加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车2014 BMW X5 pre-order accepted ($62900)


Fast Facts: Better gas mileage and quicker acceleration[*]New electric steering[*]New 8-speed automatic transmission[*]New diesel engine option[*]New rear-drive sDrive35i model[*]Standard BMW EfficientDynamics technology[*]Standard Driving Dynamics Control technology[*]More passenger and cargo room[*]New infotainment options and connectivity features[*]New safety technology SafetyEvery 2014 BMW X5 is equipped with a free 10-year subscription to BMW Assist eCall services, including Automatic Collision Notification. This feature activates when the air bags deploy, helping to put the X5's occupants in touch with people who can help speed assistance. Additionally, the X5's Automatic Collision Notification system employs an Urgency Algorithm, which transmits additional data that can help rescuers understand what they will encounter upon arrival at the vehicle.A new Active Driving Assistant package is offered for 2014, including Active Blind Spot Detection, lane-departure warning, and a pedestrian- and collision-warning system. The latter operates at speeds below 37 mph, identifies when another vehicle or a pedestrian has become an obstacle, and attempts to get the driver's attention before autonomously applying the brakes to reduce impact force. TechnologyThe 2014 BMW X5 is equipped with standard BMW Apps technology for iPhone users, and the BMW ConnectedDrive services includes a vehicle locator that can supply Last Mile walking instructions to the X5 if the owner has become lost. Additional technology options include a full-color Heads Up Display, a 360-degree Surround View Camera with Panorama View, and a BMW Night Vision system.Autonomous driving upgrades take the form of a next-generation version of BMW Parking Assistant, which can find and measure an empty parking space, and then maneuver the X5 into a parallel parking space without requiring any driver input. The new X5 is also offered with an Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go system, and when paired with the Active Driving Assistant package, can brake the car to a stop to avoid a collision, even if the driver takes no action, according to BMW. Shortly after the X5 goes on sale, a Traffic Jam Assistant system will maintain a safe following distance to traffic ahead while keeping the X5 centered in its lane. The Traffic Jam Assistant works at speeds below 25 mph.2014 BMW X5 是第三代车型.前两代车型至今为止全球销售超过130万辆. 新一代车型操控性更佳, 重量比上一代减轻了55KG,油耗表现更出色. 0-100KM 仅6.2秒. 天窗 REAR VIEW CAMERA都是标准配置, 空间更大, 车内更豪华. 导航10.2", 前后雷达, 360度SURROUND VIEW 让您对周围环境一览无余. 9月份即可到货. 现已接受预定!

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