回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?In a historic effort to tweak its time-honored brand, IBM Corp. is taking a page from rival chipmaker Intel by calling attention to its technology's uses in consumer products. Intel, of course, saw tremendous success with its "Intel Inside" program during the mid-90s, a branding, marketing and business development effort that helped make the chipmaker's name one of the world's most recognizable.
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?顶!!!
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?beijing2008: "time-honored brand" is not bad, but I presume they are looking for a special term for "老字号", similar to "oldies" for old songs, old-timer for “老手”,something like that.点击展开... Notice of the Ministry of Commerce on Printing and Distributing the Provisions on the Use of the Logo of “China Time-honored Brands”(No.137 [2007] of the Ministry of Commerce)The competent departments of commerce of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning and Sinkiang Production and Construction Corp.: In accordance with the Norms for the Determination of “China Time-honored Brands” (for Trial Implementation) and for the purpose of safeguarding the reputation of “China Time-honored Brands”, strengthening the administration of the logo of “China Time-honored Brands” and regulating the use of the logo of “China Time-honored Brands”, upon research, this Ministry formulated the Provisions on the Use of the Logo of “China Time-honored Brands”, which are hereby printed and distributed to you for your earnest implementation.Ministry of Commerce April 13th, 2007 Dear visitor, You’re logging into the subscription section of http://www.lawinfochina.com. If you are already subscriber, please login, and you can enjoy the pleasure of using our database. If you’re not a subscriber, please register and pay the relevant fees so as to become a subscriber. If you have any question, please contact us at: Tel: +86 (10) 82689699, +86 (10) 82668266 ext. 153 Mobile: +86 15910785228 Fax: +86 (10) 82668268 E-mail: [email protected] 您好:您现在要进入的是北大法律英文网会员专区,如您是我们英文用户可直接登录,进入会员专区查询您所需要的信息;如您还不是我们的英文用户,请注册并交纳相应费用成为我们的英文会员;如您仅需要单篇英文法规请来电咨询;Tel: +86 (10) 82689699, +86 (10) 82668266 ext. 153 Mobile: +86 15910785228 Fax: +86 (10) 82668268 E-mail: [email protected] 商务部关于印发《“中华老字号”标识使用规定》的通知(商改发〔2007〕137号)各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门: 根据《“中华老字号”认定规范(试行)》,为维护“中华老字号”的信誉,加强对“中华老字号”标识的管理,规范“中华老字号”标识的使用,我部研究制订了《“中华老字号”标识使用规定》。现印发你们,请认真贯彻执行。商 务 部??二??七年四月十三日“中华老字号”标识使用规定 第一条 为维护“中华老字号”的信誉,加强对“中华老字号”标识的管理,规范“中华老字号”标识的使用,依据《“中华老字号”认定规范(试行)》,制定本规定。 第二条 “中华老字号”标识的使用应当遵循本规定。 第三条 “中华老字号”标识适用于商务部认定的“中华老字号”企业或品牌(以下简称“中华老字号”企业)。未被认定为“中华老字号”的企业或个人,不得使用“中华老字号”标识和文字。 第四条 商务部对“中华老字号”标识的使用实行统一监督和管理。地方商务主管部门按照职责分工对所辖区域内“中华老字号”标识的使用进行监督与管理。 第五条 “中华老字号”标识属商务部所有,由标准图形和“中华老字号”中英文文字组成,图形可单独使用,也可与文字组合使用。标识设有标准色3色、标准组合4种供企业选用。推荐使用第一种“中华老字号”2色标识。“中华老字号”标识标准图形、标准字体、标准色彩、标准组合及与商标的组合使用方式详见附件。 第六条 “中华老字号”企业可以在相应产品或服务的包装、装潢、说明书、广告宣传及互联网等媒介中使用统一规定的“中华老字号”标识。 第七条 商务部统一制作“中华老字号”证书和牌匾,统一编号。证书未经许可不得擅自复制。牌匾如需复制使用,可经所在省级商务主管部门向商务部提出申请,并注明用途、数量和使用范围。经批准后按指定样式和工艺进行制作,并由所在省级商务主管部门备案、监督使用。 第八条 “中华老字号”标识在使用时,必须根据规定式样使用,可按比例放大或缩小,但不得更改标识的比例关系和色相。 第九条 “中华老字号”标识在印刷时,附着媒介的底色不得影响标识的标准色相,不得透叠其他色彩和图案。 第十条 “中华老字号”标识只能用于与获得“中华老字号”称号相一致的产品或服务上,不得扩大使用范围。 第十一条 被取消“中华老字号”资格的企业,自取消之日起,停止使用“中华老字号”标识,并负责清理自身使用的有关“中华老字号”标识。原有牌匾和证书由所在省级商务主管部门收回,统一销毁和注销。 第十二条 “中华老字号”企业的企业名称和注册商标所有权发生变更后,“中华老字号”标识的使用权随之变更,但须于10日内经所在省级商务主管部门报商务部备案。 第十三条 本规定由商务部负责解释。 第十四条 本规定自发布之日起实施。 附件(略)。chl_90372 Note: There are more notes and links in the Chinese text, but we only provide English translations for the main contents of the Chinese text, so you may find that there are no English translations for the additional notes and links in the Chinese text. Please pay attention to this when you use our database.
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?雨中行:Now I understand proper translations are sought for the use of the logo only, something like our BBB (Better Business Bureau) logo here.Thanks.
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?Sorry, your name should be: 雨中人
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?Thank 2008 for breathing a phrase here, "Time-honored Brands", I have written it down.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- MontrealThank 2008 for breathing a phrase here, "Time-honored Brands", I have written it down.点击展开...YOU ARE WELCOME.
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?In a historic effort to tweak its time-honored brand, IBM Corp. is taking a page from rival chipmaker Intel by calling attention to its technology's uses in consumer products. Intel, of course, saw tremendous success with its "Intel Inside" program during the mid-90s, a branding, marketing and business development effort that helped make the chipmaker's name one of the world's most recognizable.点击展开...08老师,学习了
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?北京为了防止菜名翻译出现令人啼笑皆非的现象,向世界各地翻译高手征集"中华老字号"的多种外语的译法。点击展开...the oldest number of ChineseORthe Chinese oldest number
存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。the oldest number of Chinese OR the Chinese oldest number点击展开...
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?08老师,学习了点击展开...看了我贴在生活百事里的重要预告了吗?美国宇航局NASA网站上有专门为学生写的文章。http://www.nasa.gov
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?看了我贴在生活百事里的重要预告了吗?美国宇航局NASA网站上有专门为学生写的文章。http://www.nasa.gov点击展开...谢谢,
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?作为中华老字号的标签或logo,Chinese Time-honored Brands (CTHB)嫌长了一点,改为Chinese Renowned Brands (CRB) 如何?
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?作为中华老字号的昵┗蜢ogo,Chinese Time-honored Brands (CTHB)嫌长了一点,改为Chinese Renowned Brands (CRB) 如何?点击展开...不是老字号。新字号也可以Renowned
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?不是老字号。新字号也可以Renowned点击展开...
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?一起飞.
回复: 中华老字号怎样翻译?学习一下
06年6月6日 EMS HK 0608 HK签收 0615 划款 0905 FN(无补料),VO:ISK 09年7月20日 确认信 10年3月15日,HK发ME,0327,收ME 0410 ME, 0418 EMS补料 0419 HK签收 0503 HK扣款 1102 MER 1230 HK寄出PL(丢失) 11年0208 补电子PL 0211 EMS护照 0214 HK签收 0222 贴签 0223 挂号信寄出 0301 DM 0307 毕业不是老字号。新字号也可以Renowned点击展开...cool
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