加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息本公司 , 软件公司 , 洋人公司, 招聘 senior
5 or more years of software development experience in J2EE and Agile environmentDegree in Computer Science, Engineering or related Experience with Java script, HTML, CSS and AJAXProficient in Java /J2EE web application development (JSP, Servlets, Spring, etc.) Experience with:building large-scale software applications in a team environment at least one of the following databases: Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and/or MySQLat least one of the following Java application server; Tomcat, BEA Weblogic, IBM WebSphere, MVC, and/or JBosstest driven development at least one version control systemEclipse RCP / SWT (or Java Swing, AWT) Design patterns Excellent communications skills and experience interfacing and communicating directly with clients You may have the opportunity to work with the following technologies: VelocityEJB or another Object/Relational mapping framework Ant / MavenWeb Services developmentExperience with XML transformation Implementation of ecommerce applications Experience integrating ERP systems such as accounting, inventory, supply chain management and other business applications
回复: 本公司 , 软件公司 , 洋人公司, 招聘 senior / immediate Java developer 若干名如有兴趣的朋友请发resume 给我公司在温哥华 downtown
回复: 本公司 , 软件公司 , 洋人公司, 招聘 senior / immediate Java developer 若干名如有兴趣的朋友请发resume 给我公司在温哥华 downtown点击展开...小声问句,我还在国内,可以考虑么?
➷ ➸➵ ➹回复: 本公司 , 软件公司 , 洋人公司, 招聘 senior / immediate Java developer 若干名哦
回复: 本公司 , 软件公司 , 洋人公司, 招聘 senior / immediate Java developer 若干名帮顶,不过我已经改行学php了。
太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。如有兴趣的朋友请发resume 给我 公司在温哥华 downtown点击展开... 为什么不写公司的名称和网站 ? 是不是真的 ?
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