Dear XXX!My name is Kevin Kelly, I'm Manager of Union Investment company. I have foundyour resume on www.monster.com and decided to offer you a position with ourcompany.The e-Payment manager duties:The ePayment Manager obtains payments from our customers through PayPal system. The ePayment Manager transfers payments using Western Union or MoneyGram.Commission:The ePayment Manager is entitled to a commission in the amount 15% from the total of each transaction. Our company will bear all expenses associated with each transaction including all fees and commissions incurred by Western Union, MoneyGram, Bank fees and PayPal fees. The commission includes each PayPal transaction.Working hours:The working hours are flexible and adjustable to suit your day to day life. You can do your work during evenings and holidays.Benefits of this vacancy:1. Flexible working hours.2. You can do this work in combination with other employment or responsibilities.3. Career development potential.4. Home-based vacancy.Minimum Requirements:1. You must be at least 18 years of age.2. You must be proficient in using internet and Email.3. You must have a PayPal account.Important!You need a PayPal account in order to perform the duties associated with this position. This will not cost you anything. If you do not yet have a PayPal account you can create one quickly and at no charge by simply registering at the following web site: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_registration-runBest regards以前是银行账号,现在是paypal账号,paypal 的安全性能高一些?
存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。 赏
回复: 是不是骗局,有人被骗过吗?幸好俺英文不咋地,看到这样的邮件,直接就删了.
回复: 是不是骗局,有人被骗过吗?不算不是骗局.
回复: 是不是骗局,有人被骗过吗?我的朋友都手到N多封了.别理它,小心上当.
回复: 是不是骗局,有人被骗过吗?应该是张三先通过Paypal给你钱,然后你把钱从西联寄给李四之后,张三再从Paypal把钱要回去. 其实,凡是这种通过西联之类的寄钱给陌生人的,基本上全是骗子. 你们都是从哪里搞来的这种高级骗子邮件,我邮箱里全是卖伟哥的骗子,档次太低了.
回复: 是不是骗局,有人被骗过吗?I have received those kinds of email fro many times. It can't be true.
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