加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights
抛砖引玉,大家帮忙改改下面这封信。应该对大家有一定的借鉴意义。 Dear Visa officer, It has been XX months since my application submitted and more than XX months since the SAP documents submitted. I did not expect the processing time to be so extremely long and it'll be even longer as the case has not finished yet! While according to the publications on your website when my application submitted, the processing time would be only around 40+ months for Beijing office. It has been an extraordinary delay! Regarding the delay, you’re arguing that you’re prioritizing the FSW application categories and the ones submitted after 2008/2/27 better fit Canada’s need and are processed with higher priority than the ones submitted before that time; and you’re arguing that the changes to Canada’s immigration law in February 2008 empower you to do so. NO, BUT YOUR ARGUMENTS ARE RIDICULOUS! Changes to the immigration law cannot negatively impact the cases/applications submitted before the changes, hence it does not excuse you putting my application in lower priority as my application was submitted before the changes! The changes should only be applied to the cases thereafter. The fact is that you’re overusing the law changes! You’re abusing your power! YES, YOU’RE ABUSING YOUR POWER! No doubt that I have the right to know by how long my case will have been processed. But none of your arguments excuse the fact that you’re always deviating from telling me how long the delay will be! You’re really playing the game! Without promising how long it will be, you may do whatever you want! In the worst case you may suspend my application forever! It is extremely unfair to me! My life has been and is being greatly disturbed by this un-expected delay. To mitigate the impact, please 1) do provide me your further schedule/timelines on my case; 2) do resume processing my case ASAP! Thanks and best regards,A waiting applicant
超赞 赏 T tzhjqy 0$(VIP 0) 7392012-01-20#2 回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights写得不错
2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 R ruth0924 0$(VIP 0) 1,5662012-01-20#3 回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights好像没什么内容,不如把那位同学的信号好琢磨下,至少有理有据。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 H hellangels 0$(VIP 0) 3302012-01-20#4 回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights无论如何都是第一篇,都要支持。谢谢楼主
超赞 赏 W whiterockGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-01-20#5 回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights写的有点意思。可以写的更严重一些!有人说去年CIC总共审核了不到两百个91的案例。淤积了数十万的91案例,可想而知,简直是在抓阄。
回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights临末了,还可以加几句这样的内容,来增加点力度:据我所知,全世界已经有超过500的91申请者正在起诉你们CIC, 而且数量还在增加,你们没有理由不去面对这么一个被拖延了多年的且人数众多的群体。更多的像我一样的申请者也会加入诉讼。我们法庭上见吧!!!
回复: 抛砖引玉 - fight for your rights写的不错。多发几遍轰炸它
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