加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响
前一段时间在canadian tire换油的时候那里的人说control arm松了,需要调校(当时并没有太在意)观察了一段时间后发现车子轮胎在转并不是很急的弯时也会“吱吱”响,请有经验的TZ们说说是不是确实是control arm需要更换了?
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响I have the same issue, but the dealer said that it is about rotor and break pad, as those are after-sale part, I have no idea if it is the real reason, I guess that my car is about bearing issue, anyway the technican said that this issue does not impact safe, but I still worry about it.
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响I have the same issue, but the dealer said that it is about rotor and break pad, as those are after-sale part, I have no idea if it is the real reason, I guess that my car is about bearing issue, anyway the technican said that this issue does not impact safe, but I still worry about it.点击展开...我是明显感觉前轮磨擦地面响,就算是转不是很急的弯...应该是需要维修吧。
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响I have the same issue, but the dealer said that it is about rotor and break pad, as those are after-sale part, I have no idea if it is the real reason, I guess that my car is about bearing issue, anyway the technican said that this issue does not impact safe, but I still worry about it.点击展开...
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响你怎么知道是轮胎响?我看象是刹车少许有点生修,你是一直响,还是开个半小时就不响了?
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 法 法号若智 0$(VIP 0) 1,9772009-09-18#6 回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响把音响开大点儿就听不到了。或者买俩耳塞,不贵。
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响你怎么知道是轮胎响?我看象是刹车少许有点生修,你是一直响,还是开个半小时就不响了?点击展开...基本每次转弯都会响呢...不像是生锈。
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响把音响开大点儿就听不到了。或者买俩耳塞,不贵。点击展开...good idea.
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响Canadian Tire 的都是半吊子赤脚医生
内事不决问老婆外事不决问GoogleCanadian Tire 的都是半吊子赤脚医生点击展开...brampton那个修车的陈师傅在canaidan tire做过,他也这样说...
回复: 车子转变时轮胎“吱吱”响xuexi
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