加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美食天地 - 1000 Islands Motel (between brockville & R


Website: www.bridgeislandmotel.com 1000 Islands Cottage (Chalet) Style Motel & Cabin, Camp Ground & R.V. Park (between Qananoque & Brockville, Ontario Canada) 1000 Islands Accommodation (between Rockport & Brockville, Ontario Canada) 1000 Islands Motel (between brockville & Rockport, Ontario Canada) 1000 Islands Camp Ground & R.V. Park (1000 Islands Parkway Ontario Canada) Introduction: Bridge Island Motel & R.V. Park is at the heart of the world famous 1000 Islands on St. Lawrence River. It is a dream place for families, friends and couples to get away from hectic days. The natural landscape and facilities have attracted fishing, hunting and scuba diving lovers, whereas boat launching and docking are available. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, the 40km hiking/biking path will take you to 1000 Islands Bridge to the States to the west, and the historical city-Brockville to the east. 1000 Islands cruises, Charity Casino are only minutes away. With the view of 1000 Islands, Bridge Island Motel provides comfortable cottages and cozy rooms for artists, travelers and people who love outdoor activities. R.V. Park and camp ground are also available for your convenience. Grocery, souvenir, firewood, fishing and hunting licenses are at your finger tips. Coffee and snacks are served here. Come and enjoy your day at this tour resort. Directions: [FONT=BR ][FONT=BR ]Halfway between 1000 Islands Charity Casino (Qananoque) and Brockville. No matter what direction you come from on HWY-401: 1. Take exit at #675 / Mallorytown Road (County Road 5)2. Turn south on Mallorytown Road (eastbond turn right, westbond turn left) 3. Go 2.1 km (30 feet from the end of Mallorytown Road, the end is 1000 Islands Parkway)4. Turn left to 2 Goodbody Crescent [/FONT][/FONT]Address: 2 Goodbody Crescent., Mallorytown, ON. K0E 1R0, Canada ( on 1000 Islands Parkway) Information: 1-613-923-5264 E.mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Website: www.bridgeislandmotel.com We are the member of:Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce Accommodations in Canada Ontario Accommodation Association Ministry of Natural Resources Authorized Fishing & Hunting Licenses Issuing Office


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