加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天DM了,是算什么意思?
具体如下, ===We returned your application with a letter on November xx, 2009. You may re-apply or resubmit your application when the information requested is provided. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We received the application that you resubmitted on January xx, 2010. We sent you a letter on January xx, 2010 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. === 状态标签从IP变成DM了,这个算是SPONSOR application通过了吗?谢谢各位!
JUL 06, 2011 LANDING.JUL 21, LINC 6777回复: 今天DM了,是算什么意思?看起来好像是退料
Enjoying everyday回复: 今天DM了,是算什么意思?不知道,关注
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