加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,
thank you
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,my husband bronght me to come canada,i have been in here for 6months now.if my husband with me in china have problem,he don't want me to go back canada agian.do i still can come here by my self?my computer only have english.hope some friends can help me to anwer this qustion. thank you点击展开...没看懂。
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 超赞 赏 IBT寻找幸福的秘密花 0$(VIP 0) 5,4842007-08-21#3 回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,http://www.uni-ulm.de/acssu/ime/justinput-pinyin.php楼主用这个在线输入中文吧
超赞 my husband bronght me to come canada,i have been in here for 6months now.if my husband with me in china have problem,he don't want me to go back canada agian.do i still can come here by my self?my computer only have english.hope some friends can help me to anwer this qustion. thank you点击展开...如果你有枫叶卡+中国护照或者加拿大公民卡,你可以自己来加拿大。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 E EMILY_668 0$(VIP 0) 662007-08-22#5 回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,因为我前次用的电脑是在图书馆,没有中文输入,今天终于自己的电脑可以在图书馆上网了,呵呵!谢谢大家的回复。因为我和我先生在加拿大吵架,虽然现在和好了,我们九月初就要回中国了,我不知道我们回中国会不会又发生这样的情况,或者他会说阻止我来加拿大,或者告诉移民局说我们离婚,他不愿意我再来加拿大,我怕我再次进关时,海关不让我进关,因为怕我增加加拿大的税务负担,我已经有枫叶卡了,但是以前是我先生申请我过来的,现在我和他再一起回国,他如果说要与我在中国离婚呢,会不会影响我再次入加拿大呢?也许以前我的英语你们看不懂,因为我的英语不是很好。所以我现在有机会用中文再写一遍。因为我有一个朋友说,他的律师说了,如果象我的情况,会不能再进加拿大,因为加国怕我增加负担,如果我先生要在中国阻止我的话,但我问过移民局和移民中介,他们都说没问题,所以我就不知道了。希望得到大家的帮助。谢谢!
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,即使离婚也不会影响你来加拿大,因为你有枫叶卡所以你有加拿大的居留权,任何人不能阻止你进入加拿大。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,谢谢你。我可以 放心回去了。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,但是我的朋友的移民律师 说,如果回中国,我先生提出离婚,而且告诉移民局说不要让我再到加国,加拿大会不让我过去的,因为永久居民和公民是不一样的,不知道该怎么办了。我问了移民局又是说是可以的,他说他的朋友以前也是问了移民局的,但是移民局都是说没问题,可是他的朋友一回国,就不能再来了。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,LZ是什么性质的移民,技术还是团聚的?技术移民没有你说的问题。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,我移民是夫妻团聚,我先生申请我过来的。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,会有问题,因为你老公是你SPONSER,一些东西是由他担保的。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,会有问题,因为你老公是你SPONSER,一些东西是由他担保的。点击展开...sponsor agreement是不能解除的,如果LZ离婚后到加拿大生活,如果在担保期内生活困难问政府要的补助,自己无力偿还的话,她离婚的老公有义务替她偿还。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 反馈:EMILY_668 E EMILY_668 0$(VIP 0) 662007-08-27#13 回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,那要是我和我先生一起回了中国,他在中国又想和我离婚,他可以告诉移民局说不让我再来加拿大吗?或者他会说我骗他等。他可以那样吗?
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,那要是我和我先生一起回了中国,他在中国又想和我离婚,他可以告诉移民局说不让我再来加拿大吗?或者他会说我骗他等。他可以那样吗?点击展开... 说不说在他,听不听在移民局。如果你没有犯罪,移民局不会听他的,如果你犯了罪,包括用欺骗手段获得移民身份等,移民局也不能直接拒绝你入境,你仍然有机会对你的情况进行申述。
http://www.canadameet.com说不说在他,听不听在移民局。如果你没有犯罪,移民局不会听他的,如果你犯了罪,包括用欺骗手段获得移民身份等,移民局也不能直接拒绝你入境,你仍然有机会对你的情况进行申述。点击展开... 谢谢,我昨天也问了移民中心的人,说不会有问题,移民服务中心的人还说:我还觉得是他在利用我在中国呢,帮他在中国找工作等。
回复: i have been in canada only 6months.if i go back with my husband have problem ,Situation has been changed.
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