加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没


项目方没有按移民局批准的526的商业计划执行,现在投资人都递上了829申请。我担心。 希望这个悲剧不要发生。。。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目擦亮眼睛拭目以待~

项目方没有按移民局批准的526的商业计划执行,现在投资人都递上了829申请。我担心。 希望这个悲剧不要发生。。。点击展开...这个您还真不一定对,美国移民局正在改变立场!新的草案已经颁布。 Investors Who Have Obtained Conditional Lawful Permanent Resident Status Historically, USCIS has required a direct connection between the business plan the investor has provided and the subsequent removal of conditions. USCIS would not approve a Form I-829 petition if the investor had made an investment and created jobs in the United States if the jobs were not created according to the plan presented in the Form I-526. While that position is a permissible construction of the governing statute, USCIS also notes that the statute does not require that direct connection. In order to provide flexibility to meet the realities of the business world, USCIS will permit an alien who has been admitted to the United States on a conditional basis to remove those conditions when circumstances have changed. An individual investor can, at the prescribed time, proceed with his or her Form I-829 petition to remove conditions and present documentary evidence demonstrating that, notwithstanding the business plan contained in the Form I-526, the requirements for the removal of conditions have been satisfied. USCIS notes, however, that it is more beneficial for an immigrant investor to utilize the business plan contained in the Form I-526. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recognized, if the alien investor is seeking to have the conditions removed from his or her status based on the business plan contained in the Form I-526, USCIS may not revisit certain aspects of the business plan, including issues related to the economic analysis supporting job creation. Chang v. U.S., 327 F.3d 911, 927 (9th Cir. 2003). If, however, the immigrant investor is seeking to have his or her conditions removed based on a business plan not consistent with the approved I-526, the Chang decision does not foreclose USCIS from requiring or requesting evidence to prove the element of job creation. This may include revisiting issues previously adjudicated in the Form I-526, such as the economic analysis underlying the new job creation. USCIS also notes that, in the case of a petition affiliated with a regional center, the petitioner will only be able to claim indirect job creation if the new business plan falls within the scope of the regional center.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目项目的原始的商业计划小小的变动,我想移民局会放行。但这个项目的问题比这严重多了! CANAM的829被拒的项目,有AAO的最终裁决。这个是不会改变的。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目项目方没有按移民局批准的526的商业计划执行,现在投资人都递上了829申请。我担心。 希望这个悲剧不要发生。。。点击展开...是哪个项目啊?

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目哪个项目方?

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目这个您还真不一定对,美国移民局正在改变立场!新的草案已经颁布。 Investors Who Have Obtained Conditional Lawful Permanent Resident Status Historically, USCIS has required a direct connection between the business plan the investor has provided and the subsequent removal of conditions. USCIS would not approve a Form I-829 petition if the investor had made an investment and created jobs in the United States if the jobs were not created according to the plan presented in the Form I-526. While that position is a permissible construction of the governing statute, USCIS also notes that the statute does not require that direct connection. In order to provide flexibility to meet the realities of the business world, USCIS will permit an alien who has been admitted to the United States on a conditional basis to remove those conditions when circumstances have changed. An individual investor can, at the prescribed time, proceed with his or her Form I-829 petition to remove conditions and present documentary evidence demonstrating that, notwithstanding the business plan contained in the Form I-526, the requirements for the removal of conditions have been satisfied. USCIS notes, however, that it is more beneficial for an immigrant investor to utilize the business plan contained in the Form I-526. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recognized, if the alien investor is seeking to have the conditions removed from his or her status based on the business plan contained in the Form I-526, USCIS may not revisit certain aspects of the business plan, including issues related to the economic analysis supporting job creation. Chang v. U.S., 327 F.3d 911, 927 (9th Cir. 2003). If, however, the immigrant investor is seeking to have his or her conditions removed based on a business plan not consistent with the approved I-526, the Chang decision does not foreclose USCIS from requiring or requesting evidence to prove the element of job creation. This may include revisiting issues previously adjudicated in the Form I-526, such as the economic analysis underlying the new job creation. USCIS also notes that, in the case of a petition affiliated with a regional center, the petitioner will only be able to claim indirect job creation if the new business plan falls within the scope of the regional center.点击展开...你的英语水平是有看没有懂

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目项目方没有按移民局批准的526的商业计划执行,现在投资人都递上了829申请。我担心。 希望这个悲剧不要发生。。。点击展开...

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目是哪个项目啊?点击展开...项目方你们不会太熟悉,但项目的推广中介你们是太熟悉了。 3年前项目方筹集 EB-5资金$XXmillion去扩建项目,100多个房间扩到400个房间。现在投资人829申请递上去了。打电话去问一下,项目只是翻修了,根本没有扩建,还是100多个房间。 集资的钱哪去了? 区域中心应该收了钱,监管项目,难道他们什么也没做? 这个项目的操作令我震惊!!!!!!

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目当然中介拿了526批准的项目费,829成功与否,他们就不管了。所以他们也没去核实项目。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目当然中介拿了526批准的项目费,829成功与否,他们就不管了。所以他们也没去核实项目。点击展开...829不通过的话,中介费会退吗?

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目美国EB5--日内瓦湖度假酒店公寓项目介绍项目简介:  美国密尔沃基市日内瓦山庄度假酒店扩建项目位于风景迷人的旅游度假胜地威斯康辛州密尔沃基市的日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva),临近美国第三大城市芝加哥,地理位置十分优越。该项目是由专门从事组织与管理私人企业的公司凯姆斯公司(英文名叫Camis)推出的,计划以募集资金的方式对原有度假酒店的全部设施进行重整,并将其由原来的150个房间扩建到400多个房间。现在,项目正在顺利运营之中。第一阶段对原有设施的重整工作将于2008年完成,其余阶段的扩建工作将于2008年开始,预计于2009至2010年完成。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目EB-5项目有一个40%的原则。EB-5投资可以参加新注册的企业,也可以参加现有的企业。如果是现有企业,那么EB-5的资金必须使现有企业增值40%,或就业扩大40%。 如果房间从100个扩大到400个,就满足了这个40%的原则。如果100个房间还是100个房间,这个项目就不能做EB-5项目。 如果是收入增大了40%,才扩大就业40%。当今的旅游业是达不到这个水平的。 我现在感到奇怪的是,那$20million翻建剩下的钱哪去了?如果还存在银行,那些投资人就无法申请永久绿卡了。 悲哀。。。。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目DDDDDDD

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目大家都发现这个问题了!

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目我敢肯定$20M钱不在银行!

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目说不定他们是想赶在事发之前 在干票更大的,就可以退休享受去了。 光看这论坛上 visa 和 那个啥超市吆喝,估计小不了规模。visa他们公司感觉都是巨大项目。如果光搞100人以内 请不动他们。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目美国EB5--日内瓦湖度假酒店公寓项目介绍项目简介:  美国密尔沃基市日内瓦山庄度假酒店扩建项目位于风景迷人的旅游度假胜地威斯康辛州密尔沃基市的日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva),临近美国第三大城市芝加哥,地理位置十分优越。该项目是由专门从事组织与管理私人企业的公司凯姆斯公司(英文名叫Camis)推出的,计划以募集资金的方式对原有度假酒店的全部设施进行重整,并将其由原来的150个房间扩建到400多个房间。现在,项目正在顺利运营之中。第一阶段对原有设施的重整工作将于2008年完成,其余阶段的扩建工作将于2008年开始,预计于2009至2010年完成。点击展开...这个项目貌似根本与Canam无关吧,楼主说的应该不是这个,否则的话,就是张冠李戴了。

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目碰巧今天到项目所在城市开会,顺便到项目地点看了一下。开着车,前前后后地看了一遍,没有看到任何建筑是最近3年盖的。 附近一些建筑都是有几十年的历史。 问了在里边工作的人员,他们也说,最近三年没有新建筑,只是老楼翻新了。 100个房间变成400个房间?真是无影无踪啊!!! 我为这个项目的投资人的命运担心啊!

回复: 拭目以待 - 829申请几乎全军覆没的项目这个项目貌似根本与Canam无关吧,楼主说的应该不是这个,否则的话,就是张冠李戴了。点击展开...如果有人在美国,请打电话问下他们的房间是不是146间!!

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