加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍宣誓前一天告知取消,要联系cic吗
人不在境内。从interview过程来看,他们并没有找到我申请不符合硬性要求,但有点找想找我不打算常住加拿大的茬(虽然相关法条现在已经不要求居住意愿)可能性1.放下之后就忘了我这事情了。2.不知道他们憋什么坏呢。3.确实就是这么慢。如果是1也许提醒一下有用。WST-Citizenship Client-Notification <[email protected]>Aug 23, 2023, 1:49 AMto meHello XX We regret to inform you that your scheduled ceremony for August 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM PST has been cancelled as you were scheduled in error. Your application is not ready to be finalized as of yet.PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE CEREMONY.When your application is ready, you will be placed in queue to be scheduled for a later date.Please accept our apologizes and we thank you for understanding.Warm Regards,IRCC Official / Représentant(e) d'IRCC – LPApplication historyAug 15, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship oathCitizenship ceremonyCitizenship oath status has been updated to In progress.Aug 11, 2023Activity status updated: Physical presencePhysical presencePhysical presence status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Activity status updated: ProhibitionsProhibitionsProhibitions status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Activity status updated: Language skillsLanguage skillsLanguage skills status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Interview requiredYou've been scheduled to attend an interview with our official on August 9, 2023. Information and instructions will be sent to you.Mar 11, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship testCitizenship testCitizenship test status has been updated to Completed.Feb 27, 2023Scheduled for citizenship testCitizenship testYou've been scheduled to take citizenship test online between February 27, 2023 and March 20, 2023. Information and instructions will be sent to you.Feb 21, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship testCitizenship testCitizenship test status has been updated to In progress.Feb 11, 2023Activity status updated: Background verificationBackground verificationBackground verification status has been updated to Completed.Dec 20, 2022Application filedWe have received your application and have begun to process your application. Information about next steps and required action items will be coming soon.
zhangdasan 说:人不在境内。从interview过程来看,他们并没有找到我申请不符合硬性要求,但有点找想找我不打算常住加拿大的茬(虽然相关法条现在已经不要求居住意愿)可能性1.放下之后就忘了我这事情了。2.不知道他们憋什么坏呢。3.确实就是这么慢。如果是1也许提醒一下有用。WST-Citizenship Client-Notification <[email protected]>Aug 23, 2023, 1:49 AMto meHello XXWe regret to inform you that your scheduled ceremony for August 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM PST has been cancelled as you were scheduled in error. Your application is not ready to be finalized as of yet.PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE CEREMONY.When your application is ready, you will be placed in queue to be scheduled for a later date.Please accept our apologizes and we thank you for understanding.Warm Regards,IRCC Official / Représentant(e) d'IRCC – LPApplication historyAug 15, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship oathCitizenship ceremonyCitizenship oath status has been updated to In progress.Aug 11, 2023Activity status updated: Physical presencePhysical presencePhysical presence status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Activity status updated: ProhibitionsProhibitionsProhibitions status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Activity status updated: Language skillsLanguage skillsLanguage skills status has been updated to Completed.Aug 10, 2023Interview requiredYou've been scheduled to attend an interview with our official on August 9, 2023. Information and instructions will be sent to you.Mar 11, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship testCitizenship testCitizenship test status has been updated to Completed.Feb 27, 2023Scheduled for citizenship testCitizenship testYou've been scheduled to take citizenship test online between February 27, 2023 and March 20, 2023. Information and instructions will be sent to you.Feb 21, 2023Activity status updated: Citizenship testCitizenship testCitizenship test status has been updated to In progress.Feb 11, 2023Activity status updated: Background verificationBackground verificationBackground verification status has been updated to Completed.Dec 20, 2022Application filedWe have received your application and have begun to process your application. Information about next steps and required action items will be coming soon.点击展开...张大三, 不需要联系,慢慢地等就可以了
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