About millennium scholarship千禧奖学金?I want to apply for this scholarship, but in the application form, i m asked to write about being a leader, my attribution, and so on. also, a recommendation letter is needed. Anybody who succeeded in application before, pl give me some cues!!!
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: About millennium scholarship?last time I don't have enough credit to apply...have you done some volunteer job (especially the volunteer job requiring your leadership skills) B4?

以佛修心,以道做人。回复: About millennium scholarship?我刚看到一个信息说这个foundation在2010年元月期满,政府不再renew了。
2008年7月30号登陆多伦多Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.我刚看到一个信息说这个foundation在2010年元月期满,政府不再renew了。点击展开...是这样的,LZ可以看看官网http://www.millenniumscholarships.ca/en/index.asp In its 2008 budget, the Government of Canada declared its intention not to renew the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation after its initial mandate is complete. As a result, the Foundation’s ability to make awards to students will expire in January 2010. This announcement does not change the status of the Foundation. It merely confirms that the Foundation will not continue to operate beyond the period originally provided for in the legislation that established it in 1998.
Scientific American回复: About millennium scholarship?我申请2008-2009的,就差什么leader的东西了,5555555555
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: About millennium scholarship?怎么没人知道呢?以前看过有人发帖说这个奖的,非得参加什么活动,当leader才能申请么?
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: About millennium scholarship?一看楼主就是个糊涂蛋,millennium scholarship,这个叫奖学金sholarship,奖学金是给top students 的,你申请奖学金当然费劲了。 一般人申请的那个是millenium bursary (grant) 叫助学金,是根据你的经济状况给的。亏楼主还是学英语出身的。
回复: About millennium scholarship?一看楼主就是个糊涂蛋,millennium scholarship,这个叫奖学金sholarship,奖学金是给top students 的,你申请奖学金当然费劲了。 一般人申请的那个是millenium bursary (grant) 叫助学金,是根据你的经济状况给的。亏楼主还是学英语出身的。点击展开...人身攻击??? 你怎么知道我不是top students呢?奖学金也要自己申请,知道么!
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