加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大大学要GPA成绩,求助!!!
回复: 加拿大大学要GPA成绩,求助!!!加拿大大学邮件回复是这样的: A complete school profile from Nanhua College of Industry & Commerce(China) which includes confirmation of your school's accreditation and information on grade distribution. The document must be submitted by the indicated deadline to avoid the cancellation of your file. Important Note: DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Transcripts are considered official if they have been sent directly to the Undergraduate Admissions Application Centre by the institution or examining board concerned. If your records are in a language other than English or French, please arrange for the submission of a certified translation in either English or French in addition to the official transcript in the original language. If you have original documents, you may submit photocopies for a preliminary assessment. 麻烦帮我看看,到底还需要些什么东西?谢谢!(之前已寄以前大学成绩单中英文版并盖教务处的章,而且信封封口地方也盖了教务处的章。学历复印件也一起给了加拿大大学,不过一点是,大学成绩单和学历都是复印件,应该没问题的,因为原件给了学校,自己就没了。)
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