加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 美国暖冬影响滑雪度假村收入和


Warm U.S. Weather Affects Ski Resort Revenue, Job Creation 早有预警,不幸言中! Since a number of ski resorts receive funding through EB-5 visa investments, it should be of great interest to EB-5 stakeholders whenever unforeseen circumstances threaten job growth at these operations. Unfortunately, this winter has not been a good one for the ski resort business. Unseasonably warm weather and a lack of snow across the United States has ski resorts from California to Vermont scrambling to make snow. Nearly all are experiencing a decline in the number of skiers, and many resorts are forecasting a dismal year due to the high cost of making more snow for fewer visitors. There are a few ski resorts that rely on EB-5 visa investors to fund their projects, but none are more well-known to the EB-5 visa stakeholder community than Jay Peak Resort in Jay, Vermont. Bill Stenger, co-owner of Jay Peak, appeared on CNBC on December 30 to describe the problem: Jay Peak, being much further north than most ski resorts, has a better ability than its southern competitors to produce snow when temperatures drop.But doing that comes at a cost. At $2 to $5 per cubic meter, snowmaking can become expensive. Covering an entire mountain with manufactured snow can actually be very costly, running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. This is also a very risky operation as the snow can melt when temperatures rise above 32 degrees, forcing the resort to re-manufacture its base and trails.And let's not forget that unseasonably warm temperatures don't just affect life in ski resort communities. In Cleveland, Ohio, a Fox affilliate recently reported how warmer weather is impacting revenue for local businesses. The trend toward warmer temparatures and climate not only in the U.S. but around the world may not be a short-term phenomenon. EB-5 visa investors should consider the financial implications of rising temperatures and weather-related circumstances as they evaluate whether an operation can generate sufficient revenue and create jobs.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 美国暖冬影响滑雪度假村收入和就业创造你的意思投资滑雪度假村项目的人要倒霉?

回复: 美国暖冬影响滑雪度假村收入和就业创造看天吃饭的项目。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 美国暖冬影响滑雪度假村收入和就业创造我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。

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