加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题



回复: 请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题Call 1-800-387-1193 Child Tax Benefit, press * to speak to an agent

回复: 请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题By the way, you need to complete Form RC66 and RC66SCH. You will also need to submit form CTB9 to report your spouse's income if your spouse is a non-resident, even if there's 0 income to report. CTB9 needs to be submitted annually when your spouse is non-resident for any part of the tax year.

回复: 请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题看了lz说她这次长登之后被要求“必须要把以前教的税单递交过去才可以办理”,想借宝地问一下,我们去年7月短登50几天后回国。现在需要报税吗?如果不报,会不会以后影响到牛奶金之类的申请,或因此而增添许多麻烦?

我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时看了lz说她这次长登之后被要求“必须要把以前教的税单递交过去才可以办理”,想借宝地问一下,我们去年7月短登50几天后回国。现在需要报税吗?如果不报,会不会以后影响到牛奶金之类的申请,或因此而增添许多麻烦?点击展开...It depends on your residency. If you are not planning to come back in a long period of time, then you will be a non-resident and no need to file your taxes. It won't affect Child Tax Benefit

回复: 请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题It depends on your residency. If you are not planning to come back in a long period of time, then you will be a non-resident and no need to file your taxes. It won't affect Child Tax Benefit点击展开...Thanks a lot! Then how long is "a long period of time"? Above one year?

我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时Thanks a lot! Then how long is "a long period of time"? Above one year?点击展开...I should not have said "a long period of time". Actually if you are planning to move back to Canada and settle down here, and if you have a bank account, MSP account, etc, OR if you spent more than 186 days in Canada already, then you should file a tax return. However, if you have no idea when you will come back, don't bother to file just because you landed in the year. Hope that helps

回复: 请懂得税法的加园朋友帮忙咨询有关牛奶金问题I should not have said "a long period of time". Actually if you are planning to move back to Canada and settle down here, and if you have a bank account, MSP account, etc, OR if you spent more than 186 days in Canada already, then you should file a tax return. However, if you have no idea when you will come back, don't bother to file just because you landed in the year. Hope that helps点击展开...Very clear now. Thank you so much for your kind help!

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