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请教各位前辈:我申请康大09年冬季研究生,通知我没被录取,但说我可以以独立研究生的身份注册冬季课程,然后以后再申请.独立研究生和一般研究生有什么区别?待遇有什么不同?如果上完还没被录取怎么办? 非常感谢!!!

回复: 申请康大研究生请教各位前辈:我申请康大09年冬季研究生,通知我没被录取,但说我可以以独立研究生的身份注册冬季课程,然后以后再申请.独立研究生和一般研究生有什么区别?待遇有什么不同?如果上完还没被录取怎么办? 非常感谢!!!点击展开...Graduate independent studentsA Graduate Independent student is a student who enrolls in a graduate course without enrolling in a graduate degree or certificate program. Only those who meet the minimum requirements for admission to the graduate program will be considered as Graduate Independent students. Independent students are permitted to register for a maximum of 6 courses, but no more than 12 credits will be considered for transfer should an Independent student subsequently be admitted to the M.Eng. program. A maximum of 9 credits may be transferred to the M.A.Sc. program. Registration for independent students takes place only after the scheduled registration dates of regular students, and is subject to: Availability of places in the classHaving the required pre-requisite courses or equivalent.[edit]Registration of independent studentsCurrent independent students can proceed to step 4 below. Bring original proof of undergraduate Engineering, or equivalent degree, any record of previous graduate courses completed, original proof of citizenship or landed immigrant status and birth certificate to Student Academic Services, EV 002-401.Complete the Graduate Authorization to Register Form at the Student Academic Services Office. This authorization does not guarantee entry into courses.Present original documents (degree, citizenship or permanent residency status, etc.) to representatives of the School of Graduate Studies at the Birks Student Service Centre, LB 185, and obtain a Concordia I.D. number.Select your courses, complete the Registration Form at EV-6-139, and submit the form to the Graduate Program Advisor for approval by the Graduate Program Director.Course offering: Class schedule and ENCS Course list.Course descriptions: Engineering coursesBring a copy of the approved Registration Form and Authorization to Register Form to Student Academic Services, EV-002-401 for registration. Students requiring further information concerning Graduate Independent studies should contact Student Academic Services at 848-2424 Ext. 4035 or Ext. 5841. [edit]如果上完还没被录取怎么办?--证明你能力差,不是读书的料.退学或工作,但别跳桥.

回复: 申请康大研究生谢谢布什他哥的详细解答!太及时了!

回复: 申请康大研究生谢谢布什他哥的详细解答!太及时了!点击展开...不谢。是康大网站上的。我就是根据你讲的google了一下。要学会自己找。否则你是找不到工作的。

回复: 申请康大研究生谢谢指点,我会继续努力的。

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