加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息这样的题目应该怎么写?


刚看到这段话: " 一些人认为公司应当雇用年轻、有朝气和创造力的职员,而另一些人认为应当雇用有资历、有经验的老职员,你同意哪一种观点? 针对这一题目,有一个考生写道:   在雇用职员时常常会发生争论,有人认为应雇用年轻、有朝气和创造力的职员,而另外一些人觉得要雇用年龄大、资历老且有经验的职员。赞成雇用年轻职员的人通常会列举这样的理由:……,而赞成雇用年老职员的人会说:……,假如我是一个广告公司的经理,就我的实际情况而言,在雇用策划人员时,我会选择年轻职员,因为…,而在管理阶层,我会选择一些有经验的老职员……。这篇作文在实际IELTS考试中的得分是6分。" 不明白这段话为什么只得了6分,这么写思路不好吗?哪位veteran能分析一下啊?应该怎么写才能的高分?谢谢!!!

回复: 这样的题目应该怎么写?Perhaps it's not the viewpoint that matters. A higher-graded ielts writing consists of not only an unambiguous attitude, but also a way of the thesis statement, which expresses the central idea that controls and limits what the essay will cover, plus correctness and delicacy of using the grammatical structures. You can hardly score more than 6 if followed certain formulas given by the ielts instructors, from my own perspective, only when you seek to break through what most test takers will do and then drive both your thoughts and words relatively freely, can you make it to the professional level, seven or more. Don't you agree?

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- MontrealPerhaps it's not the viewpoint that matters. A higher-graded ielts writing consists of not only an unambiguous attitude, but also a way of the thesis statement, which expresses the central idea that controls and limits what the essay will cover, plus correctness and delicacy of using the grammatical structures. You can hardly score more than 6 if followed certain formulas given by the ielts instructors, from my own perspective, only when you seek to break through what most test takers will do and then drive both your thoughts and words relatively freely, can you make it to the professional level, seven or more. Don't you agree?点击展开...Thank you very much for your kindly response!yes, I definitely agree with you. Perhaps the unambiguous attitude breaks the high score of this composition. But I think the initial thought of the author is to complete an excellent task. As we have seen, the essay's structure is deliberate. Perhaps the examinee should emphasis his or her opinion on one side, although their opinion sound reasonable. In contrast, the traditional method including agree or disagree about the viewpoint seems a little bit plain. Nevertheless, it seems that only in this uncomplicated way could I score more. By the way, I appreciate your sentences. But can I ask you a couple of questions in terms of your sentences? #1 it is not the viewpoint that matter.#2 .....if followed.... I can't understand these two sentences, and neither can I find out their true meaning in the dictionary. would you like to illustrate? and what dictionaries do you use?

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