加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请问已有国内驾照14年是否考G2给G牌?
我有14年国内驾龄,在09年考G1的时候已翻译了驾照并登记了。我现在才去考G2。看到交通部的条文 http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/handbook/section1.12.0.shtml 有讲: Applicants declaring a minimum of 24 months licensed driving experience within the preceding three years:To obtain credit for more than 12 months licensed driving experience, applicants are required to obtain written authentication of their foreign licensed driving experience from the originating licensing agency, or from the Embassy, Consulate or High Commissioners' offices representing the jurisdiction. The authentication letter must be on official letterhead and be written in either English or French.Applicants will be credited with their foreign licensed driving experience as certified on the authentication letter.Applicants have, pending a letter of authentication of a minimum of 24 months of foreign licensed driving experience, the option of attempting the G1 or G2 exit road tests (mandatory waiting times are waived).If the applicant chooses to attempt the G1 road test and successfully completes it, the applicant will then be eligible to attempt the G2 road test.Upon successfully passing the G2 exit road test, applicants will be issued a G licence.If applicants do not provide a letter of authentication, applicants must pass the G1 road test and must fulfill the 12-month waiting period prior to taking the G2 road test.请问是否真的考了G2就可以给G牌,不用考G? 请问我有否理解错。 另外我当时登记翻译的驾照现在已经更换新的了,我是否也要把新的驾照再从新翻译一次再拿去。
回复: 请问已有国内驾照14年是否考G2给G牌?你的情况因为考笔试的时候只是出示了国内驾照以及翻译件,没有车管所的证明,目前只能是先考G2,拿到G2驾照,一年以后就可以考G牌了。因为考笔试的时候已经翻译了国内驾照,现在就不需要再去翻译国内驾照了。另外G2 exit road test是指G牌的路考,通过后拿到G牌。
回复: 请问已有国内驾照14年是否考G2给G牌?非常感谢,是否我再补一下车管所的证明就可以直接考G呢? 你的情况因为考笔试的时候只是出示了国内驾照以及翻译件,没有车管所的证明,目前只能是先考G2,拿到G2驾照,一年以后就可以考G牌了。因为考笔试的时候已经翻译了国内驾照,现在就不需要再去翻译国内驾照了。另外G2 exit road test是指G牌的路考,通过后拿到G牌。点击展开...
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