加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严重的!
我是国际学生,我妈妈是旅游者身份,于今年6月底到温哥华来玩。我们问了保险公司,以旅游者身份能不能买车并开车,保险公司说没问题。一直都开的挺顺利,但今天下午开车左转时,真的是不小心一个不注意没有看专门的left turn signal,结果直行绿灯时没车就左转了,谁知道警察从哪里冒出来的,让我靠边停车,出示驾照。我们只能出示中国的驾照,警察说BC省不认中国驾照。我愣了下说:不好意思,sir,我们问了保险公司和ICBC,以旅游者身份能不能买车并开车,他们说可以的。警察解释说:这是他们和ICBC见存在的误解啥的,对于警察来说不认中国驾照,只有美国或加拿大其他省的驾照才可以。所以你妈妈不能再开车了,除非考到当地驾照。并且罚了两个单子,一个是闯红灯的罚款,另一个是无照驾驶!罚钱是小事,问题是不能开车了是大事啊!我想求助,我妈妈究竟能不能以旅游者身份开车啊?!!! ICBC也没有写类似的说明。而且无照驾驶这个罪名也太大了吧?!我妈妈也不是没驾照啊,是中国驾照并超过10年驾龄无事故的!!!
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严你可以去ICBC网站上看对于游客有什么规定可遵照的。
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严怎么可能?我老公超速被警察抓了,就是把中国驾证和公证件拿了出来,警察开了罚单,没说中国驾证不能用呀。中国驾证每次可用三个月,你妈妈的驾证公证了没有?
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/osmv/road-safety/no-licence.htm
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严怎么可能?我老公超速被警察抓了,就是把中国驾证和公证件拿了出来,警察开了罚单,没说中国驾证不能用呀。中国驾证每次可用三个月,你妈妈的驾证公证了没有?点击展开...不是每次用三个月吧,是只有第一次可用三个月吧?求知道的大侠指点下
There is no way to happiness,happiness is the way. 超赞 赏 nanaimo家园 0$(VIP 0) 3,3002013-08-29#6 回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严Drivers licensed outside B.C.Visitors — you may drive in B.C. for up to six months if you hold a valid foreign or out-of-province driver’s licence. Any restrictions you have on your home licence also apply here in B.C.Visiting Student — you can drive for longer but must be registered full-time at a recognized institution and may need a vehicle permit. Visit any Driver Licence Centre for more information. If you are attending a designated (recognized) educational institution in B.C., you are permitted to drive here with your out-of-province licence. You must be registered as a full-time student. Note: it is important to always carry and be able to show your Student ID card when asked to do so by a police.
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严New Resident in B.C. — if you hold a valid driver's licence issued outside B.C., you may continue to drive using that licence for a maximum of 90 days. After moving to B.C., it is best to apply for a B.C. driver’s licence as soon as possible to give you enough time to meet any application requirements. After 90 days, the out-of-province driver’s licence you hold will no longer be permitted. Go to Insurance Corporation of BC – www.icbc.com – for information on driver’s licences.If you are licensed elsewhere, you must produce a valid driver’s licence at the request of the police. If a valid driver’s licence is not produced, you will immediately be issued a Notice of Driving Prohibition. If a valid driver’s licence is produced, you should be allowed to continue on your way unless the police have evidence to suggest you should be holding a B.C. driver’s licence.TOPRequesting a Review of a Driving Prohibition for Driving UnlicensedIf you believe you should not have been identified as an unlicensed driver or that you have a reason to be exempt from the requirement to hold a valid B.C. driver’s licence, you may submit your reasons to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. An adjudicator will consider this submission and compare it with your driving record. See Review of a Driving Prohibition for Driving Unlicensed on the Disputes, Appeals and Reviews page of this site for more information on the process.
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严游客没有限制,看清楚上面说的是resident,没事跟他上个厅玩玩,见见法官。准备好国内驾照的翻译件,最好有国内车保险公司的保险的证明
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了估计楼主妈妈的驾照没有翻译过,要本地ICBC认可的翻译,我国内的公证拿过来不认可,在这里重新找的翻译公证。
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了估计楼主妈妈的驾照没有翻译过,要本地ICBC认可的翻译,我国内的公证拿过来不认可,在这里重新找的翻译公证。点击展开...如果没有本地认可的翻译不能驾驶,那么无证驾驶成立。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 流 流逝的星星 0$(VIP 0) 952013-08-30#11 回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严你必须把驾照翻译过,并按照要求把翻译件和驾照都钉在一起。同时出示。三个月有效,之后作废!
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严请问 无证驾驶 是什么处罚?
乱码New Resident in B.C. — if you hold a valid driver's licence issued outside B.C., you may continue to drive using that licence for a maximum of 90 days. After moving to B.C., it is best to apply for a B.C. driver’s licence as soon as possible to give you enough time to meet any application requirements. After 90 days, the out-of-province driver’s licence you hold will no longer be permitted. Go to Insurance Corporation of BC – www.icbc.com – for information on driver’s licences. If you are licensed elsewhere, you must produce a valid driver’s licence at the request of the police. If a valid driver’s licence is not produced, you will immediately be issued a Notice of Driving Prohibition. If a valid driver’s licence is produced, you should be allowed to continue on your way unless the police have evidence to suggest you should be holding a B.C. driver’s licence. TOP Requesting a Review of a Driving Prohibition for Driving UnlicensedIf you believe you should not have been identified as an unlicensed driver or that you have a reason to be exempt from the requirement to hold a valid B.C. driver’s licence, you may submit your reasons to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. An adjudicator will consider this submission and compare it with your driving record. See Review of a Driving Prohibition for Driving Unlicensed on the Disputes, Appeals and Reviews page of this site for more information on the process.点击展开...
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严上庭碰碰运气吧。
Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. 超赞 赏 孩儿她爹 0$(VIP 0) 3,2532013-08-30#17 回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严中国驾照没有附ICBC认可的英文翻译件,视同无照驾驶,警察认定你妈妈无照驾驶没问题。
Having a place to go is HomeHaving someone to love is FamilyHaving both is A Blessing 超赞 赏 Chamomile 0$(VIP 0) 2,4322013-08-30#18 回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了没有看专门的left turn signal,结果直行绿灯时没车就左转了 对这一点,我还迷糊呢。看来有左转灯的,绿灯不能转。 但也不能叫闯红灯呀。
回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了没有看专门的left turn signal,结果直行绿灯时没车就左转了 对这一点,我还迷糊呢。看来有左转灯的,绿灯不能转。 但也不能叫闯红灯呀。点击展开... 我说的吧,不勤洗澡智商下降厉害呢。
[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT] 超赞 赏 知 知也无涯 0$(VIP 0) 1612013-08-30#20 回复: 急急急旅游者身份在列治文开车不小心闯红灯被罚了还有更严直行绿灯,在没有直行车辆时可以左转吧?我在多伦多看到很多车辆都这样啊。为什么会被判闯红灯呢
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