加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Alberta: Students to go back to school in fall, no limits on


Students to go back to school in fall, no limits on class sizesThe province will bring back students to classrooms in the fall under its Scenario 1 or “near-normal daily operations with health measures.”Premier Jason Kenney said there is “overwhelming” evidence from other countries that schools can operate safely “with little health risk for children and teachers and low risk of causing serious outbreaks in the communities that surround them”Kenney cited Science Magazine, which reported this month that studies have shown people under 18 are one-third to one-half as likely to contract COVID-19. “The younger the child, the lower the risk,” Kenney saidSchools will implement health measures including frequent cleaning of surfaces, hand sanitizers at the entrances of schools and classrooms, grouping students in cohorts, and planning the school day to allow physical distancingStudents, staff, parents and school visitors will be expected to use a self-screening questionnaire daily to determine whether they can enter the schoolThe province is increasing funding to schools across the province by $120 millionEducation Minister Adriana LaGrange said she approved the use of school board reserves (currently at $363 million) to cover COVID-19-related costsParents will be notified if there is a case in their child’s schoolPublic health teams will investigate if students or staff test positive and contact close contacts of that personIf a school records a case, health and local school officials could transition to partial in-class learning or at-home learning. The decision — “made by our government,” LaGrange said — will be made on a few factors, including the number of cases in the school and the risk of ongoing transmission.LaGrange said there’s been no cases at Alberta summer schools. “It’s been a small litmus test, so that we can go back to school effectively,” she said. “Practical experience here in Canada and around the world show that schools can function safely during COVID-19,” Kenney added.There will be no limits on class sizes, LaGrange saidParents won’t be forced to send their children to school, Kenney said. Parents should reach out to their school division to discuss options, LaGrange added.

https://boereport.com/赞反馈:fjptyhy, bbjj 和 sofia 0.27 2020-07-21#2 fjptyhy
付费矿工 438$(0.08$赞力,#54) 3,956 $10.98 $438.39 我有点不太相信no limits on class sizes ,我上午大概扫一眼手机里肯尼的新闻,知道说秋季要复学,没认真看具体的论述。也没往心里去,保持社交距离现在应该是常识了,再说7月份就控不住的数字,谈9月可早了。刚刚又去翻手机新闻,CBC上的新闻,Alberta plans for students to return to in-person classes this fall, despite jump in COVID cases。尽管病例增加,省府说复学计划已经启动,教师协会认为安全问题悬而未决,最不可思议的是,Masks will not be mandatoryLaGrange says wearing masks to school will not be mandated for either staff or students.这位教育部长也说了,虽然选择第一方案,但也制定了第二和三计划预防疫情爆发。我觉得她想在阿省别的地方试试就尽管去做,有眼睛的人应该看到卡城已经是疫情再度爆发的状态了,所以她说的应该可以省省了。

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