加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期
Dear Applicants: I am writing in response to your letter, delivered in person to the Immigration Program Manager of our Hong Kong visa office on April 30, 2012. I apologize for the delay in responding. In 2008, when we introduced the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, we had a backlog of more than 640,000 people in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program. If we had not acted, this backlog would be more than 800,000 by today. Through increased resources and a series of instructions from the Minister to limit new FSW applications to in-demand occupations and the introduction of numerical caps, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has been able to reduce the pre-2008 backlog by more than 50 percent. Despite the progress achieved through Ministerial Instructions (MIs), it has become evident that without further action, some FSW applicants might have to wait until 2017 for a decision. This hurts the Canadian economy because we cannot bring in the people who have the skills we need right now. Canada needs a skilled worker processing system that is fast, flexible and delivers the skills that Canadian employers need in months, rather than in years. This was a project we began in 2008 with the Action Plan for Faster Immigration but Canada cannot afford to wait until 2017 to fully realize this vision. Under a proposal announced recently in the Budget 2012, CIC would eliminate the backlog in the FSW Program by terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008. However, the FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget will be of no legal effect until the Budget Implementation Act (BIA) bill is enacted and comes into force. Until then, processing of FSW applications continues, including FSW applications made prior to February 27, 2008. I realize that this will be a disappointment for FSW applicants affected by the BIA. Applicants who will not have been processed before the coming into force of the BIA, however, can re-apply under the current FSW eligibility criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible. If they possess the skills Canada needs now, they are likely to receive much faster processing- most new FSW applications are processed within 12 months. CIC’s vision is to have a modern, effective and efficient immigration system in the short term. A new processing system is not a luxury but a necessity if we are to keep pace with our competitors for global talent. Eliminating the longstanding backlog of FSW applications will allow the Department to focus resources on facilitating the arrival of skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria and are more suited for shortages in the Canadian economy today. Thank you for taking the time to share your views on this proposal with our Department. Yours sincerely, S. CharbonneauMinisterial Enquiries Division
FN:071108HKVO:SKM雅思:未考亲属:有等待S2 超赞 赏 B Bruce_2006 0$(VIP 0) 5142012-06-28#2 回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期唯一的可取之处是没有提3-29了.
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期押背,你看看这封信到达你信箱的准确时间是多少?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]唯一的可取之处是没有提3-29了.点击展开...信中没有象以前一样提到3.29之前打分的如和如何,改成“terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008”现在的说法是“废除某些2008年2越27日之前的申请”这些不被废除的申请包括已经打分、已经ME。也包括Tim班的全体同学。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 B Bruce_2006 0$(VIP 0) 5142012-06-28#5 回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期是的,CIC的回信很有技巧, 什么是"Certain applications"? 全由他们将来解释了, 不过我预感在新法生效前的ME都安全了.
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期是的,CIC的回信很有技巧, 什么是"Certain applications"? 全由他们将来解释了, 不过我预感在新法生效前的ME都安全了.点击展开...同感
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 水 水过鸭背 0$(VIP 0) 2962012-06-28#7 回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期今晚22点22分到的邮件。[/LEFT]
FN:071108HKVO:SKM雅思:未考亲属:有等待S2今晚22点22分到的邮件。点击展开...这个时间是渥太华时间28日上午10点22分。27日参议院三读通过了法案。28日上午总督可能已经签字了。 这封信表明移民部内部已经讨论好,就等下午康尼正式公布MI-5了,MI-5里面可能会有更详细的内容。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]是的,CIC的回信很有技巧, 什么是"Certain applications"? 全由他们将来解释了, 不过我预感在新法生效前的ME都安全了.点击展开...有个问题始终想不明白,3月29那个日期如果立法出来后仍然有效,那前一阵香港闪电S2后又光速ME加DM的同学,他们会如何?按新法他们在3月29日后才被要求补料 更别说打分了,难道也会被切?如果他们被切那CIC玩的太狠了吧,相信他们也不敢。如果他们不被切,那3月29日这个日期还有用吗 ?这不是自相矛盾?
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期我相信3-29会被改成新法生效日期..... 希望如此, 能让少数同学上岸. 大部分同学要看诉讼结果了
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期哪里改3.29成新法生效日期了?C38法改了吗?至于诉讼,等2个月吧,看CIC这样狠,估计没那样容易放了这700多个同班同学
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期仙女最近很悲观啊 。。。
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期谢谢水过鸭背分享信息!这样看来在法案成为正式法律前已经通过初步评估的以及Tim组的(不过Tim还要为未S2的同学继续努力,最后我认为都能成功)应该都是有戏的!Dear Applicants: I am writing in response to your letter, delivered in person to the Immigration Program Manager of our Hong Kong visa office on April 30, 2012. I apologize for the delay in responding. In 2008, when we introduced the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, we had a backlog of more than 640,000 people in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program. If we had not acted, this backlog would be more than 800,000 by today. Through increased resources and a series of instructions from the Minister to limit new FSW applications to in-demand occupations and the introduction of numerical caps, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has been able to reduce the pre-2008 backlog by more than 50 percent. Despite the progress achieved through Ministerial Instructions (MIs), it has become evident that without further action, some FSW applicants might have to wait until 2017 for a decision. This hurts the Canadian economy because we cannot bring in the people who have the skills we need right now. Canada needs a skilled worker processing system that is fast, flexible and delivers the skills that Canadian employers need in months, rather than in years. This was a project we began in 2008 with the Action Plan for Faster Immigration but Canada cannot afford to wait until 2017 to fully realize this vision. Under a proposal announced recently in the Budget 2012, CIC would eliminate the backlog in the FSW Program by terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008. However, the FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget will be of no legal effect until the Budget Implementation Act (BIA) bill is enacted and comes into force. Until then, processing of FSW applications continues, including FSW applications made prior to February 27, 2008. I realize that this will be a disappointment for FSW applicants affected by the BIA. Applicants who will not have been processed before the coming into force of the BIA, however, can re-apply under the current FSW eligibility criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible. If they possess the skills Canada needs now, they are likely to receive much faster processing- most new FSW applications are processed within 12 months. CIC’s vision is to have a modern, effective and efficient immigration system in the short term. A new processing system is not a luxury but a necessity if we are to keep pace with our competitors for global talent. Eliminating the longstanding backlog of FSW applications will allow the Department to focus resources on facilitating the arrival of skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria and are more suited for shortages in the Canadian economy today. Thank you for taking the time to share your views on this proposal with our Department. Yours sincerely, S. CharbonneauMinisterial Enquiries Division点击展开...
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏仙女最近很悲观啊 。。。点击展开... 我一直是很乐观的,就是现在这个样子我乐观不起来了。C38没有改日期,估计以后改日期的可能性小了,因为C38是法律,要是可以改日期,估计3.29后法院判决无效也可以改到法律生效日期后法院判决无效了。看CIC这样子可能性不大。不过我怎么有种感觉CIC最终还是会放了TIM的那700多人呢。因为那毕竟是回溯到去年的判决日期的。我自己瞎猜的哈,不是误导同学们哈,到时候CIC还是不承认那判决可别怪我。
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期我们悲观和乐观,都不能改变我们自己的命运,不妨乐观.
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 羽衣蓝格 0$(VIP 0) 1,0762012-06-28#16 回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期仙女别伤心,你会成功的!
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏我一直是很乐观的,就是现在这个样子我乐观不起来了。C38没有改日期,估计以后改日期的可能性小了,因为C38是法律,要是可以改日期,估计3.29后法院判决无效也可以改到法律生效日期后法院判决无效了。看CIC这样子可能性不大。不过我怎么有种感觉CIC最终还是会放了TIM的那700多人呢。因为那毕竟是回溯到去年的判决日期的。我自己瞎猜的哈,不是误导同学们哈,到时候CIC还是不承认那判决可别怪我。点击展开...我和仙女有类似的感觉. 法律已经裸奔,不妨留个裤衩.
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 Z zq2008 0$(VIP 0) 1912012-06-28#18 回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期Applicants who will not have been processed before the coming into force of the BIA, however, can re-apply under the current FSW eligibility criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible.似乎处理中的案子还会继续下去,否则未来6个月,VO就大都可以放假了
回复: 刚才收到移民部的回信,相信他们混淆了430和61抗议的日期中心思想:对不起大家了,如果你符合新的标准,1年能结案,如果不是我们要的菜,对不起切掉;对策:法庭上见;现有政策和法案回朔以往的案件,还真是天底下没有的事,加拿大做到了。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] who will not have been processed before the coming into force of the BIA, however, can re-apply under the current FSW eligibility criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible. 似乎处理中的案子还会继续下去,否则未来6个月,VO就大都可以放假了点击展开...要退钱 怎么木有事情干 对于我们就是好好打官司
·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?