加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民It is just the time to cheer your achievement
It is just the time to cheer your achievement. ?my comments for Tim’s latest update. I never be optimistic as current moment. It is just the time for you to pack your clothes and ready to face new challenge. It is the only question that CIC begin to handle your case end of this month or after next hearing data. At this moment, so many Ids, paradiseunderthesun, jesuismajeur, ruth and etc, should be appreciated in spite of the ‘mistakes’. In the process of this lawsuit, their contribution is great especially in critical time. Have a nice day.
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievement?
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievement你是上帝的化身?
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievementwho are you ? do you tell a joke?I prefer to believe it is a divine providence.But you know.
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievementIf that's god, he is a good god.
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievementIf that's god, he is a good god.
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievementparadiseunderthesun and jesuismajeur are just 2 majias of Moi, he'll be back sooner or later.
回复: It is just the time to cheer your achievement你个小鬼该去阴间报道了,调戏我们打官司的人你很有乐趣吗?你是刚上岸还是去加拿大当了很多年的LOSER
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