从网上看到windsor hum ,有住在温莎的听见过这种声音吗?
联邦研究确认 温莎市神秘噪音来自美国
1 评论加拿大家园 51.CA2014年5月24日 08:15来源:明报联邦政府资助的1项研究确认﹐温莎市居民多年来听到的1种嗡嗡噪声﹐源自底特律河(Detroit River)对岸1个岛屿﹐但他们未能完全解开这个疑团﹐明确指出神秘的噪音如何造成。埃塞克斯(Essex)的保守党国会议员沃森(Jeff Watson)周五发表声音监控研究报告﹐指那种低沉噪声确实存在﹐声音从密歇根州红河(River Rouge)的重工业区楚格岛(Zug Island)传至温莎。他又说﹐温莎大学(University of Windsor)、西安大学(Western University)的科学家联手做调查﹐未能指出这种现象的成因。沃森说﹐渥京政府没有别的选择﹐不会深入追查声音来源﹐下一步工作只能交给对岸美方机构。他说﹐研究报告已交给美国官员﹐包括州长。加拿大驻底特律总领事将会推动密歇根州当局﹐催促它调查此事。温莎噪声多年来引起很多猜测﹐市上部分屋主人心惶惶。加拿大自然资源部曾做地震学研究﹐确认楚格岛可能是噪声来源。
There’s a Persistent Hum in This Canadian City, and No One Knows WhyImage
Zug Island on the Detroit River, with its high concentration of industry, has been identified by some researchers as the likely source of a mysterious noise plaguing residents in Windsor, Ontario.CreditCreditTara, via FlickrBy Christopher MeleFeb. 19, 2018A persistent noise of unknown origin, sometimes compared to a truck idling or distant thunder, has bedeviled a Canadian city for years, damaging people’s health and quality of life, numerous residents say.Those who hear it have compared it to a fleet of diesel engines idling next to your home or the pulsation of a subwoofer at a concert. Others report it rattling their windows and spooking their pets.Known as the Windsor Hum, this sound in Windsor, Ontario, near Detroit, is unpredictable in its duration, timing and intensity, making it all the more maddening for those affected.“You know how you hear of people who have gone out to secluded places to get away from certain sounds or noises and the like?” Sabrina Wiese posted in a private Facebook group dedicated to finding the source of the noise.“I’ve wanted to do that many times in the past year or so because it has gotten so bad,” she wrote. “Imagine having to flee all you know and love just to have a chance to hear nothing humming in your head for hours on end.”
qqcc 说:大桥能抵消噪声?点击展开...不是大桥能够抵消嘈声。这是一个小小岛,建了桥,这个小岛就变成高速公路了,不会有工厂存在了
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