加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息给大家介绍下公立学校是如何招愿意host 留学生的
给大家介绍下公立学校是如何招收愿意host homestay的家庭.看到那个帖子妖怪化homestay 家庭,忍不住上发帖子了。一:Becoming a Homestay FamilyHost an international visa student studying in a school in York Region who wishes to improve his/her English skills and experience Canadian culture.Are you interested in an enriching experience? By hosting an international visa student you will:learn about other countries and cultureslearn about your own environment through a visitor’s eyesform new friendshipsfoster respect for our global communityrecapture youthful energyCan you provide?caring, comfortable accommodation for a studentan English speaking environmentopportunities for the student to participate in family life and local activitiesintegration of an international student into your familya private room, 3 meals per day plus snacks (it is recommended that Canada's Food Guide is followed to ensure that nutritious and well-balanced meals are provided)easy access to a public school in York Region on foot or by public transit or school bus可以看出家庭并没有义务看紧孩子的学习,端正孩子的学习态度。家庭也没有义务提供行车服务,私人用品也要孩子自己购买,比如洗发水,卫生棉等。二:All homestay hosts will be interviewed and homes will be visited. A Police Vulnerable Sector Screen Check (PVSC) will be required for every member of the household who is over 18 years of age.是公立学校派人面谈,审核住房条件,拍照上传给学生或者中介,并不是家庭自己用什么photoshop美化房子,选哪家是学生和中介自己决定的。合不来也可以跟教育局的法人代表说,可以提前结束合同。三:很多学生不想去中国人家庭,是个错误。提高英语主要是在学校里,不是在家里。吃西餐肯定没法习惯。我朋友孩子暑假来加拿大参加夏令营去西人家里住,每天都是meat,meat,面包,面包,孩子回去后看到meat就吐。只有吃到适合自己的饮食才能让自己开心起来。留学生多开始英语不好,学校里难了,回家也不能跟人交流,那种郁闷情绪是非常不好的。找个中国人家庭,能交流得来,多少比跟菲律宾人,南美人,中东人家庭住舒服吧。我女儿8年级才来这,在家里都是跟我说中文,她的英语水平还是不错的,95分考进schulich。四:去哪个学校上学也是学生或者中介自己选的,以下是教育局网站上的学校名单,大家可以看到这些学校都是不错的学校,起码我对其中的2个学校有点了解。Available Schools/SpacesSecondary SchoolsInternational student application deadline for September 2013 semester is May 31, 2013. Please submit your applications as soon as possible.Available School Spaces (updated November 15, 2013)Secondary SchoolCitySemester 2February 2014AcceptingAlexander Mackenzie HSRichmond HillNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Bur Oak SSMarkhamNot AvailableGrades 9-12Dr. G. W. Williams SS AuroraAvailableGrades 9 - 12Dr. J.M. Denison SSNewmarketAvailableGrades 9 - 12Huron Heights SSNewmarketAvailableGrades 9 - 12King City SSKing CityNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Langstaff Secondary SchoolRichmond HillNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Maple High SchoolMapleAvailableGrades 9 - 12Markham District High School(non-semestered school)MarkhamNot AvailableGrades 9-12Middlefield Collegiate InstituteMarkhamNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Milliken Mills High SchoolUnionvilleNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Richmond Green Secondary SchoolRichmond HillNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Sir William Mulock Secondary SchoolNewmarketNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Stouffville District High SchoolStouffvilleNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Thornhill Secondary SchoolThornhillNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Thornlea Secondary SchoolMarkhamNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Unionville High SchoolMarkhamNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Vaughan Secondary SchoolThornhillNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12Woodbridge CollegeVaughanNot AvailableGrades 9 - 12*subject to change - visit regularly for changes to full/available schools
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: 给大家介绍下公立学校是如何招愿意host 留学生的家庭顶木老师正能量贴
回复: 给大家介绍下公立学校是如何招愿意host 留学生的家庭最近认识一老外,也是专门做中国学生homestay,貌似生意不错。
电工 辛苦生活中不懂,中小学生的homestay是教育局安排的,还有个体户?点击展开...是学校安排的。
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