加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT数码及移动互联 - stitch digitizing A loving mother o


Yesterday morning, the Suzhou Embroidery Museum of Art before Mudu town Yao Jianping love flowing : Yao Jianping creative embroidery treasures Although the painting is only slightly larger than an A4 paper , but the picture is realistic fine , eventually a company from Hong Kong won the bid to 300,000 yuan . Yao Jianping announced the re- devote 20 million, a total of $ 500,digitization,000,fast embroidery digitizing, donated to the construction of Hope Primary School in Wenchuan disaster area . In her words moved , the more than 60 embroidered mother have dumped bag donations , and donated 47,962 yuan and 5,500 Hong Kong dollars. Yao Jianping China has three times won the highest award of folk art , Wenchuan earthquake ,stitch digitizing, she donated just received the Yao Jianping think your mother must be representative of Suzhou embroidery to do something for the people of disaster areas . She picked out 12 years ago the creation of double-sided embroidery Looking back , she will own efforts and talent into a million lines of Thousand Needles , to spend six months to complete the painting . Over the years, Yao Jianping has been the collection of the Museum of Art in painting .

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