加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CAIPS查询结果含义


CAIPS中有太多缩写了,和大家分享一下其含义 FILE BF'D TO : File forward toSEX1 or M male2 or F femaleMARITAL STATUS1 single2 married3 widowed4 divorced5 separated8 common-law partnerHEIGHT CODE(Height must be between 31 cm and 268 cm)1 (or metric + height)2 (or imperial + height, 0 for unknown)EYE COLOUR CODE0 Unknown1 black2 blue3 brown4 green5 hazel6 gray7 otherHEIGHT AND EYE COLOUR VALIDATION CODE0 not defined1 unknown2 confirmed3 estimatedNAME FLAG1 maiden name2 son/daughter of3 other surname or different spelling4 other given name/different spelling or nickname5 spouse's surname6 intended spouse's surnameOFFICIAL LANGUAGE CODE1 fluent in English2 fluent in French3 fluent in both4 fluent in neitherEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION CODE00 none01 secondary or less02 formal trade certificate, diploma or apprenticeship e.g. hairdresser03 other non-university certificate or diploma e.g. registered nurse, denial technician04 some university, no degree05 bachelor's degree of first professional degree e.g. BA B.Ed, B.Eng. LLB. MD06 some post graduate, no further degree07 master's degree08 doctorate - PhDSYNTHETIC NOC CODES (OM OP 97-21)9911.0 Student9992.0 Retired9970.0 Homemaker9980.0 Dependant (other than student)9914.0 New Worker9999.0 Open Work Permit 0001.0 investorPILOT INDICATOR COPES (PERMANENT RESIDENT ONLY)CN1 Control - Independent Class - LondonCN2 Control - Independent Class - Hong KongCN3 Control - Independent Class - New DelhiPN1 Pilot - Independent Class - LondonPN2 Pilot- Independent Class - Hong KongPN3 Pilot - Independent Class -New DelhiCF3 Control - Family Class - New DelhiCF4 Control - Family Class - SingaporePF3 Pilot - Family Class - New DelhiPF4 Pilot - Family Class - SingaporeIF3 Imaging - Family Class - New DelhiPROVINCEAB AlbertaBC British ColumbiaMO ManitobaNB New BrunswickNF NewfoundlandNS Nova ScotiaNT Northwest TerritoriesNU NunavutON OntarioPE Prince Edward IslandPQ QuebecSK SaskatchewanYT YukonFAMILY STATUS CODE1 principal applicant2 dependant is spouse of principal applicant3 neither 2, 4 nor 6 apply4 dependant is a child over 19 or relationship to principal applicant is GRANDSON or GRANDDAUGHTER (pre-Proclamation cases)5 common-law partner6 dependant is child over 22 or relationship to principal applicant is GRANDSON or GRANDDAUGHTER (post-Proclamation cases)EMP. CODE1 designated occupation3 arranged employment as minister or in family business4 has EMP5056.ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT TYPE1. Holds Work Permit on the basis of an HRDC Confirmation -R 82(2)(a)2. Holds Work Permit on the basis of an HRDC confirmation -R 82{2)(b)3. HRDC permanent confirmation has been issued -R82(2)(c)MEDICAL STATUS CODER Documents rec'd from physician, but not yet assessedF Case furtheredB Pending review by Medical Advisory BoardH Pending decision by HQA Assessed and finalizedN No document received for this family memberMEDICAL CODESM1 enter 01M2 enter 02M3 enter 03M4 enter 04M5 enter 05M6 enter 06M6 enter 06M7 enter 07M2/3 enter 23M4/5 enter 45M4/6 enter 46M4/7 enter 47M6/7 enter 67IMMIGRANT COST RECOVERYFPA fee paid abroadFPC fee paid in CanadaFPE fee paid at Port of EntryFPS T11 decision pending - Quebec cases onlyR01 CR or DC caseR02 Citizens of FinlandR03 Application commenced before 03/02/86.RQ4 found not to be a refugeeROS re-opened case, no change in previous codingRPA Refund processed abroad (appl. fee)RPC Refund processed in Canada (appl. fee)999 none of the above applyRIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE FEELFA paid abroadLFC paid in CanadaLFD payment deferred - non PQLFN not applicableLFP partial refundLFQ payment deferred - QuebecLFR refundLFS supplementary payment.LLA landing loan approvedLXR exempt refugees (CAIPS offices only)LFE paid elsewhereLFT file transfer to another missionLRC refunded in Canada on FC refused case TYPE OF CASE2 Ordered Landed3 Early Admission7 19(1)(c), Order-in-Council8 19(2)(a), Ministerial decisionREFUGEE SPECIAL PROGRAMSHC1 Humanitarian and Compassionate Consideration OYW One Year Window of OpportunityUPX Urgent Protection ProgramAWR Assistance to Women at RiskREF Convention Refugee Selected AbroadSLB Sierra Leone Blendad Sponsorship CaseDFD De Facto DependantKQF Fast Track Kosovo RefugeesEXD Bosnian Ex-DetaineesREFERRAL ORGANIZATION (REFUGEE SPECIFIC)NONEUNHCRFAMILY CLASSFC1 SpouseFC2 Fiance(e) (pre-Proclamation cases only)FC3 Son/DaughterFC4 All parents and grandparentsFCS Orphaned brother/sister/nephew/niece/grandchildFC6 Child to be adopted FC7 Other relative FC9 Child adopted by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (IRPA - Effective September 2002) FCB Guardianship FCC Common Law Partner FCE Conjugal Partner FCH Family Relationships - H&CDESIGNATED CLASS < r o l i a. n e t >DC1 Government assistance requiredDC2 Approved IMM1298 or IMM1344 on fileDC3 Sponsored by group or corporationDC4 Self-supporting, government assistance not requiredDC5 Selected under joint assistance sponsorship DC8 Refugee claimants; designated class; backlog claimantsINDEPENDENT IMMIGRANTAR1 Brother/sisterAR4 Son/daughterART Other Assisted RelativesEN2 EntrepreneurSE2 Self-employedND2 Other independent ImmigrantsPV2 Provincial nominee processed abroadSOURCE COUNTRYRS1 Government assistance requiredRS3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for 12 months (pre-Proclamation only)RS4 Self supporting, government assistance not requiredRS5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship RSX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only) (IRPA - Effective September 2002)RSC Source country with a Community SponsorshipRSG Source country sponsored by a Group of Five. RSS Source country sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH).ASYLUM COUNTRYRA3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for 12 months (pre-Proclamation only),RA4 Self supporting, government assistance not required RA5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship on an exceptional basis RAX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only) (IRPA - Effective September 2002) RAC Country of asylum with a Community Sponsorship RAG Country of asylum sponsored by s Group of FiveRAS Country of asylum sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH).OTHER CATEGORIESDR1 Dependant of a CRS refugee claimant who resides fn Canada and who has not been deemed to be a Convention refugee by the IRBDR2 Dependant of a CRS refugee claimant who resides abroad and who has not been deemed to be a Convention refugee in his/her own rightRM2 Dependant residing abroad of a member of the deferred removal order classLC1 Member of the live-in caregiver^ in Canada class and dependants in CanadaLC2 Dependant residing abroad of a member of the (live-in-caregivers in Canada classPD1 Member of the post-determination refugeePD2 Dependant of a member of the post determination refugee claimant in Canada class: residing abroadEffective prior April 1, 1999NV1 Investor in private business commercial venture/individual applicantNV2 Investor in private business commercial venture/multiple applicantNV3 Investor tn privately administered investment syndicateNV4 Investor in government administered capital venture fundsEffective April 1st 1999NV5 InvestorIRPA - Effective September 2002SW1 Skilled WorkerCONVENTION REFUGEECR1 Government assistance requiredCR2 App. undertaking on file as assisted relatives or family classCR3 Sponsored by group of five or corporation for T2; months (pre-Proclamation only)CR4 Self-supporting, government assistance not requiredCR5 Special needs case selected under joint assistance sponsorship CR8 Convention Refugees (CR) and their dependants who are recognized as Convention refugees in their own right by the IRBCRX Sponsored by group or corporation for 12-24 months (pre-Proclamation only)(IRPA - Effective September 2002)CRC Convention refugee abroad with a Community Sponsorship CRG Convention refugee abroad sponsored by a Group of Five, CRS Convention refugee abroad sponsored by a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH)WORK IN PROCESS (WlP) EVENTS (USER ENTERED) C1023 RPRF Requested D1Q01 Referred to CIC D1005 Application Forwarded to MRCI M1004 Requested Info/Documentation ReceivedR1001 IMM1017- Medical Instructions issuedS1000 Letter-Missing Info - Supporting DocumentationX1002 RPRF Received.X1004 Paper File ReceivedX1005 Response from MRCI ReceivedX1006 Response from CIC ReceivedX2002 Refusal RecommendedX2003 Interview RequiredX2004 Refer to QAX2007 SuspendedWORK IN PROCESS (WlP) Events (SYSTEM GENERATED)D1020 IMM1000 Created/Updated (pre-Proclamation only)D1062 Immigrant Case Re-openedD1063 IMM5292 Issued/UpdatedD1064 Immigrant Foil Issued/UpdatedD1065 Change in immigrant CategoryM1000 Application ReceivedX1000 Immigrant File CreatedX1001 Interview DateX1003 File TransferredX1007 File on Loan to SatelliteX1008 File Returned to RPCX1009 File Transferred to Portable CAIPS X1010 File Transferred from Portable CAIPSX2000 Paper Screening Decision Entered,X2001 Selection Decision EnteredX2005 Security Decision EnteredX2006 Final Decision EnteredX3000 Centralized Processing ND Pilot ApplicationX3001 Centralized Processing ND Control ApplicationX3002 Centralized Processing FC Pilot ApplicationX3003 Centralized Processing FC Control ApplicationX3004 Imaging Family Class Cases for New DelhiREGULATIONSA92 A93 X86 J88M92 M94 N79J02 (June 2002. IRPA)Decision CodesT-11 PAPER SCREENING DECISION (PSDEC)1 passed2 failed3 withdrawalT-12 SELECTION DECISION (SELDEC)1 passed2 passed on discretion3 OIC required (pro-Proclamation cases)4 waived5 failed6 failed on discretion7 withdrawnS passed (H & C consideration) (for Refugees only)T-13 SECURITY DECISION (BDEC)1 passed2 omitted - all under 183 incomplete4 failedT-13 MEDICAL DECISION (MEDDEC)1 passed2 Incomplete3 failed4 dependant failedT-13 OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OREQ)1 passed2 OIC obtained3 incomplete4 failed5 failed - criminal6 failed - province7 rehabilitation approved8 rehabilitation deniedT-13 FINAL DECISION (FINDEC)1 visa issued2 permit issued/to be Issued4 refused5 withdrawnSECURITY DECISION (SDEC)1 passed2 omitted3 pending4 refusedCRIMINALITY DECISION (CDEC)1 passed2 omitted3 pending4 refusedREASON FOR REFUSAL (SELDEC 5) (FOR REFUGEES)A Not meeting the definition of CR. RA or RSB Not having the ability to successfully establishC Not being able to be resettled for financial reasonsD Medical AdmissibilityE SecurityF CriminalityOTHER ABBREVIATIONSFILE BF'D TO : File forward toSEC CRIM : Security criminalSELDEC: Selection DecisionPSDEC: Paper Selection DecisionBDEC: Background DecisionOREQ: Other RequirementMEDDEC: Medical DecisionFINDEC: Finantial DecisionIMMCAT: Immigration CatergorySW1: Skill Worker 1NCR: No Criminal RecordM01-MO7 : level of Medical assessment. M01 means perfectPS: Prescreen (another explain is Paper selection)PA: Storage area of your fileAUTHORITY: ARW, LM seems to be officer's namePPS: point at paper screening stagePI: Principle immigrantXREF:cross referenced applicantFOSS: is a central database of applications NOC: National Occupation Classification

http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/ 超赞 赏 反馈:jrena P parakidGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-04-13#2 回复: CAIPS查询结果含义多谢分享 貌似现在家园没这个服务了吧

回复: CAIPS查询结果含义看了之后,突然觉得vo的工作好辛苦,好无聊啊!

回复: CAIPS查询结果含义怒吼我的ME!!!

回复: CAIPS查询结果含义都是缩写,像天书一样难懂

http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/ 超赞 赏 L lwy134 0$(VIP 0) 622011-04-13#6 回复: CAIPS查询结果含义感觉VO写的意见更有参考性

回复: CAIPS查询结果含义挺有用的,谢谢

01-02-10递初表/24-03退信/06-04重递/12-04签收/10-06扣款/01-07RN/19-07补料妥投/09-08FN/28-09IP/27-06-2011要求补料/21-07-2011补料妥投/02-08-2011地址栏消失中/12-08-2011地址栏恢复/ 14-09-2011ME/ 21-01-2012 PL/24-04-2012毕业 超赞 赏 jrena 0$(VIP 0) 3262011-04-13#8 回复: CAIPS查询结果含义我的FILE BF'D TO NS1 ON 30-12-2010表示什么呀,没看到...

01-02-10递初表/24-03退信/06-04重递/12-04签收/10-06扣款/01-07RN/19-07补料妥投/09-08FN/28-09IP/27-06-2011要求补料/21-07-2011补料妥投/02-08-2011地址栏消失中/12-08-2011地址栏恢复/ 14-09-2011ME/ 21-01-2012 PL/24-04-2012毕业 超赞 赏 aokilindaMontréal,QC 0$(VIP 0) 8,4892011-04-13#9 回复: CAIPS查询结果含义

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 P parakidGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-04-13#10 回复: CAIPS查询结果含义

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