加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美食天地 - Never go to 金玉满堂 (Northern Dynasty)


I had a dinner at a so-called "Alaskan King Crab Specialist" (金玉满堂 (Northern Dynasty) at Alexandra Road in Richmond last Saturday night. They advertised on newspaper that they're the specialist of Alaskan king crab and they charged for only $18.98 approx. per pound so I went there to have dinner with other friends. The crab was good but the service was terrible. Without asking, the waitress took away our large plate of unfinished crab legs and transferred them to a much smaller plate in kitchen; and when the waitress returned the smaller plate to the table, we found that about half of the crab legs were missing. She even attempted initially to transfer the crab legs to a plate which was used for the hand towels but I stopped her. So at the end we paid only little tips because the service was very poor. But the waitress argued with us and said customers usually paid 15% tips which should be over $50. We refused. She continued to argue. Hence the captain/leader of the waiters came to argue and chased us as if we had owed them money. We left in anger without paying any more. What a negative experience! They operated like secret-society (黑社?). Such service was really worst. Never want to eat in that restaurant again.

回复: Never go to 金玉满堂 (Northern Dynasty)这个饭店在什么地方啊?

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