到后会给你发一个号码,以便今后的识别; S2是指联邦投资移民申请过程中的一个重要程序,也就是提交全套材料的补件通知。因联邦投资移民在申请之时只提交一个表格与申请费排队,等到移民局要审理你的时候他先给你发一个补件通知,要求你将所有支持材料递交上去后开始正式审理。 ME是指的体检,在审理过程中,如果初步审理通过,移民局会发放体检表,要求你及家人进行体检,这个阶段如果体检没有问题以及背景调查没有问题,那就是能获得签证了; PL是指签发移民纸,这个时候你的移民就成功了点击展开...响铃老师总是解答的特别清楚,加声望!必须的!

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文如下:Subject: CCT-010 SAP Business DocumentsFile: XXXXXXXApplicant: XXXXXXX Dear Applicant, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. We are now prepared to begin assessment of your application. As your application was submitted under the Simplified Application Process, you must submit updated application forms and all the supporting documentation required to demonstrate that you meet the eligibility and admissibility requirements for immigration to Canada at this time. The enclosed instructions provide a detailed checklist describing all the items that you are required to submit. Please ensure that you review this thoroughly, as failure to submit the required documentation could result in the refusal of your application. Business immigrants please note that you must submit supporting documentation demonstrating that you meet the requirements for business experience for two years out of the period beginning five years prior to the date you submitted your application until today. Please submit supporting business documentation for two years only during which you meet these requirements. You must submit the required documentation within 120 days from the date of this letter and all the documents must be submitted at one time. Please be advised that failure to submit the required documentation within this timeframe will result in the refusal of your application. If you are unable to obtain any required document within this time period, you must submit all available documentation within the allotted time period and clearly indicate which document(s) you have been unable to obtain, the reason why and the anticipated date of submission. Should you fail to submit any of the required documentation or should the documentation not demonstrate that you meet the requirements under the category in which you applied, your application will be assessed based on the documentation you have submitted and may be refused without any further warning. Thank you for the interest you have expressed in Canada. Should you require any further information please visit our website www.hongkong.gc.ca. YOU MUST SUBMIT THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION BY: August 28, 2008 Thank you. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong KongFax: (852) 2847-7493Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.caemail: [email protected] CCT-010点击展开... 朋友,这是交文件信吧!!补文件信还在后头呢!投资移民,真的比一个公司搞上市还难!但是值得

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文朋友,这是交文件信吧!!补文件信还在后头呢!投资移民,真的比一个公司搞上市还难!但是值得点击展开...哈哈,这就是专业与非专业之分啊。找一个信誉好又专业的移民公司能助你一臂之力。

鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文FN是指的档案号码,你递交申请后,移民局收到后会给你发一个号码,以便今后的识别;S2是指联邦投资移民申请过程中的一个重要程序,也就是提交全套材料的补件通知。因联邦投资移民在申请之时只提交一个表格与申请费排队,等到移民局要审理你的时候他先给你发一个补件通知,要求你将所有支持材料递交上去后开始正式审理。ME是指的体检,在审理过程中,如果初步审理通过,移民局会发放体检表,要求你及家人进行体检,这个阶段如果体检没有问题以及背景调查没有问题,那就是能获得签证了;PL是指签发移民纸,这个时候你的移民就成功了点击展开...请问打款通知有英文缩写吗?

回复: 联邦投资移民补充材料通知样文学习

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