加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民英文版的“愚人节的玩笑,不再补S2的材料”请指正!
Joke of the April fool`s day My husband just called telling me that he also received a letter without supplementary material S2. The content of the letter is as same as what have been put in Canada Consulate General HongKong net[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]I remembered that the date. April the 1st, the April fool’s day. I received the letter which asked us submit updated application forms and all the supporting documentation .I was so happy! I remembered that I also told two humorous stories about myself to my friends on that day. But today this unexpected letter was the cruelest joke! Citizenship and Immigration Canada cruelly oppress and exploit the common people in this way? At least they should compensate us, for the money of the piles of files, the money my cousins spent when they helped us preparing those files, right? I still remembered that the express company compensated me 500 Yuan for losing my ID card. I still remembered that I felt so angry and worry at that time. Now, this doesn`t matter since I do not need my ID card to get the birth certificate in order to go Canada.Citizenship and Immigration Canada With the shift of the promise and then deny in succession, inconstant in policy ugly behavior will be castaside all over the world! the country nominal himself is “democracy”, “freedom” and “justice” is able to conduct this ridiculous, childish, and unreasonable behavior! It was no longer the country we dreamed of!Actually, Canada is really a far-away dream for me and my family now. But it was this very dream that supported and incented my family, to strive hard and keep our life colorful. Because of this dream, our two daughters and I once were cheering for the Canadian water polo competition cheerleaders together for the Canadian water polo team during the Beijing Olympic Games 2008, We shouted as loud as we can: “Come on! Canada! Come on! Canada!” I could not hold my tears back any more thinking about that scene. Tear blur my eyes.Because of this dream, I went to New Oriental school bought all the books I could find about Canada, literature, history, geography and so on. I want to keep myself informed about my dream country, and I want to have the feeling of meeting an old friend once I got to Canada.Because of this dream, my husband squeezed his free time and buried himself into English books. He had English class for countless weekends and was too busy to play with our daughtersa one-year-old baby and a primary school girl in grade 3.Because of this dream, I made up my mind to send our daughters to English training schools so that they can understand and make friends with Canadians. Actually, I took our two girls to Australia during the Spring Festival in this year, in order to give them a little practice of living in the environment of English. There was another story: our little baby loves water and sea. For fearing that she might love Australia more than Canada, I convince her that she can see seas and more lakes in Canada. “Honey, you will enjoy your time more in Canada since Canada has the largest indoor water park in the world! ” Now, my little daughter often asks me:[FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]Mum, when are we going to Canada?[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT]I look at her little face is so simple so cute , but I don`t know how to answer her .Until today, all my hard-working is useless since I was refused harshly. I feel so depressed but I have no one to tell. Only Canada jianyuan net with me .
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 超赞 赏 岁 岁月无声 0$(VIP 0) 2492012-05-07#2 回复: 英文版的“愚人节的玩笑,不再补S2的材料”请指正!Because of this dream, my husband squeezed his free time and buried himself into English books. He had English class for countless weekends and was too busy to play with our daughtersa one-year-old baby and a primary school girl in grade 3. 之前在中文内容后面说过,建议把有关考雅思多么多么费劲的事儿去掉,免得别人质疑这样的英文水平过去能否工作和适应。纯属提醒,没有任何别的意思,我的英语也不好。
FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 羽衣蓝格 0$(VIP 0) 1,0762012-05-07#3 回复: 英文版的“愚人节的玩笑,不再补S2的材料”请指正!谢谢善意提醒!我老公的口语还真的不好,没关系,有机会在英语环境中的话,应该提高很快的,我也有10多年没怎么用英语了,20年前还学的是英语专业,后年又学别的专业了。但出国旅游什么的,还能凑合用。
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