Please Note: Candidates considered for interviews, will be required to submit verificaiton of A+ Certification before interview will be arranged, 刚才看到一个帖子说她老公第一次投简历就找到工作,在monster.ca/网站,我搜了一下我感兴趣的,怎么要这个,什么是A+ Certification ,这个是什么认证啊?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?电脑修理方面的证书
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?没什么用的。
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?没什么用的。点击展开...哦,谢谢,知道一些证书没用,但是这个工作要求哦。知道怎么取得,周期和费用么?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?哦,不需要,说是要毕业证书,或者有这个维护的certificate Three year diploma or degree from a recognized post secondary institution, in Information Technology or related discipline plus A+ Certification.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?去futureshop卖电脑需要这个认证好像。
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?onestory也是IT么?
[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?电脑维修方面的认证,大约是相当于1年电脑公司打工攒机器的水平,考试大概100刀吧。
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!哦,不需要,说是要毕业证书,或者有这个维护的certificate Three year diploma or degree from a recognized post secondary institution, in Information Technology or related discipline plus A+ Certification.点击展开... 帮我看看那句话,是什么意思,是有学位就不需要A+了,还是学位和A+都需要啊?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?这句话是容易产生歧义,不过你上面引用的第一句话已经说得很清楚了,面试之前是需要提交A+证书的~
[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT] 赏

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?http://www.comptia.org/computer technician 机会蛮多的。
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?http://www.computer-certification-training.com/CompTIA/aplus/Taking_the_A__Test_/taking_the_a__test_.htmlCompTIA A+ Certification ExamPlease arrive at the testing center at least 15 minutes before the test is scheduled to begin. The administrator of the testing center can demonstrate how to use the computer-based testing system before the actual test begins. Two forms of identification must be presented to the test center administrator. One form should be a photo ID, such as a valid driver's license. The other can be a major credit card, or a passport. Please be aware that both forms of identification must have a signature. Books, calculators, laptop computers, or other reference materials are not allowed during the test. Because the test is computer-based, pens, pencils, or paper will not be needed. It is CompTIA's policy to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. After the A+ Test As soon as you finish the test, you receive the final score. You will see the results immediately on the computer screen. In addition, a hard copy of the score report is provided at the testing center. The score report shows whether or not you passed the certification. It will also show all objectives related to every item not answered correctly. It can be used to verify your certification until your certificate arrives. If you pass the examination, a certificate will be mailed to you within 4 to 6 weeks. Should you not receive your A+ certificate and information packet within 6 weeks of passing your exam, please contact CompTIA. A+ PrerequisitesAlthough no specific requirements are necessary, you will find it helpful to have an understanding of Windows Operating System (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP) as a general user and a basic understanding of the inside of the computer. Take our Practice Exam to see if you have the necessary skills for A+ Certification Training. Test your skills Before you take any A+ certification tests, see how your skills measure up with our practice testA+ Certification Testing InformationAll testing is administered through Prometrics?敬 (US and Canada 1-800-776-4276) and Vue.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?Although no specific requirements are necessary, you will find it helpful to have an understanding of Windows Operating System (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP) as a general user and a basic understanding of the inside of the computer. Take this Practice Test to see if you have the necessary skills for A+ Certification Training. DirectionsOn a sheet of paper, write the numbers 1-20 going down the length of the page. Write your answer to each of the following questions by its corresponding number:1. What type of Protocol is used to contact a WWW Server?A. HTTPB. FTPC. GopherD. SLIP 2. What device converts AC to DC, provides cooling and provides DC power to peripheral devices and motherboard?A. CPUB. Power SupplyC. FanD. Modem 3. What capacities are associated with 3.5" floppy drives?(Select two answers)A. 360KB B. 720 KBC. 1.2MBD. 1.44 MBE. 2.44 MB 4. Printers normally connect to a ________ port.A. SerialB. SCSIC. ParallelD. IDE 5. A Microprocessor's speed is rated in________.A. GigabytesB. MegahertzC. MillisecondsD. Nanoseconds 6. What is another name for microprocessor?A. Math co-processorB. ChassisC. CPUD. Synchronous multiprocessor 7. Which of the following is not a common type of hard drive? (Select all that apply)A. IDEB. SCSIC. ECPD. TCP/IP 8. What command is used to partition the hard drive?A. FDiskB. FormatC. PartD. Divide 9. What are directories called in Windows 95?A. FoldersB. FilesC. ExecutableD. Sectors 10. Which is not a filing system used by a Windows Operating System?A. FAT16 B. FAT32C. NTFSD. WindowsFAT 11. What does ISP stand for?A. Internet Standard ProtocolB. Internet Service ProtocolC. Internet Service ProviderD. Improved System Performance 12. The term associated with transferring messages across the Internet is known as ______________________. (Select the best answer)A. FTPB. E-mailC. HTTPD. HTML 13. To prevent overheating, a heat sink and a cooling fan are mounted on the CPU? True or False 14. In order for Plug and Play to work, both the computer and device must support it. True or False 15. Zipped files can be opened by any program on your computer?True or False 16.When a program does not respond, you need to press Ctrl(+)Alt(+) Del once for the computer to reboot? True or False 17. Files you delete from a floppy drive or a network drive go into the Recyle Bin until you permantely delete them? True or False 18. When you create a new folder, you can change the defaults folder's name?True or False 19. DVD uses a compact disk to store audio, video and computer data, but is faster and has much greater capacity than CD-ROM? True or False 20. Which best explains Virtual Memory?A. Uses hard disk space in place of physical RAM B. Stores information when the computer's power is turned offC. Provides alot of low cost memoryD. The type of memory used in most video games
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?A. - Web Servers are typically accessed using HTTP. B. - Power Supply B & D C B C C & D A A D C B True True False False - It is necessary to press Ctrl(+)Alt(+)Del twice to re-boot False - They are automatically deleted. True True A15-20 correct answers: You are qualified for A+ Training Certification1-14 correct answers: We highly recommend taking our free PC Fundamentals Course (Free with purchase of our A+ Online Class) before starting your A+ training.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?也太贵了吧,一个计算机基础的考试,那破问题竟然要163 us dollarCertification Name Non Member Pricing CompTIA A+ $163.00
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?http://www.onlineexpert.com/elearning/user/training.phpA+ = 基础计算机知识 + communication skills
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?Importance of Communication Skills Being a Powerful Communicator Improved Quality, Reduced CostsCommunications Theory Communication Formulas Communication Process Three Perceived Elements Tone of Voice Body Language Environment Communication RolesListening Skills Hindrances of Listening Effective Listening Seven Distractions Five Listening LevelsEffective Listening Techniques Empathy Listening Seek Synergy Five Steps of Listening Asking Questions Customer Service PrinciplesTranslating Your Knowledge Comparison Method Contrast Method Construction Method Combination Method Things to RememberBuilding Rapport Three Rapport Elements Use Their Names Discover Their Interests Let Them Talk Pacing Match Conversational Modalities
回复: A+ Certification 是个认证么?CompTIA A+ Essentials 220-601:Question 1(corresponding objective 1.2)Which of the following is the local user with the MOST authority on a computer running Windows XP?A. BCM userB. Power userC. Network Configuration OperatorD. AdministratorQuestion 2(corresponding objective 2.2)Which of the following modes will provide retrieval of a previous computing session with the least amount of boot-up time?A. ShutdownB. HibernateC. StandbyD. RestartQuestion 3(corresponding objective 2.3)Which of the following will happen when a user plugs a third-party adapter which outputs alternating current (AC) directly into a laptop?A. The laptop will start in Safe Mode.B. The laptop will start, however it will not charge the battery.C. The laptop processor will be overclocked.D. The laptop components will be damaged.Question 4(corresponding objective 3.1)Which of the following is a way to identify which Windows operating system is currently installed?A. Click on Start > Run and type version/infoB. Click on Start > Run and type version info/detailC. Right click My Computer > ManageD. Right click My Computer > PropertiesQuestion 5(corresponding objective 3.2)In Windows XP, which of the following utilities is used to partition the disk?A. Disk ManagementB. System Configuration UtilityC. Registry EditorD. Device ManagerQuestion 6(corresponding objective 4.2)An older printer is connected to a computer using a parallel port. Which of the following connectors is MOST likely used on the computer's parallel port?A. DB-50 connectorB. DB-25 pin connectorC. DB-9 pin connectorD. DB-37 connectorQuestion 7(corresponding objective 5.1)Which of the following IP classes is the IP address an example of?A. Class CB. Class AC. Class BD. Class DQuestion 8(corresponding objective 5.2)The standard connector used for an UTP Ethernet connection is:A. DB-9.B. RJ-45.C. BNC.D. RJ-11.Question 9(corresponding objective 8.1)A user reports that the computer keeps freezing. Which of the following information should the technician obtain FIRST?A. The model number of the user's computerB. Windows Error Reporting LogC. The type of machine, whether it is a laptop or a desktopD. What the user was doing when the problem occurredQuestion 10(corresponding objective 8.1)A user reports an issue that does not occur while the technician is onsite. Which of the following actions should the technician perform while troubleshooting this issue with the user?A. Ask the user which web sites they have been viewing.B. Tell the user that the problem is usually related to user training.C. Ask the user a series of questions designed to narrow the scope of the problem.D. Tell the user that the technician will solve the problem quickly.
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