加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民签证和登陆纸上代码的解释


终于收到了大信封,签证上的信息简单明了,就是一直搞不懂FPA啥意思。终于在网上查到了,是Fee paid abroad的意思,可能是说我们的登陆费已经付过了吧。已经拿到和即将拿到签证的朋友们,大家看看全部的代码解释吧,非常的详细:Permanent Residents / Permanent Resident Determinations *censored word** 1 or M male* 2 or F femaleMARITAL STATUS* 1 single* 2 married* 3 widowed* 4 divorced* 5 separated* 8 common-law partnerHEIGHT CODE(Height must be between 31 cm and 268 cm)* 1 (or metric + height)* 2 (or imperial + height, 0 for unknown)EYE COLOUR CODE* 0 Unknown* 1 black* 2 blue* 3 brown* 4 green* 5 hazel* 6 gray* 7 otherHEIGHT AND EYE COLOUR VALIDATION CODE* 0 not defined* 1 unknown* 2 confirmed* 3 estimatedNAME FLAG* 1 maiden name* 2 son/daughter of* 3 other surname or different spelling* 4 other given name/different spelling or nickname* 5 spouse's surname* 6 intended spouse's surnameOFFICIAL LANGUAGE CODE* 1 fluent in English* 2 fluent in French* 3 fluent in both* 4 fluent in neitherEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION CODE* 00 none* 01 secondary or less* 02 formal trade certificate, diploma or apprenticeship e.g. hairdresser* 03 other non-university certificate or diploma e.g. registered nurse, denial technician* 04 some university, no degree* 05 bachelor's degree of first professional degree e.g. BA B.Ed, B.Eng. LLB. MD* 06 some post graduate, no further degree* 07 master's degree* 08 doctorate - PhDSYNTHETIC NOC CODES (OM OP 97-21)* 9911.0 Student* 9992.0 Retired* 9970.0 Homemaker* 9980.0 Dependant (other than student)* 9914.0 New Worker* 9999.0 Open Work Permit 0001.0 investorPILOT INDICATOR COPES (PERMANENT RESIDENT ONLY)* CN1 Control - Independent Class - London* CN2 Control - Independent Class - Hong Kong* CN3 Control - Independent Class - New Delhi* PN1 Pilot - Independent Class - London* PN2 Pilot- Independent Class - Hong Kong* PN3 Pilot - Independent Class -New Delhi* CF3 Control - Family Class - New Delhi* CF4 Control - Family Class - Singapore* PF3 Pilot - Family Class - New Delhi* PF4 Pilot - Family Class - Singapore* IF3 Imaging - Family Class - New DelhiPROVINCE* AB Alberta* BC British Columbia* MO Manitoba* NB New Brunswick* NF Newfoundland* NS Nova Scotia* NT Northwest Territories* NU Nunavut* ON Ontario* PE Prince Edward Island* PQ Quebec* SK Saskatchewan* YT YukonFAMILY STATUS CODE* 1 principal applicant* 2 dependant is spouse of principal applicant* 3 neither 2, 4 nor 6 apply* 4 dependant is a child over 19 or relationship to principal applicant is GRANDSON or GRANDDAUGHTER (pre-Proclamation cases)* 5 common-law partner* 6 dependant is child over 22 or relationship to principal applicant is GRANDSON or GRANDDAUGHTER (post-Proclamation cases)EMP. CODE* 1 designated occupation* 3 arranged employment as minister or in family business* 4 has EMP5056.ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT TYPE* 1. Holds Work Permit on the basis of an HRDC Confirmation -R 82(2)(a)* 2. Holds Work Permit on the basis of an HRDC confirmation -R 82{2)(b)* 3. HRDC permanent confirmation has been issued -R82(2)(c)MEDICAL STATUS CODE* R Documents rec'd from physician, but not yet assessed* F Case furthered* B Pending review by Medical Advisory Board* H Pending decision by HQ* A Assessed and finalized* N No document received for this family memberMEDICAL CODES* M1 enter 01* M2 enter 02* M3 enter 03* M4 enter 04* M5 enter 05* M6 enter 06* M6 enter 06* M7 enter 07* M2/3 enter 23* M4/5 enter 45* M4/6 enter 46* M4/7 enter 47* M6/7 enter 67IMMIGRANT COST RECOVERY* FPA fee paid abroad* FPC fee paid in Canada* FPE fee paid at Port of Entry* FPS T11 decision pending - Quebec cases only* R01 CR or DC case* R02 Citizens of Finland* R03 Application commenced before 03/02/86.* RQ4 found not to be a refugee* ROS re-opened case, no change in previous coding* RPA Refund processed abroad (appl. fee)* RPC Refund processed in Canada (appl. fee)* 999 none of the above applyRIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE FEE* LFA paid abroad* LFC paid in Canada* LFD payment deferred - non PQ* LFN not applicable* LFP partial refund* LFQ payment deferred - Quebec* LFR refund* LFS supplementary payment.* LLA landing loan approved* LXR exempt refugees (CAIPS offices only)* LFE paid elsewhere* LFT file transfer to another mission* LRC refunded in Canada on FC refused case TYPE OF CASE* 2 Ordered Landed* 3 Early Admission* 7 19(1)(c), Order-in-Council* 8 19(2)(a), Ministerial decisionREFUGEE SPECIAL PROGRAMS* HC1 Humanitarian and Compassionate Consideration* OYW One Year Window of Opportunity* UPX Urgent Protection Program* AWR Assistance to Women at Risk* REF Convention Refugee Selected Abroad* SLB Sierra Leone Blendad Sponsorship Case* DFD De Facto Dependant* KQF Fast Track Kosovo Refugees* EXD Bosnian Ex-DetaineesREFERRAL ORGANIZATION (REFUGEE SPECIFIC)* NONE* UNHCRFAMILY CLASS* FC1 Spouse* FC2 Fiance(e) (pre-Proclamation cases only)* FC3 Son/Daughter* FC4 All parents and grandparents* FCS Orphaned brother/sister/nephew/niece/grandchild* FC6 Child to be adopted* FC7 Other relative* FC9 Child adopted by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (IRPA - Effective September 2002)* FCB Guardianship* FCC Common Law Partner* FCE Conjugal Partner* FCH Family Relationships - H&CDESIGNATED CLASS* DC1 Government assistance required* DC2 Approved IMM1298 or IMM1344 on file* DC3 Sponsored by group or corporation* DC4 Self-supporting, government assistance not required* DC5 Selected under joint assistance sponsorship* DC8 Refugee claimants; designated class; backlog claimantsINDEPENDENT IMMIGRANT* AR1 Brother/sister* AR4 Son/daughter* ART Other Assisted Relatives* EN2 Entrepreneur* SE2 Self-employed* ND2 Other independent Immigrants* PV2 Provincial nominee processed abroadSOURCE COUNTRY* RS1 Government assistance required* RS3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for 12 months (pre-Proclamation only)* RS4 Self supporting, government assistance not required* RS5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship* RSX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only)* (IRPA - Effective September 2002)* RSC Source country with a Community Sponsorship* RSG Source country sponsored by a Group of Five.* RSS Source country sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH).ASYLUM COUNTRY* RA3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for 12 months (pre-Proclamation only),* RA4 Self supporting, government assistance not required* RA5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship on an exceptional basis* RAX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only) (IRPA - Effective September 2002)* RAC Country of asylum with a Community Sponsorship* RAG Country of asylum sponsored by s Group of Five* RAS Country of asylum sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH).OTHER CATEGORIES* DR1 Dependant of a CRS refugee claimant who resides fn Canada and who has not been deemed to be a Convention refugee by the IRB* DR2 Dependant of a CRS refugee claimant who resides abroad and who has not been deemed to be a Convention refugee in his/her own right* RM2 Dependant residing abroad of a member of the deferred removal order class* LC1 Member of the live-in caregiver^ in Canada class and dependants in Canada* LC2 Dependant residing abroad of a member of the (live-in-caregivers in Canada class* PD1 Member of the post-determination refugee* PD2 Dependant of a member of the post determination refugee claimant in Canada class: residing abroadEffective prior April 1, 1999* NV1 Investor in private business commercial venture/individual applicant* NV2 Investor in private business commercial venture/multiple applicant* NV3 Investor tn privately administered investment syndicate* NV4 Investor in government administered capital venture fundsEffective April 1st 1999* NV5 InvestorIRPA - Effective September 2002* SW1 Skilled WorkerCONVENTION REFUGEE* CR1 Government assistance required* CR2 App. undertaking on file as assisted relatives or family class* CR3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for T2; months (pre-Proclamation only)* CR4 Self-supporting, government assistance not required* CR5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship* CR8 Convention Refugees (CR) and their dependants who are recognized as Convention refugees in their own right by the IRB* CRX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only)(IRPA - Effective September 2002)* CRC Convention refugee abroad with a Community Sponsorship* CRG Convention refugee abroad sponsored by a Group of Five,* CRS Convention refugee abroad sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH)WORK IN PROCESS (WlP) EVENTS (USER ENTERED)* C1023 RPRF Requested* D1Q01 Referred to CIC* D1005 Application Forwarded to MRCI* M1004 Requested Info/Documentation Received* R1001 IMM1017- Medical Instructions issued* S1000 Letter-Missing Info - Supporting Documentation* X1002 RPRF Received.* X1004 Paper File Received* X1005 Response from MRCI Received* X1006 Response from CIC Received* X2002 Refusal Recommended* X2003 Interview Required* X2004 Refer to QA* X2007 SuspendedWORK IN PROCESS (WlP) Events (SYSTEM GENERATED)* D1020 IMM1000 Created/Updated (pre-Proclamation only)* D1062 Immigrant Case Re-opened* D1063 IMM5292 Issued/Updated* D1064 Immigrant Foil Issued/Updated* D1065 Change in immigrant Category* M1000 Application Received* X1000 Immigrant File Created* X1001 Interview Date* X1003 File Transferred* X1007 File on Loan to Satellite* X1008 File Returned to RPC* X1009 File Transferred to Portable CAIPS* X1010 File Transferred from Portable CAIPS* X2000 Paper Screening Decision Entered,* X2001 Selection Decision Entered* X2005 Security Decision Entered* X2006 Final Decision Entered* X3000 Centralized Processing ND Pilot Application* X3001 Centralized Processing ND Control Application* X3002 Centralized Processing FC Pilot Application* X3003 Centralized Processing FC Control Application* X3004 Imaging Family Class Cases for New DelhiREGULATIONS* A92 A93 X86 J88* M92 M94 N79* J02 (June 2002. IRPA)Decision CodesT-11 PAPER SCREENING DECISION (PSDEC)* 1 passed* 2 failed* 3 withdrawalT-12 SELECTION DECISION (SELDEC)* 1 passed* 2 passed on discretion* 3 OIC required (pro-Proclamation cases)* 4 waived* 5 failed* 6 failed on discretion* 7 withdrawn* S passed (H & C consideration) (for Refugees only)T-13 SECURITY DECISION (BDEC)* 1 passed* 2 omitted - all under 18* 3 incomplete* 4 failedT-13 MEDICAL DECISION (MEDDEC)* 1 passed* 2 Incomplete* 3 failed* 4 dependant failedT-13 OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OREQ)* 1 passed* 2 OIC obtained* 3 incomplete* 4 failed* 5 failed - criminal* 6 failed - province* 7 rehabilitation approved* 8 rehabilitation deniedT-13 FINAL DECISION (FINDEC)* 1 visa issued* 2 permit issued/to be Issued* 4 refused* 5 withdrawnSECURITY DECISION (SDEC)* 1 passed* 2 omitted* 3 pending* 4 refusedCRIMINALITY DECISION (CDEC)* 1 passed* 2 omitted* 3 pending* 4 refusedREASON FOR REFUSAL (SELDEC 5) (FOR REFUGEES)* A Not meeting the definition of CR. RA or RS* B Not having the ability to successfully establish* C Not being able to be resettled for financial reasons* D Medical Admissibility* E Security* F CriminalityOTHER ABBREVIATIONS* FILE BF'D TO : File forward to* SEC CRIM : Security criminal* SELDEC: Selection Decision* PSDEC: Paper Selection Decision* BDEC: Background Decision* OREQ: Other Requirement* MEDDEC: Medical Decision* FINDEC: Finantial Decision* IMMCAT: Immigration Catergory* SW1: Skill Worker 1* NCR: No Criminal Record* M01-MO7 : level of Medical assessment. M01 means perfect* PS: Prescreen (another explain is Paper selection)* PA: Storage area of your file* AUTHORITY: ARW, LM seems to be officer's name* PPS: point at paper screening stage* PI: Principle immigrant* XREF:cross referenced applicant* FOSS: is a central database of applications* NOC: National Occupation Classification希望能帮到大家,觉得有用的请支持一下

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