加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息灵活说英语(完美版)


introduction 介绍 making introductions 给人作介绍 1. jane, tom. tom, jane. 2. jane, this is tom, tom, this is jane. 3. jane, i'd like you to meet my friend tom. 4. jane, have you met tom? 5. jane, do you know tom? 6. look, tom's here. tome, come and meet jane. 7. jane, this is tom. he's a friend from college. 8. jane, tom is the guy i was telling you about. 9. do you know each other? 10. have you two met ? 11. have you two been introduced? 12. allow me to introduce professor linda ferguson of harvard university. 13. let me introduce our guest of honor, mr.david morris. 14. if you want to be introduced to the author, i think i can arrange it. making a self-introduction 作自我介绍 1. may i introduce myself 2. hello, i’m hanson smith. 3. excuse me, i don’t think we’ve met. my name’s hanson smith. 4. how do you do? i’m hanson smith. 5. i’m david anderson. i don’t believe i’ve had the pleasure. 6. first let me introduce myself. i’m peter white, production manager. 7. my name is david. i work in the marketing department. after being introduced. 被介绍与对方认识后. 1. i’m glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你. 2. nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你. (平时用得最多的是nice to meet you ) 3. how nice to meet you. 认识你真高兴. 4. i’ve heard so much about you. 我知道很多关于你的事儿. 5. helen has told me all about you. 海伦对我将了好多你的事儿. 6. i’ve been wanting to meet you for some time. 很久以来我一直想见你. 7. i’m delighted to make your acquaintance. 认识你我觉得非常高兴. 8. it’s a privilege to know you. 认识您是我的荣幸. advice 劝告 encouraging someone who is hesitant 当某人犹豫不决是给予鼓励. 1. give it a try. 试试看. 2. go for it. 去试试吧. 3. have a go at it. 你来试一试. 4. it won’t hurt you to try it.你不妨试试. 5. it’s going to be hard, but give it your best shot. 事情会很难,你尽力而为就是了. 6. come on. you can do it! 来吧,你能行! 7. go for the first prize! i know you are good enough. 争取拿头奖,我知道你行. 8. let’s see some action! 赶快行动起来吧! 9. no pain, no gain. 只有付出,才有收获!(不劳则无获!) advising someone to be patient 劝说某人要有耐心 1. take it easy. 别着急. 2. just try to be patient. 尽量耐心一点. 3. please bear with me. 请耐心等一会儿.(意为:请等我把话说完或把手上的事情做完.) 4. take things as they come. 车到山前必有路. (字面含义:等事情发生了,再想对策也不迟.) 5. rome wasn’t built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的. 6. one step at a time. 做事要一步一步来. 7. don’t get ahead of yourself. 别做你力所不能及的事. 8. don’t jump the gun. 别轻举妄动. (jump the gun: 运动员在发令枪没响时就抢先起跑.常指在情况不明时过早地表态或行动,因而造成失误.) 9. don’t cross that bridge till you come to it. 没到河边,先别操心怎么过桥. 10. all in good time. 别急,还有时间. 11. there’s a time for everything. 事情要一件一件地做. 12. things will work out in the end. 事情最终都会解决的. 13. everything will work itself out. 每件事情都会得到解决的. 14. everything will fall into place. 事情该怎样,就会怎样. 15. everything will come out right in the end---just you wait and see. 你就等着瞧吧,一切最终都会顺利解决. 16. see how things go for another month before you decide what to do. 你先等一个月,看看形势的发展再作决定. telling someone to stay calm and not to overreact请对方保持冷静,勿做出过激反应. 1. calm down. 冷静一点. 2. don’t get so excited about it. 别因为这事儿太激动. 3. don’t go into hysterics. 不要歇斯底里. 4. don’t lose sleep over it. 别因为这事儿睡不着觉. 5. don’t let it get to you. 别让他影响你的情绪. (get to:使…沮丧) 6. don’t be so sensitive. 别太敏感. 7. you’ll send yourself to an early grave. 你这样会未老先衰的. 8. learn to roll with the punches. 要学会应付困难. (punch:拳击猛击. roll with the punches: 拳击手避开对方的攻击,引申为从容应付困难局面.) 9. easy does it, tom. don’t get all worked up. 冷静点,汤姆,不要太激动. 10. don’t fly off the handle. 不要这么冲动.(fly off the handle:发脾气,失控制.) 11. keep cool. 保持冷静. 12. don’t lose your cool. 要沉住气. 13. it’s important for you to keep a cool head at this moment. 这时候保持头脑冷静是很重要的. 14. it’s no big deal. 没什么大不了的. 15. like it’s such a big deal. 就好象有什么大不了似的. ( like:好像,似乎,相当于as if.) 16. you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. 你在小题大做.(make a mountain out of a molehill:把鼹鼠丘当成大山.) encouraging someone who is preparing for a big event鼓励即将参加重大活动的人. 1. this is your big night. 今儿晚上可是你的好日子. 2. this could be your lucky day. 今天你要时来运转了. 3. this is the big moment. 这可是关键时刻. 4. this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. 你期待已久的时刻终于到来了. 5. you’ll do great. break a leg! 你会干得很棒的. 祝你好运! (break a leg:原为对即将出场的演员的祝福. 按演艺界的一种迷信观念,说不吉利的话反而能带来好运.) 6. we’re right behind you. 我们都支持你. 7. you’ll make us proud. 我们会为你骄傲的. conforting someone who is unhappy安慰心情不好的人. 1. pull yourself together. 振作起来. 2. keep your chin up. 别灰心. 3. don’t let it get you down. it will be over with soon. 别为此烦恼. 事情很快就会过去的. 4. don’t be so miserable! 别这愁眉苦脸的. 5. cheep up! things will work out for the best. 高兴点儿.事情会有好结果的. 6. take heart- we’ll find a way out. 振作起来,我们会有办法的. 7. keep trying! don’t give up the ship. 继续努力! 别轻易放弃! 8. loosen up! it’s not worth getting upset about. 放松点儿! 不值得为这件事苦恼. 9. hang in there. things will get better. 坚持住,情况会好起来. 10. keep smiling! things will calm down. 乐观一点,事情会平息下来的. 11. it’s not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟. 12. things are never as bad as they seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那么糟. 13. win a few, lose a few. that’s life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此. 14. let’s look on the bright side. 我们来看看它好的一面. 15. every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一线光明. 16. when god closes a door, he opens a window. 山不转水转. 17. tomorrow is another day. 有明天就有希望. 18. stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 别太操心了,没有你地球照样转. (carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders:自以为重任在肩.) introduction 介绍 making introductions 给人作介绍 1. jane, tom. tom, jane. 2. jane, this is tom, tom, this is jane. 3. jane, i'd like you to meet my friend tom. 4. jane, have you met tom? 5. jane, do you know tom? 6. look, tom's here. tome, come and meet jane. 7. jane, this is tom. he's a friend from college. 8. jane, tom is the guy i was telling you about. 9. do you know each other? 10. have you two met ? 11. have you two been introduced? 12. allow me to introduce professor linda ferguson of harvard university. 13. let me introduce our guest of honor, mr.david morris. 14. if you want to be introduced to the author, i think i can arrange it. making a self-introduction 作自我介绍 1. may i introduce myself 2. hello, i’m hanson smith. 3. excuse me, i don’t think we’ve met. my name’s hanson smith. 4. how do you do? i’m hanson smith. 5. i’m david anderson. i don’t believe i’ve had the pleasure. 6. first let me introduce myself. i’m peter white, production manager. 7. my name is david. i work in the marketing department. after being introduced. 被介绍与对方认识后. 1. i’m glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你. 2. nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你. (平时用得最多的是nice to meet you ) 3. how nice to meet you. 认识你真高兴. 4. i’ve heard so much about you. 我知道很多关于你的事儿. 5. helen has told me all about you. 海伦对我将了好多你的事儿. 6. i’ve been wanting to meet you for some time. 很久以来我一直想见你. 7. i’m delighted to make your acquaintance. 认识你我觉得非常高兴. 8. it’s a privilege to know you. 认识您是我的荣幸. advice 劝告 encouraging someone who is hesitant 当某人犹豫不决是给予鼓励. 1. give it a try. 试试看. 2. go for it. 去试试吧. 3. have a go at it. 你来试一试. 4. it won’t hurt you to try it.你不妨试试. 5. it’s going to be hard, but give it your best shot. 事情会很难,你尽力而为就是了. 6. come on. you can do it! 来吧,你能行! 7. go for the first prize! i know you are good enough. 争取拿头奖,我知道你行. 8. let’s see some action! 赶快行动起来吧! 9. no pain, no gain. 只有付出,才有收获!(不劳则无获!) advising someone to be patient 劝说某人要有耐心 1. take it easy. 别着急. 2. just try to be patient. 尽量耐心一点. 3. please bear with me. 请耐心等一会儿.(意为:请等我把话说完或把手上的事情做完.) 4. take things as they come. 车到山前必有路. (字面含义:等事情发生了,再想对策也不迟.) 5. rome wasn’t built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的. 6. one step at a time. 做事要一步一步来. 7. don’t get ahead of yourself. 别做你力所不能及的事. 8. don’t jump the gun. 别轻举妄动. (jump the gun: 运动员在发令枪没响时就抢先起跑.常指在情况不明时过早地表态或行动,因而造成失误.) 9. don’t cross that bridge till you come to it. 没到河边,先别操心怎么过桥. 10. all in good time. 别急,还有时间. 11. there’s a time for everything. 事情要一件一件地做. 12. things will work out in the end. 事情最终都会解决的. 13. everything will work itself out. 每件事情都会得到解决的. 14. everything will fall into place. 事情该怎样,就会怎样. 15. everything will come out right in the end---just you wait and see. 你就等着瞧吧,一切最终都会顺利解决. 16. see how things go for another month before you decide what to do. 你先等一个月,看看形势的发展再作决定.

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 2005-09-02#2 fafan 3,113 $0.00 telling someone to stay calm and not to overreact请对方保持冷静,勿做出过激反应. 1. calm down. 冷静一点. 2. don’t get so excited about it. 别因为这事儿太激动. 3. don’t go into hysterics. 不要歇斯底里. 4. don’t lose sleep over it. 别因为这事儿睡不着觉. 5. don’t let it get to you. 别让他影响你的情绪. (get to:使…沮丧) 6. don’t be so sensitive. 别太敏感. 7. you’ll send yourself to an early grave. 你这样会未老先衰的. 8. learn to roll with the punches. 要学会应付困难. (punch:拳击猛击. roll with the punches: 拳击手避开对方的攻击,引申为从容应付困难局面.) 9. easy does it, tom. don’t get all worked up. 冷静点,汤姆,不要太激动. 10. don’t fly off the handle. 不要这么冲动.(fly off the handle:发脾气,失控制.) 11. keep cool. 保持冷静. 12. don’t lose your cool. 要沉住气. 13. it’s important for you to keep a cool head at this moment. 这时候保持头脑冷静是很重要的. 14. it’s no big deal. 没什么大不了的. 15. like it’s such a big deal. 就好象有什么大不了似的. ( like:好像,似乎,相当于as if.) 16. you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. 你在小题大做.(make a mountain out of a molehill:把鼹鼠丘当成大山.) encouraging someone who is preparing for a big event鼓励即将参加重大活动的人. 1. this is your big night. 今儿晚上可是你的好日子. 2. this could be your lucky day. 今天你要时来运转了. 3. this is the big moment. 这可是关键时刻. 4. this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. 你期待已久的时刻终于到来了. 5. you’ll do great. break a leg! 你会干得很棒的. 祝你好运! (break a leg:原为对即将出场的演员的祝福. 按演艺界的一种迷信观念,说不吉利的话反而能带来好运.) 6. we’re right behind you. 我们都支持你. 7. you’ll make us proud. 我们会为你骄傲的. conforting someone who is unhappy安慰心情不好的人. 1. pull yourself together. 振作起来. 2. keep your chin up. 别灰心. 3. don’t let it get you down. it will be over with soon. 别为此烦恼. 事情很快就会过去的. 4. don’t be so miserable! 别这愁眉苦脸的. 5. cheep up! things will work out for the best. 高兴点儿.事情会有好结果的. 6. take heart- we’ll find a way out. 振作起来,我们会有办法的. 7. keep trying! don’t give up the ship. 继续努力! 别轻易放弃! 8. loosen up! it’s not worth getting upset about. 放松点儿! 不值得为这件事苦恼. 9. hang in there. things will get better. 坚持住,情况会好起来. 10. keep smiling! things will calm down. 乐观一点,事情会平息下来的. 11. it’s not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟. 12. things are never as bad as they seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那么糟. 13. win a few, lose a few. that’s life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此. 14. let’s look on the bright side. 我们来看看它好的一面. 15. every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一线光明. 16. when god closes a door, he opens a window. 山不转水转. 17. tomorrow is another day. 有明天就有希望. 18. stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 别太操心了,没有你地球照样转. (carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders:自以为重任在肩.) saying that you agree. 表示赞同 1. i quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的看法. 2. i share your view on that. 对这件事我们看法一致. 3. i’m sure you are right. 当然你是对的. 4. i don’t think anyone would disagree. 我想没人会反对. 5. i have no problem with that. 对这一点我没有异议. 6. that’s just what i was thinking. 我正是那么想的. 7. that’s what i say. 我也会这么说. 8. i couldn’t have said it better. 我想说的也是这个意思. 9. oh, yes, i couldn’t agree more. 太对了,我举双手赞成. 10. i can’t argue with that. 我觉得不错. 11. okay, you’re the doctor. 好吧. 听你的. (doctor: 在此泛指某方面的专家. 本句意思是: 你是专家, 就听你的好了. ) 12. sure, anything you say. 当然,你说什么就是什么. 13. don’t you know it! 你说得没错. 14. you took the words right out of my mouth. 我的话让你先说出来了. 15. i wish i had said that. 真希望那句话是我先说的. 16. you can say that again. 你说的一点没错. 17. i’m with you there. 我和你想的一样. 18. i take your point. 我同意你的观点. 19. i think i’ll go along with your proposal. 我想我支持你的提议. 20. i’m of the same opinion. 我也是这个意见. 21. okay, we’re all agreed. 好,大家的意见都统一了.

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 2005-09-02#3 fafan 3,113 $0.00 qualified or partial agreement 有保留的或部分赞同 1. could be. 也许. 2. if you say so. 既然你这么说. 3. so it seems. 好像是这么回事. 4. so to speak. 可以那么说. 5. in a manner of speaking. 不妨这么说吧. 6. i suppose so. 我想是这样吧. 7. i agree with much of what you said. 我基本上同意你的意见. 8. i don’t entirely agree with you. 你的意见我不完全同意. 9. that’s one way of looking at it, i admit. 我承认可以从这个角度看问题. 10. yes, you have a point there. 对,你说的这一点有道理. 11. i get your point, but there are other things we have to consider. 我明白你的意思,可是我们还需要考虑其它一些事情. 12. that’s quite true, but on the other hand, we have to think of our priorities. 那很有道理,但我们还必须分清轻重缓急. 13. there’s a lot in what you say, but we have more urgent problems to deal with. 你说的相当有道理,不过我们有更紧要的事情要办. simple disagreement 简单的反对语 1. no. 不 2. nope. 不 3. not really. 不是吧. 4. not at all. 绝不是 5. of course not.当然不是 6. no way. 不可能 7. not a chance. 绝无可能. saying that you disagree. 表示不同意 1. i don’t think so. 我不这么想. 2. do you really think so? 你真的这么想吗? 3. don’t be too sure. 别那么肯定. 4. don’t speak too soon. 话不要说得太早. 5. i wouldn’t say that. 我并不那么忍为. 6. i don’t know about that. 我表示怀疑. 7. i’m not convinced. 我持保留态度. 8. i find that hard to swallow. 对这一点我难一相信. 9. i’ll believe it when i see it. 我觉得还是眼见为实. 10. that’s not true. 那不是真的. 11. you know it isn’t true. 你心里明白那不是真的. 12. i’m afraid i have a different opinion. 恐怕我的看法和你不一样. 13. i’m afraid i don’t share your opinion. 我不敢苟同. 14. i see your point, but i can’t really agree with you. 我明白你的观点, 但我的确不能赞同. 15. i’m afraid we don’t see eye to eye on this. 恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识.(see eye to eye on sth : 对某事看法一致.) 16. i am not in agreement with what he said. 他说的话我不能同意. 17. that’s not what i heard. 这与我了解的情况有出入. 18. that ain’t the way i need it. 据我所知,不时那么会事. 19. that was not the case. 事实并非如此. 20. that’s not how i see it. 我并不这么看. 21. you’ve got the facts wrong. 你把事实搞错了. 22. i don’t think you’ve got your facts straight. 我认为你没有把事实搞清楚. 23. i must take issue with your over what you said at the meeting. 我要和你好好谈谈你在会上说的那些话.(take issue with someone: 对某人的观点提出异议.) 24. all right, let’s agree to differ on this topic. 好吧,我们在这个问题上保留各自的观点. showing strong disagreement 表示较强烈的反对. 1. no, i won’t agree! don’t waste your breath. 不. 我不会同意的. 别跟我这儿费口舌. 2. do you expect me to accept that? 你以为我会接受吗? 3. over my dead body! 我死也不会同意! 4. what are you talking about? 你在说什么呀? 5. are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗? 6. you must be joking. 你肯定是在看玩笑。 7. you can’t be serious. 你不会当真的。 8. you’ve got it all wrong. 你完全搞错了。 9. you’re way off base. (off base:棒球不在垒上,此处指“与事实不符”.way是副词,意思是“非常,大大地”.) 10. you’re really stretching the truth. 你太言过其实了. (stretch: 滥用,夸大) 11. you’re clueless. 你真无知. 12. you don’t know what you are talking about. 你不知道你在说什么. 13. you don’t know up from down. 你黑白不分. 14. you don’t have a leg to stand on. 你的观点不值一驳. 15. i couldn’t agree with you less. 我完全不同意你的看法. 16. i couldn’t disagree with you more. 我的看法和你截然相反. 17. that’s out of the question. 决不可能. 18. that’s insane. 有没有搞错. 19. that’s ridiculous. 太可笑了. 20. that’s a load of nonsense. 一派胡言. 21. it’s pure fiction. 完全是捏造. 22. there’s no truth in it. 没有一丝一毫是真的. 23. i’ve never heard such a pile of crap in my life! 我这辈子从来没听过如此胡说八道! 24. i won’t listen to any more of this crap. 我再也不想听这胡言乱语了. 25. nonsense. 胡扯 26. that’s bullshit. 那是胡说八道. 27. you can’t fool me. 你蒙不了我. 28. who do you think you are kidding. 你想要蒙谁呢? 29. you can’t expect me to believe that. 你不会以为我会信以为真吧. 30. i wasn’t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁的孩子. 31. save that for the suckers. 鬼才信你那一套. (sucker: 笨蛋,易上当受骗的人. 本句字面含义:把你的话留着说给笨蛋听吧. ) apologies 道歉 general apologies 一般道歉用语 1. excuse me. 请原谅. 2. i’m so sorry. 很抱歉. 3. i’m awfully sorry. 非常抱歉. 4. i’m terribly sorry about that. 为此我非常抱歉. 5. i apologize. 我道歉. 6. my apologies. 我道歉. 7. please forgive me. 请原谅. 8. i hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原谅我. 9. it seems i owe you an apology. 好像我该向你道个歉. 10. you have my sincere apology. 我诚心诚意向你道歉. 11. please accept my sincere apology. 请接受我诚心诚意的道歉. 12. i can’t tell you how sorry i am. 我真的是很抱歉. 13. you cannot believe how sorry i am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉. 14. words cannot describe how sorry i am. 语言无法描述我对你的歉意. 15. i just don’t know what to say. 我真不知该说什么好. 16. i really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很内疚. apologizing for bothering someone 因打扰对方而致意. 1. sorry to be a bother. 不好意思打扰你. 2. sorry to be a pest. 不好意思打扰你. 3. sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉, 又来打扰你. 4. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to bother you. 对不起,真不想打扰你. 5. i’m afraid i’ve brought you a lot of trouble. 恐怕我给你带来了不少麻烦. 6. my son must have put you to a lot of trouble. 我儿子一定给你带来不少麻烦. 7. i’m sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. 给你造成诸多不便,我很抱歉. 8. sorry about the inconvenience. 对不起添麻烦了. apologizing for one’s mistake 因自己的过失而道歉. 1. i’m sorry for what i’ve done. 我为我的所作所为向你道歉. 2. i shouldn’t have done that. 我不该那么做. 3. i should have asked you first. 我应该先征得你的同意. 4. i honestly didn’t mean it. 我的确不是故意的. 5. i didn’t mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做. 6. i didn’t mean it that way. 事情闹成那样并非我的本意. 7. i don’t know haw that could have happened. 我不知道怎么会发生那样的事. 8. you were right and i was wrong. i apologize. 你是对的, 我错了. 我道歉. 9. it’s my fault. i really feel bad about it. 是我的错. 我真的感到很难过. 10. it’s all my fault. i’ll try to make it up to you. 这事儿全怪我. 我会尽力补救. 11. my mistake. it won’t happen again. 是我的错. 不会再发生类似的事情了. 12. it was so stupid of me. i really do apologize. 非常抱歉, 我当时真糊涂. 13. i’m sorry, i spoke out of turn. 对不起,我说错话了. (out of turn: 轻率,不合时宜) 14. i owe you an apology for what i did last night. 我应该为昨天晚上的事向你道歉. 15. forgive me, i didn’t mean to offend you. 请原谅, 我不是有意惹你生气. 16. please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. 因为我的失误给你添麻烦了,请接受我的道歉.

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 2005-09-02#4 fafan 3,113 $0.00 accepting apologies 接受道歉 1. that’s all right. 没关系. 2. you’re forgiven. 我原谅你. 3. that’s okay. 没事儿. 4. no harm done. 没什么. 5. no problem. we all make mistakes. 没问题. 人人都有犯错的时候. 6. never mind. 无所谓. 7. forget it. 忘掉它吧. 8. it’s not your fault. 那不是你的错. 9. it really doesn’t matter at all. 真的没关系. 10. don’t worry about it. 别放在心上. 11. think no more of it. 别再想它了. 12. don’t give it another thought. 不要再想了. 13. okay. i accept your apology. 好吧. 我接受你的道歉. 14. i won’t hold it against you. 我不会记仇的. 15. i’ll let you off this time. 这回我放过你. 16. i’ll give you another chance. 我再给你一次机会. complaints 抱怨 making acomplaint 提出抱怨 1. i’m afraid i have a complaint to make. 恐怕我要提点意见. 2. i’m sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. 对不起,这儿好像有个错. 3. do you have to act like that? 你非得那么做吗? 4. would you mind not doing it? 你能不能别那么做? 5. i do wish you wouldn’t do that. 我希望你别那么做. 6. please don’t do it without asking. 未经允许请不要那么做. 7. can’t you do something about it ? 你就不能想点办法吗? 8. i hate to bring this up, but this is a nonsmoking zone. 对不起提醒一下,这儿是禁烟区. 9. would you please try to keep quiet at this hour? 这么晚了,你能不能尽量保持安静. saying that you are dissatisfied with something 表示对某事不满意 1. that won’t do. 这可不行. 2. is that it? 就这个吗? 3. is that all? 就这些吗? 4. i’m afraid it just isn’t good enough.恐怕这不够好. 5. that’s not what i had in mind. 我想要的可不是这个. 6. it’s not what i hoped for. 我期待的可不是这样的. 7. that leaves a lot to be desired.太不让人满意了. 8. that doesn’t quite suit me. 我对次不甚满意. 9. i was hoping for more. 我原以为会比这要好. 10. i was counting on more. 我期待着会比这要要. 11. i expected something better. 我所期望的比这要好. 12. it’s a far cry from what i expected. 这离我想要的差远了. 13. i am not getting what i bargained for. 当时说好的可不是这个样子. 14. i got a bum deal. 我被骗了. 15. i got a raw deal. 我被涮了. (a raw/bum deal: 不公平或骗人的交易) complaining about a messy place 抱怨地方脏乱 1. what a mess! 太乱了! 2. what a junk heap.真是个垃圾堆. 3. this place is a mess. 这地方真够乱的. 4. never in my life have i seen such a mess! 我这辈子没见过这么乱的地方. 5. this place is a pigsty. 这地方像个猪圈。 6. you live like a pig! 你简直是住在猪窝里! 7. this place is a disgrace. 这地方太丢脸了。 8. this place looks like a disaster area.. 这地方简直像灾区。 9. were you raised in a bam? 你是牲口棚里长大的吗? 10. how about cleaning up a bit around here? 你是不是该把这儿收拾一下? 11. wouldn’t it be a good idea to pick up your room? 你是不是考虑把自己的屋字收拾一下。 12. get this place picked up immediately. do you read me? 马上把这里收拾干净,听明白没有? asking someone to stop complaining 要求对方停止抱怨。 1. stop complaining. 别抱怨了。 2. quit whining. 别诉苦了。 3. for heaven’s sake stop whining.我说你别再诉苦了。 4. don’t be so grumpy.别总这么爱抱怨。 5. don’t be such a grouch.不要总是牢骚满腹。 6. don’t be such a moaner. 别老是哼哼唧唧的。 7. i wish you’d stop nagging me. 我希望你别老这么烦我。 8. i don’t see why you are kicking up such a fuss. 我不明白你为什么要这样小题大作。 9. i know how you feel, but there’s no need to go on and on about it. 我知道你的感受,可是也没必要这样没完没了。 Indicating that you are losing patience 表示你将失去耐心 1. This is too much. 太过分了。 2. That’s really the limit. 真叫人忍无可忍。 3. This is more than I can bear. 我再也受不了了。 4. This is more than I can take. 我再也受不了了。 5. I needed that like a hole in the head. 简直想要了我的命。 6. That’s just what I need! 真是怕什么来什么!(反话,用嘲讽的语气。) 7. That’s just great! 真是太棒了!(反话,用嘲讽的语气。) 8. That’s the last straw! 真是太过分了! (the last straw:即the last thstraw that broke the camel’s back,指一系列坏事中最后一件让人终于无法忍受的事情。) 9. Now what ? 又怎么了? 10. Look here! I’ve had enough of that! 嘿,我已经受够了。 communication 交流 getting people’s attention 引起别人注意 1. can i talk to you ? 能和你谈一下吗? 2. can we talk? 能一块儿谈谈吗? 3. let’s talk. 我们谈谈吧。 4. excuse me. you got a minute? 对不起,能耽误你一分钟吗? 5. may i have a word with you? 能和你说句话吗? 6. if you don’t mind my asking, where did you come from? 你从哪儿来?要是你不介意我这么问的话。 7. it’s none of my business, but i think her dress is a bit too loud. 虽说不干我的事,可我觉得她的裙子有点太花哨了。 8. i don’t want to sound like a busybody, but didn’t you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打听,可你原来不是打算出国吗? Launching conversation with a piece of news. 讲述一条消息来打开话题 1. Listen up. 听着。 2. Now hear this! 你听着! 3. Get a load of this. 你听听这个。(load:大量,许多) 4. Are you ready for this? 想听着。 5. Guess what? 你猜怎么的? 6. Guess what I just found out. 你猜我刚知道了什么? 7. You’ll never guess what I heard. 你永远也猜不到我听说了什么。 8. You won’t believe this. 你会觉得难以置信。 9. You won’t believe what Tome just told me. 汤姆刚才告诉我的事会吓你 10. Did you hear the news? 你听说那条新闻了吗? 11. Have you heard the latest? 你听说那条最新消息了吗?

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 2005-09-02#5 fafan 3,113 $0.00 talking about weather. 谈论天气 1. nice weather we are having. 天气真好。 2. nice day, isn’t it? 天儿真不错,你说呢? 3. freezing, isn’t it? 好冷啊! 4. what do you think of this weather? 你觉得今天天气怎么样? 5. how do you like our weather? 你喜欢我们这里的天气吗? 6. is the weather always like this? 这儿的天气总是这样吗? 7. the weather’s been very hot lately. 最近天气总是很热。 8. i think we should leave the door open. it’s boiling in there. 我觉得我们应该把大门敞着,屋里太热了。 Talking about weather. 谈论天气 9. It’s like an oven in here. Let’s open the windows 这里快成烤箱了,我们把窗子打开吧. 10. Horrible weather we are having. 这么糟的天气让我们赶上了. 11. Dreadful weather, don’t you think? 天气可真差劲,你说呢? 12. Lousy weather, huh? 这种天气真讨厌,是吧? (lousy: 糟糕的,劣等的) 13. I don’t usually listen to the weather. They never get it right! 我不怎么听天气预报.他们总报不准. 14. They say it’s going to rain tomorrow. 据说明天有雨. 15. What a downpour! 下得可真够大的! (downpour: 倾盘大雨 16. Lovely weather for ducks. 这种天气至少鸭子喜欢. (这是下雨时的调侃语) Asking other people if they understand 问别人是否听明白了 1. Do you understand? 你明白吗? 2. Do you know that I mean? 知道我的意思吗? 3. See what I mean? 明白我的意思吗? 4. Do you know what I’m talking about? 知道我讲的是什么吗? 5. Know what I’m saying? 知道我在说什么吗? 6. Do you get the message? 明白我的意思没有? 7. Do you get the picture? 明白是怎么回事了吗? 8. Do you follow me? 听懂我的意思没有? 9. Are you with me on this? 这一点你听懂我的意思没有? 10. Does that make any sence? 这样清楚了吗? 11. Am I making sense? 我把意思说明白了吗? 12. Am I making my self clerar? 我讲的清楚吗? Indicating that you understand 表示明白对方的意思. 1. I hear you 知道了. 2. I got you. 明白了. 3. I can see that. 这一点我明白. 4. I hear what you’re saying. 我明白你的意思. 5. Okay, I know just what you mean. 嗯,我明白你的意思. 6. I know what you mean. I’v been there. 我明白你的意思. 我深有体会. 7. I’m with you. 我知道你的意思. 8. Yes, I read you loud and clear. 嗯,我完全明白. 9. I understand what you’re saying. 我明白你说的意思. 10. I get the picture. 我知道是怎么回事了. 11. All right, I get the message. 好吧,我知道了. If you do not catch what was said 假如你没听清对方说的话. 1. I beg you pardon? 对不起,你说什么? 2. What was that? 你说什么? 3. Say what? 你说什么? 4. Excuse me? What did you say? 对不起,你说什么? 5. I’m sorry. I missed that. 对不起,我没听清. 6. What did you say? I didn’t quite get that. 你说什么?我没听清楚. 7. How’s that again. 你再说一次? 8. Could you please say it again? 你能重复一下吗? 9. Run it by me again, if you don’t mind.不介意的话,请再说一遍. If you do not understand what was said. 假如没听明白某人说的话. 1. I don’t get it. 我不明白. 2. I don’t know what you are driving at. 我不知道你到底想说什么. 3. I don’t see what you are getting at. 我不明白你究竟是什么意思. 4. I’m not sure I get your point. 我恐怕没听懂你的意思. 5. I can’t make sense of it. 这个我弄不明白. 6. It’s completely beyond my grasp. 我完全摸不着头脑. 7. When you start discussing politics, I’m completely out of my depth. 你们一谈论政治,我就一窍不通了. Asking the exact meaning of what was said. 追问对方到底是什么意思. 1. What do you mean? 你是什么意思? 2. Tell me plainly what you mean. 把你的意思明明白白告诉我. 3. What are you trying to say? 你想说什么? 4. What are you trying to tell me? 你想告诉我什么? 5. What are you getting at? 你想说明什么? 6. What’s your point? 你是什么意思? 7. What’s the bottom line? 究竟是怎么回事? (bottom line: 帐目底线, 底细, 结果.) 8. What does that mean in plain English? 你能不能用大白话解释一下? 9. This all boils down to what ? (boil down to: 煮到最后剩下……; 意味着, 表明是) Asking the other person to get to the point. 请对方有话直说. 1. Get to the point. 请进入正题. 2. Get to the heart of the matter. 请讲问题的实质. 3. Don’t mince words. 别吞吞吐吐的. (mince: 切碎,装腔作势地说, mince words: 指说话婉转,一般用于否定句.) 4. Spare me nothing. 把一切都告诉我. 5. Out with it! 说出来吧! 6. Put your cards on the table. 把牌都摊到桌面上. 7. Don’t beat around the bush. 别兜圈子了. (beat around the bush: 说话转弯抹角) Pointing out a digression 指出对方跑题 1. That’s irrelevant. 那不相干. 2. That’s beside the point. 那与话题无关. 3. That’s beside the question. 那与我们讲的事情无关. 4. That’s not the issue. 那不是我们讨论的话题. 5. That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. 那跟我说的事情没有关系. 6. That’s entirely another story. 那完全是另外一件事情了. 7. You are always straying from the subject. 你说话总爱跑题. 8. I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? 我觉得你跑题了. 我们能不能回到主题上来? Ending a conversation 结束交谈 1. Nice talking to you. See you around. 和你谈得很愉快. 回头见. 2. Nice chatting with you. 和你聊得很愉快. 3. It’s been great talking to you. 和你谈得真高兴. 4. Let’s get together sometime. 什么时候我们聚一聚. 5. Let’s do lunch sometime. 什么时候我们一起吃午饭 ---------------------------------Possibility 可能性 Asking about possibilities 询问可能性 1. Is there any chance of stopping them? 有没有可能阻止他们? 2. Is there much prospect of reaching a compromise? 达成妥协的前景如何? 3. Has he ruled out possibility of lawsuit? 他有没有排除诉讼的可能性? 4. What are the odds on her being expelled? 她会不会被开除? 5. What are the chances of my getting on the next flight? 我登上下一次航班的可能性有多大? 6. What do you think? Does it look promising? 你怎么想? 希望大吗? if something can be done 某事可以做成. 1. i think it can be done. 我认为这件事情办得成. 2. it can’t go wrong. 不会有问题的. 3. this is perfectly feasible. 这是完全可行的. 4. i’m sure the plan is viable. 我肯定这个方案行得通. 5. don’t worry, it’s in the bag. 不用担心, 这事儿十拿九稳. 6. that’s a practicable course of action. 那是一个切合实际的行动方案. 7. he stands a good chance of getting the job.他很有希望得到那份工作. 8. it’s a safe bet that he’ll get the job. 他能得到那份工作,这几乎可以打保票. 9. i wouldn’t be surprised if your son goes to harvard. 我觉得你儿子很有希望上哈佛. 10. there’s still an outside chance that he’ll make it into the finals. 他打入决赛还有一线希望.

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 2005-09-02#6 fafan 3,113 $0.00 If something is certain or possible 某事确定或可能发生. 1. There’s no doubt about that. 此事确定无疑. 2. There is not a shadow of a doubt that they did it. 毫无疑问,是他们干的. 3. No one knows for certain what happened, but it’s a fair bet that it was not an accident. 没有人知道究竟发生了什么,但几乎可以肯定这并非意外. 4. Our competitor has a better product. There’s no denying it. 无可否认,我们的竞争对手拥有更好的产品. 5. You can bet your life they’ll oppose it. 我敢断定他们会表示反对. (You can bet your life:字面含义是”你不妨用性命来打赌”) 6. Without a doubt, things will get worse. 情况无疑会越来越糟. 7. It’s bound to happen sooner or later. 这件事迟早要发生. 8. This is meant to happen. 这件事注定要发生. 9. She’s going to regret it for sure. 她肯定会为次后悔. 10. It’s almost certain that they’ll get a divorce. 他们离婚几乎已成定局. 11. It’s inevitable that he’ll find out about it. 他无可避免地会发觉此事. 12. It’s find out eventually. It’s just a matter of time. 他终究会发觉的. 这只是个时间问题. 13. There’s always a chance that something may go wrong. 出岔子是在所难免的. 14. There’s a possibility that he’ll get promoted. 她大概会获得提拔. 15. Downsizing is now a strong possibility. 很可能会裁员. 16. It looks like she’ll be the new manager. 好像她将是新一任经理. 17. Chances are they’ll give in. 他们也许会做出让步. 18. It’s quite likely that they’ll agree to compromise. 他们很可能同意妥协. 19. The odds are she’ll decline the invitation. 恐怕她会谢绝邀请. 20. Chances are ten to one that we’ll have a economic recession. 我们十有八九会陷入经济衰退. 21. An economic recession now seems more than likely. 现在看来,经济衰退的可能性相当大. 22. The world could be heading for an economic recession. 世界也许正在走向经济衰退. 23. More tax cuts are in the cards. 看来会进一步减税. 24. There’s a slight chance of some snow tomorrow. 明天也许会下点雪. Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚 Where there's smoke,there's fire.无风不起浪,事出必有因。 look before you leap.(三思而后行。) Well begun, half done.(好的开始,成功了一半) 有好多短句很好玩的,或许你可以用到[推荐] no news is good news.(没消息就是好消息。) what's done cannot be undone.(覆水难收) love me,love my dog.(爱乌及屋) everyone has a skeleton in his closet.(人人都有不可告人之事。) like father, like son.(有其父,必有其子) better late than never(迟做总比不做好。) fall in love at first sight.一见钟情 to teach a fish how to swim.(关公面前耍大刀) 李扬大哥说过,不要把学好英语的希望寄托到完整、系统的学习上,也不要寄托在大块的时间上!因为人脑不是电脑!系统地、大量地学,也会系统地、大量地忘!如果碰见一个好句子,就去重复、重复再重复,直至脱口而出、真正拥有!就算你一天只脱口而出这一个句子,都应该感到非常满足和自豪! 精巧的小短句,好记又有用,你会但不等于能用噢!让语言不再乏味 ii's about time.(时间差不多了吧/是时候了) ii's hard to say(很难说) that reminds me.(这使我想起来了) if you insist.(恭敬不如从命) you never know.(天晓得)

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室赞反馈:cast 2005-09-03#7 猫人 1,566 $0.00 顶



努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室回复: 灵活说英语(完美版)好,不错。顶

  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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