加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车2009 Honda Civic Sdn 4dr Auto DX-G


卖价报告:(购买从速) 2009 Honda Civic Sdn 4dr Auto DX-G 4-door Compact Passenger CarManufacture warrantyBasic: 3 Years/60,000 km Drivetrain: 5 Years/100,000 km Corrosion: 3 Years/Unlimited km Rust-Through 5 Years/Unlimited km Emissions: 3 Years/60,000 km Roadside Assistance: 3 Years/Unlimited kmFuel economyEnerGuide Estimate - City (L/100 km): 8.2EnerGuide Estimate - City (L/100 km): 8.2EnerGuide Estimate - Hwy (L/100 km): 5.7EnerGuide Estimate - Hwy (L/100 km): 5.7 Retail Price * Wholesale Price** Base $20,780.00 $19,325.00 Freight $1,395.00 $1,395.00 Optional equipment selected - FEDERAL AIR CONDITIONING EXCISE TAX (-EXTAX) $100.00 $100.00 Totals including all items above $22,275.00 $20,820.00 *Retail Price - Also referred to as the M.S.R.P. or Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price or Retail Factory Price. The price the dealer wants you to pay.** Wholesale Price - Also referred to as the Dealer Invoice Price, Dealer Factory Price or Dealer Cost. The price the dealer pays for the car, before adjusting for any applicable Factory Incentives. To start your negotiations, take this number, add a fair dealer markup/profit (3%-6% on most cars) and deduct any applicable factory incentive below.Current Factory Incentive Programs. Incentive Type Value Term Expiry Cash Incentives Security Deposit Waiver $0.00 September 30, 2009 Non Stackable Trading Dollars/Factory to Dealer Rebate $2,500.00 September 30, 2009 Lease Maturity Loyalty Program/Factory to Consumer Rebate $1,000.00 September 30, 2009 Lease Program Lease Rate 1.9% 24 September 30, 2009 Lease Rate 2.9% 36 September 30, 2009 Lease Rate 2.9% 48 September 30, 2009 Lease Rate 3.9% 60 September 30, 2009 General Comments and Additional Factory Incentive Program Details NO SECURITY DEPOSIT on all leases THE LEASE MATURITY LOYALTY PROGRAM/FACTORY TO CONSUMER REBATE applies only to current lessees of an Accord, S2000, CR-V, Element, Odyssey, Pilot & Ridgline whose lease is terminated between September 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009 who purchase, lease or finance a new 2009 or 2010 model. This program can be combined with any other available factory incentive and is applied to the after tax amount. Please consult your dealer for further details. THE NON STACKABLE TRADING DOLLARS/FACTORY TO DEALER REBATE are only applicable to cash purchases and can therefore NOT be combined combined with any other available factory incentive (including lease, finance rates, Trading Dollars & Retail Credits).

回复: 2009 Honda Civic Sdn 4dr Auto DX-G想买的朋友可以看看,这个是最低卖价的报告。。9月30日截止哦。。。

回复: 2009 Honda Civic Sdn 4dr Auto DX-Gthanks for sharing.

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