加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolved
On March 30th, 2012, new legislation was introduced dictating that any application that had not received a positive decision as of March 29th, 2012 would be terminated. The applications submitted prior to 28 February 2008 as well as government processing fees would be returned to the senders. Because of this decision, approximately 95% of the remaining pre-2008 applications will be returned. This amounts to the elimination of approximately 300,000 applications.The legislation for this decision was included as a small part of the large annual budget bill, known as “Bill C-38”, which was passed by Parliament. However, because some lawyers are currently challenging the legality of the new laws, it is likely that no action will take place until these court proceedings are resolved. from http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-blog/2012/07/backlog.html
回复: it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolvedThank you for your infomation!
回复: it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolved楼主的出处是不是搞错了?http://www.cicnews.com/2012/07/case-federal-skilled-worker-backlog-reduction-071663.html
回复: it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolved官司不完处理不动,剩下的一万五兄弟姐妹要等这675人了。
回复: it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolved官司不完处理不动,剩下的一万五兄弟姐妹要等这675人了。点击展开...等什么?等着一块上刑场?我看你想挑事都不会挑地方!
超赞 官司不完处理不动,剩下的一万五兄弟姐妹要等这675人了。点击展开...恐怕等待最长的是集体诉讼
回复: it is likely that no action will take place until the court proceedings are resolved等什么?等着一块上刑场?我看你想挑事都不会挑地方!点击展开...按照以上报道,我陈述的不过是个事实,你暴跳如雷说挑事请讲清楚挑了你什么事?挑事的难道不是CIC吗,明显一边打官司一边处理某它案子有什么不可以!
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