加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我愿意是急流,如果:)


I am willing that it is a torrent --Petőfi Sándor I am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain,pass the rock on the rugged mountain path Only my spouse It is a small fish, swim happily in my spray. I willing neglect woods, two sides in river, to a burst of blast, Fight bravely Only my spouse It is a bird Dense in mine Make the nest among the branch Pipe. I am willing that it is the ruins, on high and steep mountain and rock,this ruin mourned in silence does not make me dejected Only my spouse It is the blue and green blue and green Chinese ivy, along my bleak and desolate volume, climb up by holding on to and rise on intimate terms with each otherly. I am willing that it is the thatched cottage, in the deep mountain valley bottom, endure the strike of the trials and hardship to the fullest extent on the top of the thatched cottage Only my spouse It is the lovely flame, in my stove, flash slowly happily . I am willing that it is a cloud,it is the grey breaking the flag, swing too lazy to feel like floatingly in the vast sky , Only my spouse Coral's the setting sun, draw near me pale face and show bright-colored brilliance.

赞反馈:1人 2007-08-03#2 IBT
5,484 $0.00 回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)我愿意是急流 ――裴多菲 我愿意是急流, 山里的小河, 在崎岖的山路上 岩石上经过…… 只要我的爱人 是一条小鱼, 在我的浪花中 快乐地游来游去。 我愿意是荒林, 在河流的两岸, 对一阵阵的狂风, 勇敢地作战…… 只要我的爱人 是一只小鸟 在我的稠密的 树枝间做窠 鸣叫。 我愿意是废墟, 在峻峭的山岩上, 这静默的毁灭 并不使我懊丧…… 只要我的爱人 是青青的常春藤, 沿着我荒凉的额, 亲密地攀援上升。 我愿意是草屋, 在深深的山谷底, 草屋的顶上 饱受风雨的打击…… 只要我的爱人 是可爱的火焰, 在我的炉子里, 愉快地缓缓闪现。 我愿意是云朵, 是灰色的破旗, 在广漠的空中 懒懒得飘来荡去, 只要我的爱人 是珊瑚似的夕阳, 傍着我苍白的脸, 显出鲜艳的辉煌。

赞反馈:yangyang2005 2007-08-03#3 yangyang2005 7,406 $0.00 回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)thanks for sharing

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)哦,才发现有乱码呵呵,感叹号都变了,呵呵

回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)我没法找到从匈牙利文直接译成英文的这首诗只能找到从匈牙利文到中文再到英文的不知道打了多少折扣:(

回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)厉害

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)诗都可以译

“幸福隔着玻璃 看似很美丽 却无法触及 也许擦肩而过的你 只留下 一段痕迹在我生命里……”回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)呵呵,哪里是我译的啊

回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)译得好啊,谁译的?仰视

2007-8-15HK签收,2007-8-28划款2008-1-31 FN自评70ME,DM,PL,LP期待中I am willing that it is a torrent --Petőfi SándorI am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain,pass the rock on the rugged mountain path Only my spouse It is a small fish, swim happily in my spray. I willing neglect woods, two sides in river, to a burst of blast, Fight bravely Only my spouse It is a bird Dense in mine Make the nest among the branch Pipe. I am willing that it is the ruins, on high and steep mountain and rock,this ruin mourned in silence does not make me dejected Only my spouse It is the blue and green blue and green Chinese ivy, along my bleak and desolate volume, climb up by holding on to and rise on intimate terms with each otherly. I am willing that it is the thatched cottage, in the deep mountain valley bottom, endure the strike of the trials and hardship to the fullest extent on the top of the thatched cottage Only my spouse It is the lovely flame, in my stove, flash slowly happily . I am willing that it is a cloud,it is the grey breaking the flag, swing too lazy to feel like floatingly in the vast sky , Only my spouse Coral's the setting sun, draw near me pale face and show bright-colored brilliance.点击展开...hi,ibt. : ) i wanna post one of my english poetry here.hope u enjoy it : )) ---------------------------------------------- Eat ApplesI like to eat apples.Even there ‘re some worms inside.If only I don't know before I eat.I don’t like to eat worms.Maybe I have eaten them.Cause they hide inside the apples.Actually,I like the idea about eating apples which grow worms inside.They have more protein than pure apples.I just don't like the feelings about eating worms.

回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)like a childish poetry, or perhaps I'm too simple to understand it:) Plus, I'm so surprised, also happy, of your coming.Anyway, welcom to the new world. though maybe you will come across some worms, apple is always dilicious.

回复: 我愿意是急流,如果:)Yes, don't prevent yourself from eating apples because of potential worms.The world outside is beatiful, good scenery together with some worms, it's natural life.

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