加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息出国后如何撰写学术论文 作者: 韦晓亮


2009-01-22 20:43:07 作者: 韦晓亮 来源: 新东方​  越来越多的同学问到关于英文学术论文的写作,因为大部分同学出国都是接受更好的学术教育,尤其我的GRE班的学生大部分都是要去美国做研究,因此学术论文的写作我们需要从现在开始重视,今天先和大家分享一个关于美国教授是如何评定一个合理的学术论文的机构和文章组织的,以及各个部分的功能的介绍,接下来,我再给所有同学去整理出一个写英文学术论文,我们的英文表达应该如何提高。  There are certain conventions specific to certain disciplines. However, these structures are not imposed on a piece of work. There are logical reasons why there is a conventional way of structuring the thesis, which is after all the account of what you've achieved through your research. Research is of course not conducted in the step-by-step way this structure suggests, but it gives the reader the most accessible way of seeing why this research was done, how it was done and, most importantly, what has been achieved. If you put side by side all the questions you had to answer to finish your research and what is often proposed as a typical structure of a thesis, then you see the logic of the arrangement. That does not mean, however, that you have to name your chapters in this way. In some disciplines, it very often is like this; in others, this structure is implied. For example, in many science theses, the following basically is the structure; in many humanities theses, the final structure looks very different, although all of these questions are answered one way or another.    Why am I doing it?​IntroductionSignificance​What is known?What is unknown?​Review of researchIdentifying gaps​What do I hope to discover?Aims How am I going to discover it?Methodology What have I found?Results What does it mean?Discussion So what? What are the possible applications or recommendations?What contribution does it make to knowledge? What next?​Conclusions​   Occasionally a thesis is written which does not in any way comply with this structure. Generally the reasons you want to have a recognised, transparent structure are that, to some extent, it is expected and the conventional structure allows readers ready access to the information. If, however, you want to publish a book based on the thesis, it is likely the structure would need to be altered for the different genre and audience.[

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