加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车考G2牌前或后的朋友们必读


关于G2牌:G2路试是考核你的路面驾驶技术,测试你的交通规则,安全性和你的熟练性。G1是考你的基本开车常识,G2是考你的交通常识之外,还有操纵技术,还有开车的第一个细致。当你对你自己的驾驶技术有信息的时候,你就可以自己在网上报名考试或要求你的教车师傅帮你订期也行。如果你想取消考期,要在考试期48小时前取消,要不然报名费就被扣掉了。(因为有很多学生都不知道这个问题呢,所以再说一次。)如果你路试FAIL了,补考要等10天后才能去考的.急不来的。考路试的时候,最好是用你适合/经常练车的车量,因为这样会让你更有熟悉感,更习惯。前发前一定要带齐你自己的证件哦。在考试期间,除了你和考官之外,车内不能有任何人或宠物在内。在考官上车后,你如果有什么要求你告诉他:例如,你不会英文等。在考试过程中,你要安他的指令来去做。详细要考的:在考官上车前,他会要求你打左右灯给他看,在考官上车后,他会问你有没有心脏病,有没有带隐形眼镜或眼镜。要考的:例如,后退,拐弯,直路,换线,看盲点,三点掉头,路边拍车,上下坡拍车,平行拍车,头拍车,尾拍车等。在考这每一个要门的时候,还有很多小盲点要注意哦,做陋每一个都要扣两分哦,大错就4分,冲STOP牌马上FAIL了,要小心,要细心。更想了解详细的细节的话,就要靠教车师傅的指点了。(希望能让你们在考之前有个心理准备)供参考关于学车收费的问题:一般从来没有开车经验的学生,最少是用$410通过路考的。例如:全科证书$280:包括10小时路面练车,25小时课堂理论。(一般好的教练会在6到9小时内教会你全部要考的要门)散钟一般在:G2/$35/90min G/$45/90min (有些人便宜3块,有的贵3块,最重要是教会你知识)租车考试也分G2和G哦,小镇考G2收费会在$130或以上吧 而G牌就在$160以上了。也会有全包的,有些教练不做全包。全包G2价格如下:$450~$800之间,(包小镇三次考,其他师傅就不知道了),有的不止这个价,450适合有开车经验或上手快的人,一般16岁~20岁的人,会在$550~$600(年龄大一点可能会贵一点,要看每个人的接受能力了)一般好的教练在你第一,二次不通过PASS,他还是会给你练车的。我现在有个学生,女的,40左右,全包700,不包证书,另付。因为年龄大点的,接受能力就比年轻人慢了,所以学费就贵了。你知道$410是怎样算出来的吗?怎么会这么便宜呢。算给你看看,280全科班+130租车考试=410总数。(建议对自己一次通过路考的朋友们选择)你们也可以算一算自己学车的费用哦,就可以知道自己有没有学贵了。G2 PASS 后:[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]1/当你通过G2考12个月后,你有更多的特权,因为你的开车经验已进步了。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]2/你必须不能酒后开车,血液里的酒精含量必需是0。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]3/每一个人在乘车的时候必须戴安全带。还有,19岁或以下的人不能在半夜~5:AM这段时间开车。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]4/在通过G2开始的六个月,你只能载1个小于19岁以下的人。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]5/通过G2六个月后或直到考得G牌或20岁以上你可以载3个19岁或以下的人。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]提醒:19岁以下的司机有乘客限制,除非有一个G牌4年或以上的人坐在旁边,或和你有直属关系,或监护人,或已婚人。[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]G2通过12个月后,你可以去考G牌了。[/FONT] ​ 英文版的,前面已大概翻译出来,会英文的朋友们想了解更详细可以阅读一下。 Level Two (Class G2): Level Two lasts at least 12 months. At this level, you have more privileges because of your driving experience. At Level Two:You must not drive if you have been drinking alcohol. Your blood alcohol level must be zero.Each person in the vehicle must have a working seatbelt.In addition, the following restrictions apply between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. to G2 drivers aged 19 years and under, including those who received a G2 licence prior to September 1, 2005.In the first six months after receiving your G2 licence, you are allowed to carry only one passenger aged 19 or under.After six months with your G2 licence and until you obtain your full G licence or turn 20, you are allowed to carry up to three passengers aged 19 or under.Exemptions: The passenger restrictions for G2 drivers aged 19 and under do not apply if you are accompanied by a fully-licensed accompanying driver in the front passenger seat, or if the passengers are members of your immediate family (a guardian, or those related to you by blood, marriage, common-law relationship, or adoption).After 12 months at Level Two, you may take a road test to qualify for full licence privileges. You must pass this test to get a Class G licence.Note: A new, restricted Class M licence for limited-speed motorcycle and moped drivers was introduced on November 28, 2005. This new restricted licence has a condition that will allow licence holders to drive only a limited-speed motorcycle and moped. You are no longer permitted to drive a limited-speed motorcycle or moped on any driver's licence other than a class M licence (including M1, M2(L), M2, M(L) or M). For more information on how to obtain a restricted Class M licence to drive a moped, and graduated licensing requirements, please read the Official Motorcycle Handbook. G2Road tests Road tests check your driving skills in the vehicle and in traffic. You will be tested on your ability to follow the rules of the road and safe driving practices.The Level One road test deals with basic driving skills. The Level Two road test deals with more advanced knowledge and driving skills. Your performance in each of the tests will tell you whether you need more training or practice.When you feel qualified to drive safely and confident enough to take your road test, contact the Road Test Booking Call Centre at (416) 325-8580 or 1-888-570-6110, or go online to www.mto.gov.on.ca, to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to keep the appointment, call the Road Test Booking Call Centre or go online to cancel your test. If you fail to attend or you cancel your appointment without providing at least 48 hours notice, your prepaid road test fee will not be refunded. You must bring the appropriate vehicle to each of your road tests. Make sure it is in good working order and you feel comfortable driving it. Bring your current licence to the appointment. If you are a Level One driver, an accompanying driver must come with you to the test centre. If you are a Level Two driver, please be prepared to take alternate transportation home in case you fail your road test and are unqualified to drive.No pets or passengers other than the driver examiner are allowed in the vehicle during a road test.All road tests have a set time frame. Before you begin your test, the examiner will inform you of the amount of time you have to complete the test. You will not be asked to do anything illegal during the road test. The examiner will explain the test and you should follow her or his instructions. The examiner is not allowed to coach you during the test, so if you have any questions, ask them before you begin. While the Level One road test checks your basic driving skills, the Level Two road test is much more demanding. You should learn the proper driving skills as soon as you become a Level One driver so you can get as much driving experience as possible before taking the Level Two test.For the Level Two test, you must demonstrate a high level of driving skill and knowledge. You will also have to show that you can drive well on a freeway or high speed highway.While you are taking the test, the examiner will be watching to see how well you control your vehicle and perform such driving tasks as starting, stopping, turning, parallel parking and three-point turning. The examiner will check your observation skills, including when and how often you use the mirrors, where you look, and how you respond to traffic, signs, pavement markings and possible hazards.You will be tested on how well you manage the space around your vehicle, your ability to make safe lane changes and how closely you follow and stop behind other vehicles. How you communicate with other road users - using turn signals and brake lights and making eye contact with other drivers and pedestrians - will also be noted, as well as the correctness of your driving decisions, such as knowing when to yield the right-of-way. For more information on the Level Two road test, click here.At the end of each test, the examiner will give you a complete report of your skills and explain any mistakes you have made. If you fail the test, the report will show you where you need to improve. When you have had more practice, you can make an appointment to take the test again. You must wait at least 10 days between tests.

驾驶技师涂教练:6478328867/6476860980[FONT=黑体][/FONT] 超赞 赏 反馈:冬季蝴蝶, palenight 和 (已删除的会员) L lemon25Guest 0$(VIP ) 2009-09-16#2 回复: 考G2牌前或后的朋友们必读谢谢!

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