加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息产假怎么样申请ei求帮助
回复: 产假怎么样申请ei求帮助有同一雇主要求吗?
回复: 产假怎么样申请ei求帮助什么网有这样说。奇怪。
回复: 产假怎么样申请ei求帮助http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/types/maternity_parental.shtml#eligibleYou have accumulated at least 600 hours of insurable employment during the qualifying period Hours of insurable employment are the hours you work, for either one or more employers under written or verbal contracts of service, for which you receive wages. The qualifying period is the shorter of: the 52-week period immediately before the start date of your EI period; orthe period since the start of a previous EI benefit period, if that benefit period started during the last 52 weeks. To be eligible for EI maternity benefits, you must have accumulated at least 600 hours of insurable employment in your qualifying period. If you are a self-employed fisher, you must have earned $3,760 from fishing during the 31-week qualifying period immediately before the start of your benefit period. To be eligible for EI parental benefits, each parent who applies for benefits must have accumulated at least 600 hours of insurable employment in his or her qualifying period. If you are a self-employed fisher, you must have earned $3,760 from fishing during the 31-week qualifying period immediately before the start of your benefit period. For more information on EI benefits for self-employed fishers, consult the guide called Employment Insurance Benefits for Fishers (IN-203)没有同一雇主这一说
回复: 产假怎么样申请ei求帮助如题,我预产期是7/12,我在网上查了要为同一雇主做满20周,可是今年一月份我们老板扩大了经营范围重新申请了新公司,这样导致如果我在预产期前8周申请的话在新公司没有做满20周,但有符合申请前52周做满600小时,谁能告诉我,象我这样的情况可以申请ei吗?还是生完在申请ei点击展开... BEAR 520 你现在申请到产假,EI了吗?我来了加拿大,还不到一年,就怀宝宝了,是由怀宝宝那天计起,还是由哪一天计起呢,这52周是什么意思呢?
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