加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车高速罚单,请教高手
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手没胜算,交罚款算了。你这样做是危险的,谢谢你的分享~~
更多将军的生活图片故事 评《中国移民选择蒙特尔利的十大理由》 做不成华尔街股神 就做唐人街股神[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 B-a-King 0$(VIP 0) 10,5202013-07-30#3 回复: 高速罚单,请教高手没有胜算,不管有没有车,你都必须并道,远离施工区或故障区的车道而通过,否则算你危险驾驶。因为过去多次发生车祸,施工区或故障区执勤的警员被撞死。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 反馈:lzz326 L lzz326 0$(VIP 0) 602013-07-30#4 回复: 高速罚单,请教高手刚查了一下CODE :406.1. When an emergency vehicle or tow truck with its flashing or rotating lights activated is stopped in a lane of a public highway, the driver of a road vehicle travelling in that lane must reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is in that lane and, if necessary, stop the vehicle, and switch to the other lane after making sure it can be done safely. In the case of a two-way roadway, the driver must, before switching to the other lane, yield the right of way to any vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.If the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped on the shoulder or on a lane contiguous to the lane in which the driver of the road vehicle is travelling, the driver must, in the following order, (1) reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is on the shoulder or in that other lane; (2) change lanes, if there is another lane for travelling in the same direction and after making sure it can be done safely, so as to leave one free lane between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle or, otherwise, put as much distance as possible between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle while remaining in the same lane.The second paragraph does not apply when the direction of traffic in the driver's lane is opposite that of the lane in which the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped.This section also applies when a road vehicle with an activated yellow arrow light signal directing a lane change is stopped on a public highway. The lane change must be carried out in the direction indicated by the arrow.我觉得红字部分完全可以成为我没并线的原因啊。
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手刚查了一下CODE :406.1. When an emergency vehicle or tow truck with its flashing or rotating lights activated is stopped in a lane of a public highway, the driver of a road vehicle travelling in that lane must reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is in that lane and, if necessary, stop the vehicle, and switch to the other lane after making sure it can be done safely. In the case of a two-way roadway, the driver must, before switching to the other lane, yield the right of way to any vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.If the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped on the shoulder or on a lane contiguous to the lane in which the driver of the road vehicle is travelling, the driver must, in the following order, (1) reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is on the shoulder or in that other lane; (2) change lanes, if there is another lane for travelling in the same direction and after making sure it can be done safely, so as to leave one free lane between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle or, otherwise, put as much distance as possible between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle while remaining in the same lane.The second paragraph does not apply when the direction of traffic in the driver's lane is opposite that of the lane in which the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped.This section also applies when a road vehicle with an activated yellow arrow light signal directing a lane change is stopped on a public highway. The lane change must be carried out in the direction indicated by the arrow.我觉得红字部分完全可以成为我没并线的原因啊。点击展开...他说另外的车道上没车。
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手另外扣分有啥影响啊?保费涨,还有啥?不会危及驾照吧?信用记录?
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手红字部分是如果有可能就让你再变一条道,你的车与故障车之间多留出一条空道。你划画图看看。前一段很多电视新闻后都有播这个宣传广告片,提醒司机以前发生过多次路上处理事故的警员丧命。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard红字部分是如果有可能就让你再变一条道,你的车与故障车之间多留出一条空道。你划画图看看。前一段很多电视新闻后都有播这个宣传广告片,提醒司机以前发生过多次路上处理事故的警员丧命。点击展开...没看电视。。。他们在路肩上。
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手他也没法证明没车啊?难道更天朝一样,警察就是老大?点击展开...红灯你应该早就看到了,不是开车到了跟前才来变道。这就是错了该罚的行为。说句实话,其实你就是根本不懂这条交规。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard红字部分是如果有可能就让你再变一条道,你的车与故障车之间多留出一条空道。你划画图看看。前一段很多电视新闻后都有播这个宣传广告片,提醒司机以前发生过多次路上处理事故的警员丧命。点击展开...扣分对啥有影响?
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手红灯你应该早就看到了,不是开车到了跟前才来变道。这就是错了该罚的行为。说句实话,其实你就是根本不懂这条交规。点击展开...确实不懂,但是考得时候也没记得看过,也没考过。下意识觉得应该并,但脑子里想别的,一愣神儿就过去了
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手没看电视。。。他们在路肩上。点击展开...你别管路不路肩,警车在路肩旁一条道,如果有车道,你要变两条,远离警车通过。因为是高速公路,这样才有安全系数。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard你别管路不路肩,警车在路肩旁一条道,如果有车道,你要变两条,远离警车通过。因为是高速公路,这样才有安全系数。点击展开...这边的分数是一年一清吗?我去年有个超速3分。这次一下4分
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手扣分对啥有影响?点击展开...各省处罚不一定同,但可以参考。从认罪之日起污点保留2年记录,不再犯,自动取消。同时这两年renew驾照费提高一档(大约50%);明年保险renew时也会影响(污点在保险公司留3年)。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard这边的分数是一年一清吗?我去年有个超速3分。这次一下4分点击展开...2年一清。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard各省处罚不一定同,但可以参考。从认罪之日起污点保留2年记录,不再犯,自动取消。同时这两年renew驾照费提高一档(大约50%);明年保险renew时也会影响(污点在保险公司留3年)。点击展开...唉
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手给你贴个图,以后要记住了,见警车和闪灯紧急车,尽量远离通过。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 P pzshgs 0$(VIP 0) 2802013-07-31#19 回复: 高速罚单,请教高手老老实实开车最重要。
回复: 高速罚单,请教高手魁北克move over law交规录像在这里,好好看看:Move Over Law: Gouvernement du Québec
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