Only the cheapest prepaid plan we will discuss here.Any plan bigger than $10/month we won't even mention it here. Petro-Canada $20/180 days$.2/minute $.3/minute long distance unknown for 911 Rogers $100/year$.25/minute(first 5 minutes then $.15 after that) $.25/minute long distance $.5 911 Fido $10/month$.3/minute, Unknown for others Telus: $10/month$.4/minute $.25/minute long distance $.75 911 Current promotion for those plans?1. Petro-Canada mobility: redeem 80,000 point for Petro-Canada Mobility handset + $5 airtime + car adapter2. Rogers: Motorola V190 $69.99(After MIR) includes: $20 airtime and $10 credit.3. Fido? Ask the expert in this forum. My personal comments:1. You just want to simply save money? Go with Petro-Canada.2. You want to save and don't want to top up the balance every month. Go with Rogers.(Sorry, no fido in my suggestion)Please note:1. For pay as you go, if you don't top up before expire date, you lose everything.And where to buy the handset?Try www.tigerdirect.ca
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏
楼主,看不太懂。特别是那个:1. Petro-Canada mobility: redeem 80,000 point for Petro-Canada Mobility handset + $5 airtime + car adapter准确含义是什么?请解释一下。
Mazda323 说:楼主,看不太懂。特别是那个:1. Petro-Canada mobility: redeem 80,000 point for Petro-Canada Mobility handset + $5 airtime + car adapter准确含义是什么?请解释一下。点击展开...Do you have petro points card? www.petro-points.ca If you have it and also you have 80,000 points on it. You can redeem it and get a Nokia 6xxx handset. 80,000 worth about $80.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-11-20#5 M 323 $0.00 Ya,I think I got it.Thanks lot.But I have not got a petro points card yet.
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖Ya,I think I got it.Thanks lot.But I have not got a petro points card yet.点击展开...去petro加油站问一下,这各计划是刚刚推出来的,并且是petro刚刚涉足移动通信。 petro据说使用的是rogers的网络。
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-11-20#8 B
付费矿工 3$(0.00$赞力,#86) 15,406 $11.38 $2.57 我用rogers的10元每月,0.33元每分钟,个个月充值,在沃尔玛买的诺基亚手机,含2个月话费打税后才七十多元。评论
Can I use my own phone for the Petro-Canada plan?
为了天空飞翔的小鸟,为了山涧清洌的小溪,为了宽广的草原,流浪远方,流浪,流浪...... 为了梦中的橄榄树。我用rogers的10元每月,0.33元每分钟,个个月充值,在沃尔玛买的诺基亚手机,含2个月话费打税后才七十多元。点击展开...Then you should buy $100/year plan from rogers. And it's only 25c/minute.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done.Can I use my own phone for the Petro-Canada plan?点击展开...From their web-site they said no. But I believe you can you use it if it's an unlocked one.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-11-25#12 E 468 $0.00 Petro-Canada mobility 看着是便宜,但是这个是今年11月,确切的说是11月20日才开始运营的服务,现在绝对是出于是运营阶段,不管是网络信号还是客户服务都还需要逐渐完善,所以感兴趣的人最好还是等一等。而且提醒一下,你要是想使用Petro-Canada mobility的服务的话,必须要一起买他们的手机。
回复: [原创]预付费(Pay as you go)手机攻略学习
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