加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车买车砍价技巧,大家讨论下
前不久看个帖子,一个白人介绍如何以最低的价格买到称心如意的车。他的经验是一开始的报价大概比Invoice的价格低2000左右,当然了估计这个数一般适用于车价在20000-30000这个区间。最后建议成交价格在Invoice价格至Invoice价格+1500区间算是合理的。举个例子,一个Toyota的车Invoice价格为20000,买主一开始给的报价18000,慢慢加钱,如果最后成交价格在20000-21500都算是正常。当然有些砍价高手可以以低于Invoice的价格买到车。 不知道各位大侠当时买车时是怎么个战术啊?
回复: 买车砍价技巧,大家讨论下Invoice的价格什么意思呢?是不是不含税的价格?
回复: 买车砍价技巧,大家讨论下Invoice的价格什么意思呢?是不是不含税的价格?点击展开...虽然俺也能解释,但肯定没有老外自己定义的清楚,详见下:Q:What does the invoice price mean?A:Even though it may say “Chevrolet” or “Honda” on a dealership’s billboard, dealers still have to buy cars from the automakers; this transaction is where invoice and manufacturer suggested retail price(MSRP) come into play. Simply put, there’s a price that the dealership pays for a car, called invoice price, and then there’s the price that automakers want the car sold at, called the MSRP. You can find these numbers listed on Cars.com in our Research section. Dealerships will try to sell a car at the greatest profit to them ― they’re a business, what do you expect? And that means selling as close to the MSRP as possible, though you can usually score a price lower than the MSRP. Although we can say it as simply as possible, invoice and MSRP prices simply aren’t that simple. The Cars.com article “Getting the Best Deal: Purchase Price and Trade-Ins” explains why: “For most vehicle makes, the published invoice price is not the true dealer cost because of dealer holdback. Holdback is a portion of a car's sales price (typically 2 percent to 3 percent of either the invoice price or MSRP) that an automaker returns to a dealer, usually on a quarterly basis. It's a way of boosting the dealer's cash flow and helps the dealer keep his lights on.” More and more consumers are entering dealership lots armed with an invoice price and MSRP in hand. Although these are important numbers to know, they shouldn’t be relied on solely during negotiations as the price you expect to pay. A good starting price ― and a more realistic number for negotiations ― is the Cars.com Smart Target Price, which is calculated considering invoice price and MSRP among many other factors; like vehicle availability and demand. On most cars; the Smart Target Price lies somewhere between invoice and MSRP.
回复: 买车砍价技巧,大家讨论下俺没有什么技巧。人家10,000的二手车,俺说砍1000就买。然后Sales "假装" 请示了一下,就成交了
回复: 买车砍价技巧,大家讨论下看什么车了,有些车,一坐下就给你几千折扣(似乎从来没有卖过“正常价格”)点击展开...不是看什么车而是看什么店,不是你工作那间店吧?
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