加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有移友见过这种回复吗,能进来分析一下吗
因今年4月体检要到期,所以发信,告诉VOTHE DEADLINE OF LANDINGTIME马上要到期,Please make decision about my Immigration visa result faster as soon as possible.使馆回复如下:Please note:- visa collection may be made by the principal applicant only</U>, or if the principal applicant is under the age of 18, his/her parent or guardian; no other exceptions will be made in any circumstances. We will not respond to any correspondence requesting that an exception be made;- no follow-up or reminder letters will be sent and no extensions to visa validity will be granted. If you fail to collect the visas before their expiry and/or do not use them prior to their expiry, you will be required to submit a new application, pay new processing fees and qualify under the selection =standards in force at that time in order to immigrate to Canada;是否意味着我的VISA已签发,还是我信中意思表达有误令VO误会,请大家帮忙一看,先谢了
6.29资料寄出--BJ case--9.1 邮件通知到北京+FN---9.23邮件通知补护照---9.26护照签收---10.15DM+10.24大信封到多伦多 赏 2006-02-26#3 Q 140 $0.00 我觉得可能是你的意思表达有误,VO以为你的visa要过期了,不是体检过期,因为体检过期还可以二次体检嘛,所以告诉你他们不负责visa 过期的问题,如果过期,你就按新标准重新申请。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]第一天--光;第二天--天空;第三天--陆地、植物;第四天--日月星辰;第五天--鱼、鸟;第六天--动物、人类;第七天--安息日。然后----- 赏 2006-02-26#5 G 27 $0.00 LZ,应该是你发的查询邮件有问题,你应该这样写可能比较好,"the ME expiry date is very near, yet you didn't get any message on your application, so you are wrting for the inquiry of the current status of your case, and do let your know as soon as possible."
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