加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息旅游及户外 - bbotsford的maan farms千万不要去
Abbotsford的maan farms千万不要去! 印度农场主没素质, 不讲理, 掉钱眼里了! 我和我老婆昨天去摘蓝梅,说是头7排不许摘. 好那我们从第8排开始. 一会农场主过来找我老婆和8个月大女儿的麻烦. 一会说什么她们不摘不许站在那, 一会又说不许只摘大的, 最后说要多收钱因为他是农场主人什么的. 明明没有任何东西有说明他这些规定, 还蛮不讲理. 详细内容看下文. 千万不要去!!!DON'T GO MAAN FARMS. Good berries, but terrible/insulting owner!!! My family went berry picking there. We were told not to pick the first 7 rows, so we did not. But a while later, the owner came up to my wife who was holding my 8 months old daughter, and he said in an accusing tone "what are you doing?! You are not picking!" I heard him, came and showed him my basket full of berries. Then he said "you are abusing the rules!" I said"what rules? we are not picking from the first 7 rows." He responded "no! you are only picking the big ones!" I asked "where does it say we can't just pick the big ones?" He said "it doesn't matter. I'll charge you extra!" I said "no you are not. your sign says $1.89/lbs, and I only pay for that!" Then he got mad and threw his hands up in the air and yelled "It's my farm! My rules!"... I got mad too, and started telling everyone in the shop how rude and unreasonable the owner was to us. I was showing people their "RULE SHEET" where there is NO such thing as you can not only pick the big ones. Finally the owner agreed to charge us $1.89/lbs. The berries are totally not worth the insult!!! DON'T GO MAAN FARMS. 用老婆的id发的
回复: bbotsford的maan farms千万不要去印度兄弟好的少 不好得多
回复: bbotsford的maan farms千万不要去这个农场在哪里?
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