研究了一下关于产假和父母EI申请的小册子,没有提到身份的问题,好像只要是曾经工作并交纳EI,而且工作时间符合要求,就可以申请。不知这样理解是否正确? 请有相关经验的人指教! 如果可以申请到的话,等到work permit过期时,妈妈回国后,还能继续领取产假或父母EI吗?
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了, 赏
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了,回复: 拿work permit的妈妈能申请到产假EI和父母EI吗?可以申的,但是你回的,最好要去service canada 告一下的
回复: 拿work permit的妈妈能申请到产假EI和父母EI吗?通知会缩短Benefit的时间吗?
移民水落石出篇http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=205171正积极准备早日让父母来加视察回复: 拿work permit的妈妈能申请到产假EI和父母EI吗?可申请EI。如果回国,政府的要求是要申报(很多人拿着父母EI短期回国也不申报),但还若果是长期地呆在中国,那还是申报为妙。父母EI回国时,也仍然可以接着拿,不暂停,不缩短。请参看:http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/faq/faq_special.shtml#Who...16、 Can I leave the country when I'm receiving maternity, parental or sickness benefits?You are able to collect maternity and parental benefits while you are outside Canada. However, you must advise your Service Canada Centre that you are leaving the country.
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了,可申请EI。如果回国,政府的要求是要申报(很多人拿着父母EI短期回国也不申报),但还若果是长期地呆在中国,那还是申报为妙。父母EI回国时,也仍然可以接着拿,不暂停,不缩短。请参看: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/faq/faq_special.shtml#Who...16、 Can I leave the country when I'm receiving maternity, parental or sickness benefits? You are able to collect maternity and parental benefits while you are outside Canada. However, you must advise your Service Canada Centre that you are leaving the country.点击展开...太好了,专家来解答问题了!请问WLH75,工作许可过期了,回国后还能享受maternity or parental EI吗?或者,工作许可过期几个月后,移民批下来了,能继续享受吗?一直被困扰着,不知怎么处理身份问题才能保证拿到这个福利
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了,回复: 拿work permit的妈妈能申请到产假EI和父母EI吗?攻读了一下网站http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/outside_canada.shtml#file找到以下内容,似乎享受产假和父母EI和以前工作经历有关,和现在身处何处及是否有工作许可不是很相关How to file a claim for Canadian EI benefits for people residing outside Canada You may file your claim for Canadian EI benefits online. If you are residing in the United States 。。。。If you are residing outside Canada in a country other than the United States, you may be eligible for maternity, parental or compassionate care benefits only. Regular benefits are not payable to a person residing in a country other than Canada or the United States.All claims received from people residing outside of Canada are processed by the office in Belleville, Ontario. For more information, please call the toll-free number 1 877 486-1650.Your permanent residence is in a country other than Canada and the United States If you are permanently residing in a country other than Canada or the United States, you may be eligible for maternity, parental & sickness and compassionate care benefits if you have worked in a job in your country of residence that is insurable under Canada's EI program. For example, you may be a spouse of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and working abroad for the Canadian government. If you become ill and are unable to work, you can apply for sickness benefits if you meet the requirements.You may file a claim for Canadian EI maternity, parental, sickness or compassionate care benefits online. For more information, please call the toll-fre number 1 800 206-7218 or write to the following address:Service Canada CentreSub-Unit of interstate claim processing1 North Front St. P.O. Box 4800Belleville, OntarioK8N 5E2If you normally reside outside Canada or the United States and your last employment was in Canada, you are eligible for maternity, parental or compassionate care benefits only.
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了,找到以下内容,似乎享受产假和父母EI和以前工作经历有关,和现在身处何处及是否有工作许可不是很相关点击展开...我也是这么认为的。父母EI回到中国也可申请。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 拿work permit的妈妈能申请到产假EI和父母EI吗?最近问了service canada的人,他们说即使回国,sin过期,仍然可以享受父母EI,但一定要在回国前通知他们,他们可以转成国际申请的一类,继续给补助。
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