加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?



回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?我认为:首先这种情况很难发生,所以只能做假设性回答。 假设发生这种情况,由于入籍申请并不以去条件为先决条件,只要有永久居民权,加上符合其他入籍条件就应该可以直接申请入籍。


回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?入籍的前提是,有永久居留权,也就是绿卡,然后要住满时间。没有绿卡,正常情况下,住多久都不能入籍。申请829未获批准期间, 意味着你的条件绿卡已经到期,正式绿卡还没拿到,也就是你没有绿卡。但是每年会给你合法停留的签证,就是每年盖的章,这只是说你可以合法待在美国,并不是说你有绿卡。你的两年条件绿卡已经过期,新的绿卡还没有拿到。所以,829一直pending,我理解是不可以入籍的。

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?我同意33郎的分析

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?如果在转829过程中一直被PENDING,那么第五年时候是否可以直接入籍哪?大师们吃完饺子出来说说!!点击展开...长期绿卡没到手,2年绿卡吊着5年然后入籍,这也行的话,那通过区域中心弄个526后。。。。。

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?入籍的前提是,有永久居留权,也就是绿卡,然后要住满时间。没有绿卡,正常情况下,住多久都不能入籍。 申请829未获批准期间, 意味着你的条件绿卡已经到期,正式绿卡还没拿到,也就是你没有绿卡。 但是每年会给你合法停留的签证,就是每年盖的章,这只是说你可以合法待在美国,并不是说你有绿卡。你的两年条件绿卡已经过期,新的绿卡还没有拿到。 所以,829一直pending,我理解是不可以入籍的。点击展开... 829递交之后,你的有条件绿卡自动延期一年,未批复之前一直是有效的,可以随便进出美国。 法律仅仅要求持有绿卡五年,申请期间只要没有被剥夺就可以申请入籍。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关我认为:首先这种情况很难发生,所以只能做假设性回答。 假设发生这种情况,由于入籍申请并不以去条件为先决条件,只要有永久居民权,加上符合其他入籍条件就应该可以直接申请入籍。点击展开... 哥们,你应该知道是哪个项目的829被PENDING,已经盖了四次章。如果能直接入籍,那对投资人是利好!!

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?不是大师也没吃饺子的江湖郎中粗浅的认为两年临绿三年正绿后应该可以申请入籍。领证两年但没摆酒席,你能说是未婚嘛。新春愉快!

You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead. 超赞 赏 移 移民歌 0$(VIP 0) 832013-02-08#10 回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?严重关注此贴,要是这样的话对做区域项目投资者真是好事,526一过,到2年后就不急着829,临绿延着呗,等着入籍好了。。。。

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?不是大师也没吃饺子的江湖郎中粗浅的认为两年临绿三年正绿后应该可以申请入籍。领证两年但没摆酒席,你能说是未婚嘛。 新春愉快!点击展开... 明星都是领完证,孩子都生了,但是还说自己未婚!!大哥新年快乐!! 关键两年临绿之后,829一直PENDING中,没有拿到正绿。盖章期间算什么身份?还是临绿?还是签证?

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?明星都是领完证,孩子都生了,但是还说自己未婚!!大哥新年快乐!! 关键两年临绿之后,829一直PENDING中,没有拿到正绿。盖章期间算什么身份?还是临绿?还是签证?点击展开...俺们真想知道!

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?明星都是领完证,孩子都生了,但是还说自己未婚!!大哥新年快乐!! 关键两年临绿之后,829一直PENDING中,没有拿到正绿。盖章期间算什么身份?还是临绿?还是签证?点击展开... 算临绿,反正没有给取消啊


回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?请专业人士贴出来法律依据看看!!点击展开... 盖章期间算什么身份?看看I-829的申请指导说明,也可以看看下面的问答: I-551 Stamps 2. AILA members have reported that USCIS field offices are issuing temporary I-551 extensions for varying validity periods (such as three, six, or twelve months) when the I-751 or I-829 is pending or when there has been a denial and a Notice to Appear has not yet been issued. According to the regulations, an automatic extension of status is authorized upon the filing of either form I-829 or I-751. Additionally, the regulations state that conditional residence shall be automatically extended until the director adjudicates the petition (AILA Doc. No. 03120940). In the case of a Form I-751, the regulations at 8 CFR 216.4(a)(1) state that, “Upon receipt of a properly filed Form I-751, the alien’s conditional permanent resident status shall be extended automatically, if necessary, until such time as the director has adjudicated the petition.” Thus, any conditional resident who has properly filed a form I-751 remains a conditional resident until a decision is made on his or her Form I-751. Such conditional resident is eligible to receive evidence of his or her conditional resident status. If the Form I-751 is still pending one year after filing, the ISO should collect the expired Form I-551 and issue a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date in the conditional resident’s unexpired, foreign passport (if the expiration date of the passport is one year or more). If the conditional resident is not in possession of an unexpired foreign passport, the ISO should instead issue a Form I-94 (arrival portion) containing a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date and a photograph of the conditional resident. Guidance regarding periods of temporary I-551 stamps for Form I-829 can be found in Chapter 25.2 of the Adjudicator’s Field Manual. Guidance regarding temporary I-551 stamps issued to conditional residents with a pending Form I-751 can be found in the Yates memorandum entitled, “Extension of Status for Conditional Residents with Pending Forms I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence,” dated December 2, 2003

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关盖章期间算什么身份?看看I-829的申请指导说明,也可以看看下面的问答: I-551 Stamps 2. AILA members have reported that USCIS field offices are issuing temporary I-551 extensions for varying validity periods (such as three, six, or twelve months) when the I-751 or I-829 is pending or when there has been a denial and a Notice to Appear has not yet been issued. According to the regulations, an automatic extension of status is authorized upon the filing of either form I-829 or I-751. Additionally, the regulations state that conditional residence shall be automatically extended until the director adjudicates the petition (AILA Doc. No. 03120940). In the case of a Form I-751, the regulations at 8 CFR 216.4(a)(1) state that, “Upon receipt of a properly filed Form I-751, the alien’s conditional permanent resident status shall be extended automatically, if necessary, until such time as the director has adjudicated the petition.” Thus, any conditional resident who has properly filed a form I-751 remains a conditional resident until a decision is made on his or her Form I-751. Such conditional resident is eligible to receive evidence of his or her conditional resident status. If the Form I-751 is still pending one year after filing, the ISO should collect the expired Form I-551 and issue a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date in the conditional resident’s unexpired, foreign passport (if the expiration date of the passport is one year or more). If the conditional resident is not in possession of an unexpired foreign passport, the ISO should instead issue a Form I-94 (arrival portion) containing a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date and a photograph of the conditional resident. Guidance regarding periods of temporary I-551 stamps for Form I-829 can be found in Chapter 25.2 of the Adjudicator’s Field Manual. Guidance regarding temporary I-551 stamps issued to conditional residents with a pending Form I-751 can be found in the Yates memorandum entitled, “Extension of Status for Conditional Residents with Pending Forms I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence,” dated December 2, 2003点击展开...如果第五年的时候829被拒,入籍也没戏吧。倒不如移民局一直拖着,一直到老。。。。。!!免得投资人有那种撕心裂肺的感觉。。。。。

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?如果第五年的时候829被拒,入籍也没戏吧。倒不如移民局一直拖着,一直到老。。。。。!!免得投资人有那种撕心裂肺的感觉。。。。。点击展开... 倒不如一下子拒了利索是吧。 尼玛,连句谢谢都没有。 再也不回答假设性的问题,实在没有什么意义。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关倒不如一下子拒了利索是吧。 尼玛,连句谢谢都没有。 再也不回答假设性的问题,实在没有什么意义。点击展开... 哈哈,这不是假设,是有项目实实在在存在的。 对于你的解答我在这说声谢谢!

回复: 转829时候一直PENDING,第五年能否直接入籍?hahahha

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